Does exercise ever get fun?

I have been working out for a week now- and I'm doing it but not liking it. I know I need to do it for my health and for weigh loss- but my question to everyone is:

Did you ever start liking exercise?
How long before it got "easier"?
What keeps you going back to the gym for more?


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    If you do something you want to do, exercise is usually fun. I love lifting - therefore I lift. I love swimming - therefore I swim, etc. I hate running and elliptical machines so I don't do those.

    Rule #1 - Find something you enjoy. You don't have to be excited about it, but find something that you won't quit.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    If you do something you want to do, exercise is usually fun. I love lifting - therefore I lift. I love swimming - therefore I swim, etc. I hate running and elliptical machines so I don't do those.

    Rule #1 - Find something you enjoy. You don't have to be excited about it, but find something that you won't quit.

    ^^ yep, this

    Find something you like to do, that you can challenge yourself at and get better at and you will enjoy it!
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    Exercise became an addiction for me, but first I had to find something I loved. I tried zumba and a few other things and wasn't impressed so I kept trying different things until I came to running and I fell in love. From there, I couldn't stop! Then I started on strength and fell in love with that too. It's important you try different things until you find something you really enjoy. From there its much easier to enjoy any exercise just because you are doing it.

    Btw Rebecca is a great name (its mine too) ;-)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing?

    You have to find something that you enjoy doing. It's going to make long term adherence more likely if you do.
  • mel4bee
    mel4bee Posts: 225 Member
    I agree with the others... you have to find something you love.

    I hate running, I tried but I really hated it so I switched to circuit training, dance, aerobics and fast walks.

    Now I love it and it is now a passion and getting a bit easier since i'm in better shape.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you do something you want to do, exercise is usually fun. I love lifting - therefore I lift. I love swimming - therefore I swim, etc. I hate running and elliptical machines so I don't do those.

    Rule #1 - Find something you enjoy. You don't have to be excited about it, but find something that you won't quit.

    This ^^

    It still may not always be fun. You'll have days when it's a chore, but if it's something you enjoy, most days should be pretty easy.

    I have to mix my exercise up to keep it fun, as I get bored after a while. So, I do a variety of things - Zumba, Turbo Fire, weights, body weight exercises, hiking, biking, jump rope, exercise video games, running ...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Exercise is fun when it has a purpose and you enjoy training for that purpose. I couldn't imagine droning away endlessly on some elliptical or doing some dvd workout...but I love lifting weight, so I hit up the weight room 3x weekly...I love hitting the road or trail on my bike...that is my primary cardio...I enjoy running and swimming, so I do those as well.

    In need to find something you enjoy doing. I'd also advise finding some other purpose for exercise beyond the fact that you just feel that you have to do it or for weight loss, etc. Really, exercise simply for the sake of exercise usually doesn't last too long.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    You have to try different things until to find what you like to do. I like to lift and run. So I lift and I run. I don't like cardio machines, or classes like Zumba, so I don't do that.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    As others have said, you need to find something you like! There was an article recently in the huffington post about finding the right exercise for your personality...

    Edited to add: Someone else mentioned finding an exercise with a "purpose" other than weight loss. This was actually key for me. When I first joined a gym years ago, it was purely for weight loss. I went every single day, lost about 20 pounds, got bored, stopped going, put on 40 pounds. (This was before MFP and I wasn't counting calories.) A few years ago, I started getting terrible anxiety. I noticed that on days when I exercised, my anxiety wasn't as bad. THAT is what started my love of exercise - I hated feeling anxious, and it helped. So I continued. Weight loss was added plus. Eventually I discovered that I love spin classes and group weight lifting classes. So I do those. There's no way I would get out of bed at 5am if I didn't love doing them. So...try lots of different activities until you find something that makes you want to get out of bed at 5am!! (Or something along those lines!)
  • kattybatty27
    I would much rather walk outside than at the gym. I love the change of scenery and fresh air. Also, the right soundtrack makes exercising so much easier for me. Keep it up - you'll love the results.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    a week....
    well you probably havent seen much in the way of results yet.

    reason i say that is because once i started seeing and feeling the difference, the fun meter started rising...
    and now im just in love with it and my fun meter is full engorged!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I agree, find something you like. For me it's more about finding something I tolerate though. The only thing I kinda like is walking, but because I can think or listen to music or whatever at the same time, and running is not my thing. I lift weights but I can't say I enjoy it much, I just do it because I have to.
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    I have been working out for a week now- and I'm doing it but not liking it. I know I need to do it for my health and for weigh loss- but my question to everyone is:

    Did you ever start liking exercise?
    How long before it got "easier"?
    What keeps you going back to the gym for more?

    Nope, I hate it
    It never gets easier, because I try and keep the intensity going
    I'm very goal oriented and I know that exercise will help me meet certain health & fitness goals
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    I have fun improving. I don't especially enjoy running, but when I see my distance and pace improve it excites me to do more. In that sense, I find that it gets more fun and I see what more I can accomplish.
  • Spartan_1_1_7
    Spartan_1_1_7 Posts: 132 Member
    What a lot of people here already said. Easiest way to start - find a sport you think you would enjoy playing and start playing . Go from there . Good luck !!
  • tallmansix
    Did you ever start liking exercise?
    Yes, when I found an exercise I enjoyed. I dislike running, love walking. Hate the elliptical but I'm addicted to the rower. I particularly like outdoor exercise with no gym, cycling is my number one passion but it needs to be outdoors. I also vary my exercise routines. Weights are my current passion.
    How long before it got "easier"?
    It shouldn't get easier, you get faster and stronger.
    What keeps you going back to the gym for more?
    Results. I can see the difference in my times on the rower. I feel stronger and look more defined in the mirror from doing weights.
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Well, i love exercise! But not all exercise....Not running - hard on my knees and - well - i am just not good at it. Gave that up many years ago. But found cycling. Totally different. I am good at cycling. And it is good for weight loss. So this works. I am competitive too and am always trying to go faster - again good for weight loss. It has been so important in my weight loss journey. Because of cycling - i can eat more and lose weight.

    But cycling on a machine indoors? NO. That would not be sustainable for me.
    So like all others have said - you need to find something tolerable to you and who knows - when you start seeing results - it may go from tolerable to "like" to - gee i really like doing this!
  • jlederman71
    jlederman71 Posts: 47 Member
    I could not stand to exercise.. now I do a different class 4 days a week. It keeps me accountable, met some people, and keep up my intensity because the attitude in the classes are fantastic.. cardio dance Mon, Zumba Tues, Insanity Wed, Turbo kick Thurs.... but I agree.. you have to find something to fit your personality. I hated the mundane treadmill and eliptical.. an hour seemed like forever... in class.. it goes by so fast!
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    Yep, you are getting good advice here, find something you like and you will stick with it when you find it fun. Good luck.