
I'm joining this site because I will definitely be needing it this month. I'm starting a new job tomorrow, and quitting smoking in four days. I am dismayed by the extra five lbs. I picked up from my previous smoking cessation attempt in June which lasted until about a week or two ago. I know when I quit again, I will be tempted to sublimate with delicious food, as I usually do. Nicotine withdrawal creates a hunger for sugar, because regular cigarette use floods the brain with stored sugars within 7 seconds of taking the first draw. My body is accustomed to a constant flood of sugars in the bloodstream and it will not be happy when I abruptly cut it off from its supply. This will make me reach for the tasty, tasty donuts and I will gain again, if I do not thwart my appetite with careful monitoring.

I don't even know where I'd fit exercise into my schedule, yet. But when I do exercise, I tend to prefer going to a playground and swinging (swinging exercises your butt, back, arms, thighs, and calves and is way more fun that a treadmill would be, in my opinion.) or climbing on the various jungle gyms; to joining a gym. My neighborhood is full of angry rottweilers and pitbulls who seem to always find their way out of their respective yards to harass joggers or people out strolling, and so running would only provide entertainment for my neighbors' dogs who might end up playing fetch with my femur. But I'm sure I will find some way along the line to get exercise. Right now, though, I am concentrating on losing the chub my body so handily decided I need to survive the winter (thanks, but no thanks, body. I don't need to store fat. I'm not a groundhog.).


  • I'll just keep bumping this until someone says 'hi', you know. I can't change the title on this post, so I know it looks boring. But eventually someone will say hi.
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    Hi, I'm new here, too.

    Exercise. It's worth it. You can give yourself 30 minutes a day for it. Jog in a park. Climb the jungle gym. Swing if you have to. Join a gym. Convince yourself you just have to do it, and it's just as important an activity as brushing your teeth or checking your email. Place importance on it.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i wont say hi but i will say howdy lol
  • Hi! I really like your idea about the swings!! I have a 4 year old and a 1 and a half year old, so that would be a fantastic way to have fun with them AND sneak in some extra exercise for me!! I joined this site in January, but I had surgery in February, so I basically starting fresh. I quit smoking 2 and a half years ago and can identify with the cravings that causes. I won't lie, I still have random fleeting cravings for a smoke, but I am definately happier without them :) Best of luck to you!!!