Siansonea Member


  • Your math is wrong somewhere. Fix your math. Lose weight.
  • Guys, the OP doesn't want advice, she just wants "sympathy" or pity or something. She's obviously got a skewed idea of what is needed in order to lose weight, and she's enjoying the "poor pitiful me" drama. If she wanted to lose weight, she would, by doing the one thing that is proven to work: Stay under a certain calorie…
  • This is why one ought to take the lowest number, and try that out for a week, and slowly increase the calories until the weight loss is at the desired rate. It's not complicated, but people want to have their hands held the whole time and want instant results. If people would just do what they're supposed to, and do it…
  • It's not complicated. Eat less. Period. That's all you have to do.
  • Cue violins. :sad: :brokenheart:
  • And this is why I didn't make tons of lifestyle changes when I decided to lose weight, I just cut calories and called it a day. You've built this whole identity around "weight loss", and now that you don't have any more weight to lose, you have to focus all that energy on "maintenance", which is a pretty achievable goal if…
  • That's a lot of needless anxiety. I imagine, like the rest of us, it took you awhile to lose weight, that it happened slowly. Well, gaining weight happens just as gradually. You have to eat a calorie surplus on a sustained basis to gain weight, a day or so of surplus here and there isn't going to suddenly pack on the…
  • I stopped logging. Ironically, I found that when I was very conscientious about logging, I continued to lose weight, and I realized that MFPs calorie goal for my maintenance was lower than necessary. I guess I'm more active than I think I am, or maybe I'm younger? :bigsmile: Anyway, I just decided I'd do the daily…
  • What you're describing IS normal. As long as you don't do it every day, a total bloatfest every once in a while is good for the soul. As long as you spend the next day or so in a bit of a deficit, you shouldn't mess up your maintenance. I recently had a week of ungoverned eating when I was away on a business trip, and I…
  • Oh, that explains the corset craze of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Oh wait… I love dolls, and I also love my body. But maybe I'm just magically immune to self-hating body syndrome or whatever. :huh:
  • Ugh, I hate these threads. What exactly is a "detox" anyway? And how does one measure the efficacy of said detox? How does one measure the level of "toxins" (? arsenic? mercury? what?) in the first place? How does measure the level of toxins after the "detox"?
  • Tell your aunt you hate her and never want to see her again. Problem solved. :smokin:
  • So, if you lose "LBM", is it gone forever or something? People act like you're going to turn into a snack-sized Jabba the Hutt if you lost LBM (while also losing Fat Body Mass, but whatever). And why does a tinier, trimmer body need the same amount or more LBM as an overweight body? If you're carrying less of a load, why…
  • I think it's always a safe bet to have a "backup dress", in your largest size, for those post-holiday fêtes. Don't kill yourself to fit in a dress, just buy a different dress. No dress is worth all the aggravation of trying to make your body do something it just doesn't want to do on your timetable.
  • Any time you ask for advice on here, you'll get a ton of conflicting advice. But common sense should tell you that the simplest explanation, i.e. you're eating too many calories, is the most likely one. Occam's Razor, and all that. All the "eat more to lose weight" stuff is just broscience mixed with wishful thinking mixed…
  • Yeah, math fail. And yet, I see this advice all too often. Not losing weight? Eat more, move less! Riiiiight… :huh:
  • I just wanted something to track calories. Found MFP. Lost more weight that I originally even wanted to. Those calories are somethin' else, aren't they?
  • If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And if Random Person On The Internet says you're losing weight "wrong", well, take it with a grain of salt. Our bodies are remarkably resilient, especially when we're young, so don't be paranoid about the semi-mythical "starvation mode" that people finger-wag about on here. If you're eating…
  • Funny how people assume they're not losing weight because they're not eating enough. You're eating plenty, 1500 for a gal your height is probably a rather modest deficit. And since you are losing weight, albeit slowly, you can stick with that number. But I guarantee you if you INCREASE your calorie limit you will stop…
  • Gosh if people would all just eat more, no one would be overweight. :huh:
  • What about beverages? Those calories count too. In fact, if you're not losing weight, you know you're not counting calories properly, or you've set your calorie goal too high. And are there "cheat days" where you eat "normally"? Giving us a rundown of a "typical" day is not helpful. Daily, ACCURATE logging is the only way…
  • I just reset my goal to maintain, and started eating at that calorie limit. I think it's a bit low, eating at that level, I lost another pound, so now I eat slightly above that most days. Seems to have evened out. I still track everything, no reason to stop doing that now. In fact, it's probably more crucial. If my weight…
  • Starvation mode is a poorly understood concept. You know when you're in starvation mode when you have VERY low body fat percentage and you basically look like a bag of bones. If you're at a healthy weight, or overweight, you're not in starvation mode. You're just not. Because of the whole "not starving" thing.
  • I wouldn't stress over it. Did you gain weight? No? Then what's the problem? Did you gain weight? Yes? Do a deficit for a few days until your weight settles down again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Nothing to it.