

  • Metabolism 'catches up' because of the normal aging process. I was 20 and ate what I liked and weighed no more than 95 lbs. Then when I hit my midthirties, with the same amount of activity, my body began to develop a figure. Good on me. I was not happy being so thin. An 'a' cup is a sad thing for a woman in her twenties to…
  • Well, not if you're sitting still at a desk. I never sat down there. I carried a stack of about ten books on my shoulders and squatted to shelve them, without bending. Then I stood using only my legs to left myself up from a squatting position. I did this for five hours five days each week. I did this because of a…
  • I wish I knew how to cut down this quote tree. It's threatening to take over the whole page at this point. My day to day maintenance is not so very ambitious. It usually requires only that my brain and other vital organs are doing their jobs and that I can walk from my home to a bus stop and from there the remaining two…
  • Any exercise involves muscle recovery. That's where proteins come in. Those proteins help you get stronger. Making beds is technically exercise. Lots of housework is exercise. You can burn calories making a bed. It's not as glamorous as a jog in the park or a Zumba session, and it certainly doesn't benefit a person nearly…
  • Serving size and large food receptacles: That's documented. The larger the food receptacle, the more we pile on our plate and the longer our brain takes to tell us we're full as we eat. The smaller the food receptacle, the quicker our brains tell us we're full and to stop eating. Visual cues and presentation of food does…
  • This Glam-girl is right. I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into…
  • Celery is yummy with loads of peanut butter or cheese in a can on it. :(
  • I'm not altogether sure what broscience is. I like seeing someone with actual qualifications behind their name to back up nutritional advice, though.
  • I'll just keep bumping this until someone says 'hi', you know. I can't change the title on this post, so I know it looks boring. But eventually someone will say hi.
  • Wow. People here seem to be so passionate about what others put on their plates. Maybe I'll hide my profile so no one knows I shared an entire box of mac and cheese with my puppy dog last night! To be fair, that's all I can afford at the moment and the dog did not seem to mind that it was processed crap. Besides, that was…
  • I chew the heck out of sugar-free gum. That Extra Dessert kind is one of my vices. But since I smoke, I chew the mint sugar free ones, too. I actually prefer sugar-free gum to the sugary kind, because it doesn't seem to get as rubbery as the others. Both are probably terrible for me but I figure they aren't as bad for me…
  • Since someone else here mentioned you have diabetes, perhaps you ought to address your problem with your doctor. I am fairly certain that diabetics aren't supposed to just merrily follow anyone's diet advice without serious complications arising. Serious as in like -I don't know- strokes or something. Not anything I'd want…
  • I clearly will have a lot to learn regarding this new venture. I try to balance out serving sizes when I'm eating. Generally, my own nutritional rules are: The more fruits and veggies, the merrier; unless it's starchy veggies like peas which I suspect of smuggling calories to my hips. Any serving of meat more than 3 ounces…
  • where r u from Tampa, Florida, where I have always lived. wt do u do for living Until this week, I was an unenthusiastic housewife. how old r u 42
  • And what in the name of all that's holy is a macro, please? Sounds like something Hubs might put on my computer for playing MMORPGs.
  • Finances not-withstanding, I gravitate towards fresh fruits and raw veggies with a vinaigrette. But I crave whole milk, chunks of cheese (2 ounces tops per serving) and at least 2 sodas a day (sodas for caffeine instead of coffee because coffee sends me to the bathroom for the rest of the day, and there are much better…