Calories are NOT equal



  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I think eating healthy can be very important for overall health. People can cure serious diseases by feeding their body the right way. But you can maintain weight and lose weight and not eat perfect and actually eat quite badly. People can even be attractive and eat badly. I ate really bad for a month or so but I did not gain weight. I am still trying to achieve a truly healthy plan. I know I feel better mentally/ emotionally when I hit my macros and eat less sodium. I start feeling worse mentally and emotionally when I eat unhealthy foods and that is very important for me considering I have been hospitalized and diagnosed with bipolar depression.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I wish I knew how to cut down this quote tree. It's threatening to take over the whole page at this point.

    My day to day maintenance is not so very ambitious. It usually requires only that my brain and other vital organs are doing their jobs and that I can walk from my home to a bus stop and from there the remaining two blocks to a desk where I sit and fidget (I have severe hyperactivity, diagnosed in 1975) until get off work.

    So far, there is zero exercise in my regimen. I plan to amend that, but that is for later...after I have acclimated myself to a mare balanced diet, the new job, purchasing a new car, renovating the house, running the family, keeping my 90 year old grandmother happy, and quitting smoking on the 12th.

    I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. Then I will only become overwhelmed and lose my motivation. My family is very sedentary. It's not my job to demand that every one else here eat healthier and exercise. I only control my own life. So I am being careful in my goals and choosing my goals very carefully. Once you get to be my age in my family, things can rapidly overwhelm you. The family expects more and more and one slip up can result in a eff-it, response from an over-stressed workload. At least that has been my experience. I expect that around winter, I will be ready to try out adding exercise to my goals. For now, I am working on my waistline and measurements.

    So what makes some extra calories from protein a "waste" versus the same amount of calories from, say, carbs?

    You should eat more protein. Fullstop. Eating relatively high amounts of protein while losing weight has muscle-sparing effects, even in people who don't get much exercise.

    There's no downside to eating more than 3 ounces of meat at a time.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I like the car analogy...sums it up..
    Good luck to all
    The car analogy isn't a good one. Feeding an average motor high octane gas won't make the motor significantly better than a high performance motor being fed lower octane gas.
    So someone that has genetic issues with health eating a perfect diet, isn't necessarily going to be healthier than someone who's physically fit and eating some processed foods.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I wish I knew how to cut down this quote tree. It's threatening to take over the whole page at this point.
    Check out how I just did it by quoting it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    What disappoints me about this site is the way people are so nasty in these threads! The lady here makes a perfectly reasonable point that healthy food is healthy which is surely hard to argue with. Of course you need good sources of vitamins and minerals, along with your calories and fresh vegetables, salads and some fruit are universally understood to be good ways to get those.
    You may have a different opinion, which should be respected, but note that her post ends with 'What do you think?' - a clear invitation for polite, reasoned and civilized debate which seems singularly lacking.
    When I lived in south America I ate only fresh meat, fish, local and recently picked veg and maybe a bit too much fruit for the 'recommended' sugar intake, and I had perfect skin, shiny hair, a great figure and was fit without doing any training or dieting. Since being back in Europe with the great Mediterranean diet, this has not been the case, so without any scientific sources and purely from experience I totally agree with the original post.
    What you eat is entirely your own affair. It's just a topic of conversation, not a ***** fight! :tongue:

    Look at it a different way:

    What disappoints me about this site is the way people are so nasty in these threads! The lady here in the OP is trying to shame the eating habits of others by implying they're making poor choices that will ruin their health, despite all evidence to the contrary. Of course you need to eat "healthy" foods if you want to have the kind of success she has.

    See how silly this is? This entire thread is the OP proclaiming the superiority of her food choices because they are more "healthy".

