Calories are NOT equal



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.

    Funny, my body composition has been the best it ever has been at 46 years old, and I am sure I eat what people would call junk on a daily basis. I know I eat processed foods. I also eat a balanced diet.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Just an opinion but I think it can vary. I know for me personally I am with you. I burn so much faster if I eat healthy. If I eat junk I can stay under calories and it comes off slower but I have met the odd person for whom the rule doesn't stand true.

    Open your diary and point us to the date ranges where you ate "junk" please. Also give us your weight over time. That way we can look at how your weight loss went eating "junk" and compare it to how you're doing now.


    That'll never happen! lol
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    In my work I visit many food factories and trust me, if you knew where half your food came from we would all be growing veg at the bottom of the garden and killing a chicken every week. Enjoy your food, keep it in your macros, and mak sure the weight comes off how you want. If it doesnt, change something. Otherwise, who cares about how equal calories are - because some are more equal than others!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.

    Funny, my body composition has been the best it ever has been at 46 years old, and I am sure I eat what people would call junk on a daily basis. I know I eat processed foods. I also eat a balanced diet.

    when people say their metabolism caught up is because something changed.

    I am a little scarred from being the fat kid, I have been sitting back and watching all these people that say "their metabolism catches up". So I have had a "slow metabolism" all my life. so what happened? they eat more than their body requires.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Just an opinion but I think it can vary. I know for me personally I am with you. I burn so much faster if I eat healthy. If I eat junk I can stay under calories and it comes off slower but I have met the odd person for whom the rule doesn't stand true.

    Open your diary and point us to the date ranges where you ate "junk" please. Also give us your weight over time. That way we can look at how your weight loss went eating "junk" and compare it to how you're doing now.


    That'll never happen! lol

    I know :)
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    *stares down mocha* "You're a dirty *kitten*"
    *Keeps staring*

  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    when people say their metabolism caught up is because something changed.

    I am a little scarred from being the fat kid, I have been sitting back and watching all these people that say "their metabolism catches up". So I have had a "slow metabolism" all my life. so what happened? they eat more than their body requires.


    Yep. For me, 'my metabolism catching up' was actually the change from walking 30 minutes to and from school/college/university/work every day, to commuting by car when I moved to US.

    When I walked everywhere I could eat more or less as I pleased, and my weight was relatively stable. I was never ripped, but I was never really fat either. Then I moved to the US and started driving everywhere. I still managed to keep the weight off at first, because I started working out a lot more as well. But then my daughter was born and the working out stopped as well as the walking. That's when I turned into a 200+ pound bloater.

    It would be easy for me to say it was because I got older. It was really just that I started moving less.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    "Metabolism caught up" is code for "I spend a lot more time sitting down now."
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    "Metabolism caught up" is code for "I spend a lot more time sitting down now."

    Truth. I left the military and 'my metabolism caught up' with me in a big way without basic fitness requirements hanging over my head.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I think I have learned a lot of valuable information about nutrition and how the body works here. I have also been prompted to learn more and do other research on other sites as well.

    I do still eat junk. I know when I do and it isn't good for me. My body does feel like crap afterwards. But I have made a choice to eat that food. I do feel much better when i eat healthy foods and snacks, but the habits for junk have not completely disappeared. For most of us, its still a work in progress. We have to start over every day.
  • I once had a job shelving books at a library. I started out normal, and ended after two years with a six pack from the way I decided to shelve them. Anything, properly conducted, could be exercise.

    True story, Bro. Haven't you heard the saying "Abs aren't aren't made in the gym; they're made in the library"?


    Well, not if you're sitting still at a desk. I never sat down there. I carried a stack of about ten books on my shoulders and squatted to shelve them, without bending. Then I stood using only my legs to left myself up from a squatting position. I did this for five hours five days each week. I did this because of a herniated disc. I didn't want to reinjure my spine, so I was careful in the way I carried and lifted and after a while, I noticed that the constant weight on my shoulders and the repeated squatting and standing actually was toning my body.

    It's okay if you don't believe me. You don't know me from Adam, but I know it's the truth.

    If I had lifted and carried like the other girls, I suppose I would not have have seen results. But I saw results and was surprised. It did make sense and it made me more aware of how just little things like that can be beneficial exercise.
  • I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.

    Funny, my body composition has been the best it ever has been at 46 years old, and I am sure I eat what people would call junk on a daily basis. I know I eat processed foods. I also eat a balanced diet.

    when people say their metabolism caught up is because something changed.

    I am a little scarred from being the fat kid, I have been sitting back and watching all these people that say "their metabolism catches up". So I have had a "slow metabolism" all my life. so what happened? they eat more than their body requires.


    Metabolism 'catches up' because of the normal aging process. I was 20 and ate what I liked and weighed no more than 95 lbs. Then when I hit my midthirties, with the same amount of activity, my body began to develop a figure. Good on me. I was not happy being so thin. An 'a' cup is a sad thing for a woman in her twenties to wear.

    And as for that other commenter saying I must have been in the military....what? Heavens no. I'm not that sort of lady. At present I'm just a nice old Grandma who enjoys baking and playing video games with the Grands.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.

    Funny, my body composition has been the best it ever has been at 46 years old, and I am sure I eat what people would call junk on a daily basis. I know I eat processed foods. I also eat a balanced diet.

    when people say their metabolism caught up is because something changed.

