

  • Yes defo, all in the name of health and fitness, just for a before and after comparison.
  • I know nothing about excess / lack of / and effects of different sugars on my body but one thing for sure.... The topic of sugar really gets the MFP community worked up into a hyperactive frenzy and brings out the worst and best in people.
  • No breakfast for me until after the gym in the morning,
  • Yes, you fell into your own trap of not checking the facts. Read a little more about the Irish Molybdenum famine and you will find: "The usage of the word "famine" is a misnomer. Although the potato crop failed, the country was still producing and exporting more than enough grain crops to feed the population. Records show…
  • To answer a direct question directly: The vast majority of people on this site are not a bigot. No more needs to be said. It's not hard to find such people on the internet even though they are a minority. You should learn however from the sensible internet users that know how to spend their reading time efficiently and…
  • I understand, Mon to Fri I'm a slave to work from 6.30am-7.30pm including travelling time, but I squeeze as much exercise as I can in that time. Can you use a bike for your travelling? I commute part way to work on my bike to add some exercise, in fact 40-50 mins per day on my bike. Walk at lunch time, I walk for 15 min…
  • Yes, honey is definitely better for spreading on bread or toast. Sugar has a much lower retention index. It tends to roll off the bread and doesn't spread as evenly. Also honey leaves a substantial residue on the knife / spoon or whatever you are using so it save calories that way, along with the amounts that are lost…
  • Yes, when I found an exercise I enjoyed. I dislike running, love walking. Hate the elliptical but I'm addicted to the rower. I particularly like outdoor exercise with no gym, cycling is my number one passion but it needs to be outdoors. I also vary my exercise routines. Weights are my current passion. It shouldn't get…
  • As per all the posts above, there are variations and exceptions, but to get the theoretically higher calorie burns you need to be involving as many muscles as possible and certainly your biggest muscles like quads in the exercise to give more opportunity for the calories to burn. I think rowing gives the best bang for buck…
  • I still like cardio even though I have recently discovered the benefits of weights and strength training. I think both together compliment each other. I like to eat lots of food and cardio is the quickest way of giving myself some extra calories to eat, good as a warm up for weights. I don't like being on the same machine…
  • Thanks, bump for downloading later. cheers
  • Down to 84kg by Christmas will be great, that's another 5kg off my current weight. I'm expecting a few heavy weeks of food and beer during the coming months.
  • Very amusing thread(s). Maria's caption is cleverly worded, the haters fall for it hook, line and sinker by interpreting the question in a way that suits their own needs to show hatred. The clever bit is not defining the exactly what she is asking you to excuse. Is Maria asking you to excuse yourself for: 1. Not being…
  • I have created custom strength exercises on the MFP app and just record with those. It remember last set/rep/weight so you can recall what you did and decide whether to work up a notch or do the same. Takes seconds to log as they are all in my recent items list.
  • 576km / 356 mile of cycling completed for September!
  • I was a very heavy coffee drinker for about 20 yrs, had around 12+ cups per day. Made me intolerant to caffeine eventually so I gave it up about 2 years ago. I felt like crap for 2 weeks, comparable to giving up cigs, constipated, couldn't concentrate, allsorts, but well worth it in the end.
  • Double bump, brilliant, MFP could learn a thing or two from your analysis and provide some of those feature on it's website.
  • Like it, bumped for future reference, thanks wolfman
  • I use USN brand regularly and can recommend. I use both the plain whey and the Hardcore one which includes extras such as creatine and Magnesium / Zinc Had problems with the Holland & Barratt brand going straight through me, filled my cycling lycras once.
  • People who support through constructive comments, and have the balls to give some criticism if I'm not doing so well. I need more than just a 'well done' or 'way to go' for completing my diary, anybody can do that, I need advice about my diet, smoking and exercise tips. So far my MFP friends have provided really useful…
  • I'm going to [continue to] stay off cigs and alcohol for October. I started my MFP journey 28 days ago, and those were my two biggest problems. I've totally quit them and intend to stay of throughout October as well. I do agree with some earlier posts though, it's not about abstaining or going without because that is…
  • ^^This I add my Chocolate flavour Whey and mix for an ultra thick chocolatey dessert, yum.
  • It's early days for me but I'd say that weight can be controlled after quitting. I have smoked 20 a day for 20 years. I have now been free of the cigs for 27 days and I have lost approx 3.5 kg in that time. I started the calorie counting on the day I quit the cigs. I will say that food has been more difficult, I do feel…
  • Wow, went out today, it was just 65F or 18C in England and thought it was pleasantly warm and continued to cycle through to nightfall in Lycra shorts and t-shirt without feeling cold, I guess it's what you are used to. Anyway, never experience it at 65F but certainly when it drops below that. I spend the winter cycling at…
  • Yes, I eat most of mine back, except the last two days, I have physically struggled to eat them back, resorted to 1000 cals of cheese cake to try to make up the gap. I'm set to lose 1kg per week and I really don't want to lose any faster than that.
  • Nowt to do with calorie burn, because I don't think it is significant but would it be better to split the 30 mins into three 10 min sessions with a cold dip or shower in-between? I'm told that is one of the traditional ways to use a sauna.
  • I know a doctor that smokes as well. It can get anybody addicted. All smokers know it is bad for them, not just nurses.
  • 1. Don't compare with others at the gym, always someone who can do ten times more, and always someone who can do ten times less. It doesn't motivate me to see that so I concentrate on my own goals. 2. Do some cardio to warm up before weights, I try to do 10-20 mins of it to get sweaty and warm and I seem to perform better…
  • Any claim about food, diet and exercise can be shown to be true. It just depends on who is paying for the research.
  • Belgium deemed Herbalife an illegal pyramid scheme. Whether it works for weight loss or not, it shows an unethical background to the company. The founder of the company died young from the effects of drugs. Unsure again as to what that means but in my opinion shows the company was not founded on solid health grounds. What…