In your opinion, what makes a person a good my fitness pal?



  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    I only comment when there is something worth commenting about. I mean, how many times do you want to comment just because someone came in under their calorie goal? That just becomes redundant. A cheer is deserved if someone loses weight, or has an unusually high calorie burn. I do enjoy the occasional post about something special that happened that day.

    I agree
    It is pretty redundant to comment on every single thing lol
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm just curious to what people have to say because what one person believes is support another may feel dif.
    It's nice to have friends who reciprocate. There are some people who constantly post about themselves in equisite detail but do little to support anyone else.
  • tallmansix
    People who support through constructive comments, and have the balls to give some criticism if I'm not doing so well. I need more than just a 'well done' or 'way to go' for completing my diary, anybody can do that, I need advice about my diet, smoking and exercise tips.

    So far my MFP friends have provided really useful advice about quitting smoking. I'm now looking for advice about diet and fitness, in particular ways to improve my diet, what to cut out and how to improve my strength and fitness training.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I like people who are inspirational and close to my age. Also, people who routinely comment on my status updates.

    To me, the most important part of this web site is knowing that people are watching.
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    For me...the ideal fitness pal is someone who is ACTIVE on mfp, encouraging, FUN with a great sense of humor and also serious about meeting their goals and helping others meet theirs.

    Same here.
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    I like when people post more than just completed diary and finished cardio. I like to see what people think about today, what their challenges are, share inspirational sayings, etc. And I like when someone says something personal back when I post something. I don´t connect with those who just day after day write wtg and good job.
    THIS^^^^^^ I like to connect with my pals because this journey is so personal and I am finding that I am more vulnerable than I have ever been in my entire life. My emotions are open and fragile right now and since I can no longer eat them away I find that I actually depend on the support from my pals. (TOTALLY NEW AND WEIRD FEELING FOR ME!!!!) :embarassed: :ohwell:
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    I'm just curious to what people have to say because what one person believes is support another may feel dif.
    It's nice to have friends who reciprocate. There are some people who constantly post about themselves in equisite detail but do little to support anyone else.

    OMG! That is so true!
  • luqman91
    luqman91 Posts: 5 Member
    An ideal MFP, is someone who tracks their caloric intake and has a serious goal. They are driven more by internal forces rather than external. They encourage others and show enthusiasm when its needed. Also they are actually making progress and tweaking it if need be.
  • jacqueline9494
    jacqueline9494 Posts: 2 Member
    It is different for us all.. I just started to get interactive and have been on and off this site for a while. I believe we need to be open minded as to what we read. we may get feed back that sounds harsh, however, if we knew that person and their voice it may come across so differently in person. Most people here may be feeling insecure and maybe a little on the defense, I would think that is normal and acceptable. I have good days and bad days. Strong days and week.. I start and stop.. Some people have way more willpower and I have to say, I wish I was more like that. Some may have less and I hope I can encourage them.. I say let's do our best for who we are and not get to down on ourselves at any point or be offended by anyone.. At the end of the day it is yours/my journey to health and a better life.. Let's not be strayed so far that we lose sight on what matters most.. my boyfriend knows I love junk food. He said to me "it is not like you will remember the flavor an hour after you eat it." Not really what I wanted to hear as I was on a binge and feeling a little deserving of it at the time. Later when I settled down, I realized he was right. Now that thought actually is helping me with fighting my cravings. I still go for it, however, I take less and try to make it last a longer time and drink a ton of water as I am enjoying it. May not be perfect, but small adjustment in my life may lead to better food habits later. If\if not I will make new adjustments as needed.