    I am a little scarred from being the fat kid, I have been sitting back and watching all these people that say "their metabolism catches up". So I have had a "slow metabolism" all my life. so what happened? they eat more than their body requires.


    Metabolism 'catches up' because of the normal aging process. I was 20 and ate what I liked and weighed no more than 95 lbs. Then when I hit my midthirties, with the same amount of activity, my body began to develop a figure. Good on me. I was not happy being so thin. An 'a' cup is a sad thing for a woman in her twenties to wear.

    And as for that other commenter saying I must have been in the military....what? Heavens no. I'm not that sort of lady. At present I'm just a nice old Grandma who enjoys baking and playing video games with the Grands.

    metabolism doesnt decrease as much as you think it does.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.

    Funny, my body composition has been the best it ever has been at 46 years old, and I am sure I eat what people would call junk on a daily basis. I know I eat processed foods. I also eat a balanced diet.

    when people say their metabolism caught up is because something changed.

    I am a little scarred from being the fat kid, I have been sitting back and watching all these people that say "their metabolism catches up". So I have had a "slow metabolism" all my life. so what happened? they eat more than their body requires.


    Metabolism 'catches up' because of the normal aging process. I was 20 and ate what I liked and weighed no more than 95 lbs. Then when I hit my midthirties, with the same amount of activity, my body began to develop a figure. Good on me. I was not happy being so thin. An 'a' cup is a sad thing for a woman in her twenties to wear.

    And as for that other commenter saying I must have been in the military....what? Heavens no. I'm not that sort of lady. At present I'm just a nice old Grandma who enjoys baking and playing video games with the Grands.

    Your BMR only slows down about 100 calories every 10 years. People often get less active however as they get older, so the thing to do, is try not to.

    And the other poster was saying *she* was in the military...although I am not sure what 'sort of lady' you are implying she is then.

    BTW, when you say you are a "nice old Grandma", and while I am sure you are nice and may well be a grandmother, you are 42 years old...not exactly old. Well, at least not to me. I must be ancient!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.

    Funny, my body composition has been the best it ever has been at 46 years old, and I am sure I eat what people would call junk on a daily basis. I know I eat processed foods. I also eat a balanced diet.

    when people say their metabolism caught up is because something changed.

    I am a little scarred from being the fat kid, I have been sitting back and watching all these people that say "their metabolism catches up". So I have had a "slow metabolism" all my life. so what happened? they eat more than their body requires.


    Metabolism 'catches up' because of the normal aging process. I was 20 and ate what I liked and weighed no more than 95 lbs. Then when I hit my midthirties, with the same amount of activity, my body began to develop a figure. Good on me. I was not happy being so thin. An 'a' cup is a sad thing for a woman in her twenties to wear.

    And as for that other commenter saying I must have been in the military....what? Heavens no. I'm not that sort of lady. At present I'm just a nice old Grandma who enjoys baking and playing video games with the Grands.

    Pardon? What 'sort' of lady is in the military?
  • wood neg you IRL
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Oh boy.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.

    Funny, my body composition has been the best it ever has been at 46 years old, and I am sure I eat what people would call junk on a daily basis. I know I eat processed foods. I also eat a balanced diet.

    when people say their metabolism caught up is because something changed.

    I am a little scarred from being the fat kid, I have been sitting back and watching all these people that say "their metabolism catches up". So I have had a "slow metabolism" all my life. so what happened? they eat more than their body requires.


    Metabolism 'catches up' because of the normal aging process. I was 20 and ate what I liked and weighed no more than 95 lbs. Then when I hit my midthirties, with the same amount of activity, my body began to develop a figure. Good on me. I was not happy being so thin. An 'a' cup is a sad thing for a woman in her twenties to wear.

    And as for that other commenter saying I must have been in the military....what? Heavens no. I'm not that sort of lady. At present I'm just a nice old Grandma who enjoys baking and playing video games with the Grands.

    Pardon? What 'sort' of lady is in the military?

    Clearly your sort. :angry:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Healthy is not quantifiable (that would prove us junk eaters heathy)!!! I do know everyone claiming to be healthier and "eat clean" has a closed diary though.

    I think it is somewhat quantifiable.

    The measures I am thinking of are weight, body fat percentage, blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels, etc. But those can be perfect in a person who consumes what others describe as "junk" or "processed" foods.

    You shut your mouth!!! If we were to quantify it... What would that mean to all the celery suckers?

    They just don't want to admit they are eating awful tasting foods for nothing.
    It's this kind of thinking that's so exasperating from my perspective. "Celery suckers" "Awful tasting food"? Seriously??
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Healthy is not quantifiable (that would prove us junk eaters heathy)!!! I do know everyone claiming to be healthier and "eat clean" has a closed diary though.

    I think it is somewhat quantifiable.

    The measures I am thinking of are weight, body fat percentage, blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels, etc. But those can be perfect in a person who consumes what others describe as "junk" or "processed" foods.

    You shut your mouth!!! If we were to quantify it... What would that mean to all the celery suckers?

    They just don't want to admit they are eating awful tasting foods for nothing.
    It's this kind of thinking that's so exasperating from my perspective. "Celery suckers" "Awful tasting food"? Seriously??

    Celery suckers was in jest, I am sure.

    But my assertion that celery is awful tasting is 100% true.