Why am I not losing weight



  • jrniven
    jrniven Posts: 74 Member
    Measure, and weigh everything you put in your mouth. The mind is a very good magician it can make food vanish before you realized you ate it.
  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    Sometimes eating more protein and fiber rich foods will help you. Its crazy but with the working out you are doing, you could have just too great a calorie deficit and your body is just holding on to its calories. The fact that you DONT feel hunger is a prime example that your metabolism has slowed down probably to minimize calorie release due to your lack of incoming calories.
    I know its hard to hear that you have to eat more to lose, but sometimes you really do. anything under 1200 is too low. I know that is annoying to hear but you have to understand your body is not only using calories when you exercise...you burn up to 800-1800 calories a day just breathing, sleeping, and bodily functions. If your not getting enough calories to accommodate your bodies need, it will hold them and hold them tight!
    Check out this website, its very helpful http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
    also, the sugar free Popsicle you are eating could be hurting you too. There has been significant studies on the affects of artificial sweeteners and weight loss...very eye opening...check it out!
    Boost your metabolism by eating no later than a half hour after you wake up, your body needs a kick start with some good food, I suggest oatmeal and blueberries and a hard boiled egg, or and egg white omelet with spinach and tomato.... then throughout the day try to eat a protein with fruit or veggie every two to three hours. you will be amazed at how you will actually after a few days, start to feel hungry.
    a great snack is an apple cored out with a tablespoon of peanut butter in the center of each apple...and have try adding 1.5 ounces of natural almonds to your snacks...or a .5 cup of low fat cottage cheese served in a bowl of cantaloupe, or a whole wheat orawheat thin bun toasted with a tbl spoon of cream cheese and thick slice of tomato on top...these are great choices and low calorie snacks!
    Good luck I hope it all comes together for you.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I would note, that OP's post approx. 2 weeks ago was that they were in denial about their diabetes. She has an alleged a1c of 6.5 and thinks it's because she ate protein bars, maybe panicked?, and was scared to eat anything that has sugar because she wants to prove her doctor wrong about being diabetic.

    Maybe she went VLC because she wants to lower her A1C, but the best way to do that is to decrease blood sugar spikes is with regular, balanced eating. hydration, and regular exercise.

    But, yes, as everyone said here, you need to change your eating habits, track your food/calories/macros, and the rest will fall into place. Read through the links they're posting here, they're wonderful!
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    don't see your diary open and it will help to have your diary open for us to really do a look see. but based on what you've said, you're communicating to your body the message to hibernate by starving it of calories and feeding it cheap carbohydrates. in short, you body is shutting down, conserving energy and fighting your efforts.

    so fix this today. here's what you do.

    reset your MFP goals using a keto calculator. set your calories, carbs, protein and fats to your new goal. the keto calculator will walk you through it.http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/

    I don't know your metrics but start here, reset your goals, please eat to them for a week or two and then check back in with those of us who use the calculator and the tools. more than happy to advise. my diary is free to look at. beware, I eat a lot! lots of protein, fat not a lot of carbs, but i'm not so much focused on losing weight per se but on losing fat and growing muscle (and I'm a guy) so you need not model what you do on what I do.

    happy to help.
  • Since someone else here mentioned you have diabetes, perhaps you ought to address your problem with your doctor. I am fairly certain that diabetics aren't supposed to just merrily follow anyone's diet advice without serious complications arising. Serious as in like -I don't know- strokes or something. Not anything I'd want to mess around with, if I were you. I'm sure a licensed physician is much more capable of helping you figure out a healthy routine to follow and giving you practical advice that won't get you killed or land you in a hospital. I'm pretty sure my own nutritional guidelines would be bad for a normal healthy person such as myself. For you it could be deadly. Who knows?
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    Its crazy but with the working out you are doing, you could have just too great a calorie deficit and your body is just holding on to its calories. The fact that you DONT feel hunger is a prime example that your metabolism has slowed down probably to minimize calorie release due to your lack of incoming calories.
    I know its hard to hear that you have to eat more to lose, but sometimes you really do. anything under 1200 is too low. I know that is annoying to hear but you have to understand your body is not only using calories when you exercise...you burn up to 800-1800 calories a day just breathing, sleeping, and bodily functions. If your not getting enough calories to accommodate your bodies need, it will hold them and hold them tight!
    I know the intentions are good here, but this is not good information to be spreading. The human body simply does not have the option to "hold onto" that many calories. If it did, it would die. The body only "holds on" to *excess* calories. This is not a theory or idea or plan... it's simple scientific fact. The body can and does adapt to a lower caloric diet, but only by a small margin - 10% to 15% reduction in BMR, in formerly obese people. It takes a long time to get to that level of adaptive thermogenesis. It's not something that happens in a few days or weeks.

    The grain of truth behind the "eat more to lose" movement is that you can support a more active lifestyle that way. You need *nutrients* to live, too... and taking in nutrients means taking in calories. If you're getting the proper nutrients, you can create a larger, sustainable caloric deficit through exercise. Eating only 800 calories per day does not allow your body to recover from exercise properly, nor is it as easy to exercise very much to begin with. It's about lifestyle change - eat a bit more to be sure you get what your body needs, and exercise! Your body will deplete fat stores (primarily. Also muscle and other tissue in smaller variable amounts, depending on exercise) to bridge the caloric deficit gap. If you're not exercising to create a caloric deficit, simply eating more is *not* going to cause you to lose weight. It will just make your deficit smaller and cause you to lose less... or even gain weight.
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Christian Bale, The Machinist, was 400-500 calories/day. It is not good for your body but you will lose weight, including muscle. Like others have said, you are not burning very many calories and you need to eat better. It takes weeks of constant calorie counting to find out what your exact caloric need is just to maintain your weight. Once you find that, cut out or burn an extra 500 calories a day.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    HOW IN THE HELL DOES ONE SURVIVE ON 800 calories? I'm going nuts over here and I eat like 2200kcals but my worksout are brutal and I barely feel like I'm getting any food. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I maintain on 2600 per day. I feel like I'm being punished if I only eat 2,200. And I'm a woman!! :laugh:

    That is all.
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