    I don't think the OP is trying to shame people at all. She is just sharing her beliefs about healthy eating. I know healthy eating is important if you struggle with health problems. They can be lessened or "cured" by eating healthy. Many people have done it by just changing what they eat, so what you eat does matter in these cases.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    What disappoints me about this site is the way people are so nasty in these threads! The lady here makes a perfectly reasonable point that healthy food is healthy which is surely hard to argue with. Of course you need good sources of vitamins and minerals, along with your calories and fresh vegetables, salads and some fruit are universally understood to be good ways to get those.
    You may have a different opinion, which should be respected, but note that her post ends with 'What do you think?' - a clear invitation for polite, reasoned and civilized debate which seems singularly lacking.
    When I lived in south America I ate only fresh meat, fish, local and recently picked veg and maybe a bit too much fruit for the 'recommended' sugar intake, and I had perfect skin, shiny hair, a great figure and was fit without doing any training or dieting. Since being back in Europe with the great Mediterranean diet, this has not been the case, so without any scientific sources and purely from experience I totally agree with the original post.
    What you eat is entirely your own affair. It's just a topic of conversation, not a ***** fight! :tongue:

    Look at it a different way:

    What disappoints me about this site is the way people are so nasty in these threads! The lady here in the OP is trying to shame the eating habits of others by implying they're making poor choices that will ruin their health, despite all evidence to the contrary. Of course you need to eat "healthy" foods if you want to have the kind of success she has.

    See how silly this is? This entire thread is the OP proclaiming the superiority of her food choices because they are more "healthy".

    I don't think the OP is trying to shame people at all. She is just sharing her beliefs about healthy eating. I know healthy eating is important if you struggle with health problems. They can be lessened or "cured" by eating healthy. Many people have done it by just changing what they eat, so what you eat does matter in these cases.

    I think she earnestly believes what she's saying, but she's wrong. A person eating "healthy food" will have a better body than someone who eats "crap calories"? It's nonsensical and contrary to all evidence. The entire thrust of this entire thread is that people who eat whatever she determines to be "crap calories" will look and feel worse than she will for eating "healthy" calories.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I've found the research in 'Good Calories Bad Calories' to be borne out by my own experience. However weaning most folks on this site from the myth that 'A Calorie is Just a Calorie' is pretty difficult. The site is set up for and appeals to 'calorie counters'. But the research supporting low carbohydrate diets is increasingly impressive and my own experience for two years now supported by lab and blood work bears it out. In short, I agree with you - calories are not equal. it's that simple.
  • LoreleiEvil
    LoreleiEvil Posts: 65 Member
    What do I think? I think your tone is nasty and judgemental, your arguments are incoherent and your understanding of basic scientific principles is fundamentally lacking.

    A calorie is a calorie. It's a unit of measure of one specific thing - energy content. You may not agree with other people's food choices (why the blazes are you even looking, by the way?). I might not agree with yours. But the basic calories in/calories out mathematics cannot be dodged. It is impossible to meet calorie goals day after day, week after week, year after year, if one is making fundamentally unhealthy food choices. The discipline of meeting a daily calorie limit is absolutely the best way for people to alter their food choices over time. e.g. Will I eat that cake now and feel hungry by mid-evening, or the apple that will make me feel better now and leave me some calories for a snack later?

    Anyone who is eating unhealthy food is making weight loss harder for themselves. So, 3 options:

    1) They have insanely strong willpower and lose weight regardless (but are more likely to put it back on afterwards)
    2) They don't have high willpower and fall off the wagon
    3) They adjust what they eat to meet their calorie limits without feeling hungry for hours each day

    In any of these cases, it is not up to you to judge other people's food diaries. The only food diary you should concern yourself with is your own.

    Strongest first post ever.

    Well stated, sir.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    What do I think? I think your tone is nasty and judgemental, your arguments are incoherent and your understanding of basic scientific principles is fundamentally lacking.

    A calorie is a calorie. It's a unit of measure of one specific thing - energy content. You may not agree with other people's food choices (why the blazes are you even looking, by the way?). I might not agree with yours. But the basic calories in/calories out mathematics cannot be dodged. It is impossible to meet calorie goals day after day, week after week, year after year, if one is making fundamentally unhealthy food choices. The discipline of meeting a daily calorie limit is absolutely the best way for people to alter their food choices over time. e.g. Will I eat that cake now and feel hungry by mid-evening, or the apple that will make me feel better now and leave me some calories for a snack later?

    Anyone who is eating unhealthy food is making weight loss harder for themselves. So, 3 options:

    1) They have insanely strong willpower and lose weight regardless (but are more likely to put it back on afterwards)
    2) They don't have high willpower and fall off the wagon
    3) They adjust what they eat to meet their calorie limits without feeling hungry for hours each day

    In any of these cases, it is not up to you to judge other people's food diaries. The only food diary you should concern yourself with is your own.

    Strongest first post ever.

    Well stated, sir.

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I'm still waiting to see what OP can do. Maybe she will post some video of her walking up stairs or something.

    Hello, OP?
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    Just an opinion but I think it can vary. I know for me personally I am with you. I burn so much faster if I eat healthy. If I eat junk I can stay under calories and it comes off slower but I have met the odd person for whom the rule doesn't stand true.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Just an opinion but I think it can vary. I know for me personally I am with you. I burn so much faster if I eat healthy. If I eat junk I can stay under calories and it comes off slower but I have met the odd person for whom the rule doesn't stand true.

    Open your diary and point us to the date ranges where you ate "junk" please. Also give us your weight over time. That way we can look at how your weight loss went eating "junk" and compare it to how you're doing now.

  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    Maybe the types of calories don't matter, technically, but I find that I feel more full on complex carbs and whole grains than on simple carbs, so I'm less inclined to overeat.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've found the research in 'Good Calories Bad Calories' to be borne out by my own experience. However weaning most folks on this site from the myth that 'A Calorie is Just a Calorie' is pretty difficult. The site is set up for and appeals to 'calorie counters'. But the research supporting low carbohydrate diets is increasingly impressive and my own experience for two years now supported by lab and blood work bears it out. In short, I agree with you - calories are not equal. it's that simple.

    My own lab work and weight loss (lost 37lb to get to goal and now cutting at a lb a week loss after a bulk) indicates that it is the caloric deficit (and hitting my macros) that works for me.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I've found the research in 'Good Calories Bad Calories' to be borne out by my own experience. However weaning most folks on this site from the myth that 'A Calorie is Just a Calorie' is pretty difficult. The site is set up for and appeals to 'calorie counters'. But the research supporting low carbohydrate diets is increasingly impressive and my own experience for two years now supported by lab and blood work bears it out. In short, I agree with you - calories are not equal. it's that simple.
    I ate less carbs when I was fatter. Explain that.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    Please describe how you determine who is and who isn't healthy. If you lack a manner in which to quantify 'healthy' then your assertion is kind of lacking legs on which to stand.

    I'm not interested in pointless discussion. It's common knowledge that unhealthy eating habits cause health problems. If you think that healthy weight in combination with junk food is ok for you, that's your life and your health.

    I end up quoting this all the of my favorites from Eric Helms "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food!"

    Also...because people that eat 'junk' food *only* eat 'junk' food - whatever that actually means.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've found the research in 'Good Calories Bad Calories' to be borne out by my own experience. However weaning most folks on this site from the myth that 'A Calorie is Just a Calorie' is pretty difficult. The site is set up for and appeals to 'calorie counters'. But the research supporting low carbohydrate diets is increasingly impressive and my own experience for two years now supported by lab and blood work bears it out. In short, I agree with you - calories are not equal. it's that simple.
    I ate less carbs when I was fatter. Explain that.

    Must be all the extra protein being stored as fat..or is it the fat being stored as fat...I get confused. :tongue:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I've found the research in 'Good Calories Bad Calories' to be borne out by my own experience. However weaning most folks on this site from the myth that 'A Calorie is Just a Calorie' is pretty difficult. The site is set up for and appeals to 'calorie counters'. But the research supporting low carbohydrate diets is increasingly impressive and my own experience for two years now supported by lab and blood work bears it out. In short, I agree with you - calories are not equal. it's that simple.
    My experiences are the opposite. I have lost about 120lbs so far, eating at a deficit and macros at about 50/25/25. I would not find a low carb diet sustainable and I have seen no evidence to believe it is 'healthier'.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    Well, then it is simple, really. Give us a measure of how "healthy" is determined.

    Hey. I demanded that first. :angry:

    Not that anyone ever gives it. It always comes down to handwavey 'take it on faith/my say-so' crap or my favorite "Well you'll see when you're 70." copout.


    Back off both of you...I asked first.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    Well, then it is simple, really. Give us a measure of how "healthy" is determined.

    Hey. I demanded that first. :angry:

    Not that anyone ever gives it. It always comes down to handwavey 'take it on faith/my say-so' crap or my favorite "Well you'll see when you're 70." copout.


    Back off both of you...I asked first.


    Oh fine.
