Calories are NOT equal



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    And what in the name of all that's holy is a macro, please? Sounds like something Hubs might put on my computer for playing MMORPGs.

    There are three (well, really four if you count alcohol) macros (macronutrient)

    Protein, Fats and Carbs.
    there r also some laboratory made macros - sugar alcohols. sweet as sugar but about half the cals.

    A macronutrient is merely a nutrient that your body needs a large amount of to survive and function properly.

    No. "Macronutrient" does not imply that it's necessary. Glucose is a macronutrient but not an essential nutrient. Lots of amino acids are macronutrients but not essential.

    The only essential macros are a few specific types of fat and nine amino acids.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    And what in the name of all that's holy is a macro, please? Sounds like something Hubs might put on my computer for playing MMORPGs.

    There are three (well, really four if you count alcohol) macros (macronutrient)

    Protein, Fats and Carbs.
    there r also some laboratory made macros - sugar alcohols. sweet as sugar but about half the cals.

    Um no... there isn't.
    y do u say no? what is a macro?
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    I love the people who actually debated this, but for those who exploded with defensiveness and hate, makes me see a nerve was hit in a big way...I wonder why that is.

    Don't misinterpret that hit nerve. People are just sick to death of having their food choices criticized, and of others getting on their high horse about eating 'better'.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am loving this! I must say, it is great that people start with the portion control, calories and macro control. We first learn this way, because I know when I started measuring and weighing everything I was shocked to see what a real serving looks like. Second step is getting those workouts in, and third is to learn the differences between foods/nutrition.

    Believe me, I've gone through all this myself. Now I let myself have fast food at certain places and make sure it's one of the healthier options. Second, every once in awhile I will have that cookie or cupcake, but I know that when I do that, I then start craving sweets again and it's hard to get back on track. This is not just what happens to me, but to so many out there.

    I guess it depends on what your goals are.

    I love the people who actually debated this, but for those who exploded with defensiveness and hate, makes me see a nerve was hit in a big way...I wonder why that is.

    Dunno about defensiveness and hate. The claims in the OP are just wrong though.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    And what in the name of all that's holy is a macro, please? Sounds like something Hubs might put on my computer for playing MMORPGs.

    There are three (well, really four if you count alcohol) macros (macronutrient)

    Protein, Fats and Carbs.
    there r also some laboratory made macros - sugar alcohols. sweet as sugar but about half the cals.

    A macronutrient is merely a nutrient that your body needs a large amount of to survive and function properly.

    No. "Macronutrient" does not imply that it's necessary. Glucose is a macronutrient but not an essential nutrient. Lots of amino acids are macronutrients but not essential.

    The only essential macros are a few specific types of fat and nine amino acids.

    I'm just following the definition of the word.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    And what in the name of all that's holy is a macro, please? Sounds like something Hubs might put on my computer for playing MMORPGs.

    There are three (well, really four if you count alcohol) macros (macronutrient)

    Protein, Fats and Carbs.
    there r also some laboratory made macros - sugar alcohols. sweet as sugar but about half the cals.

    Um no... there isn't.

    He's right. Xylitol, sorbitol, etc. These are used in sugar-free gum and syrup, among other things. They taste sweet and are artificial but still have calories. The difference is they're sweeter than sugar so you need less and each molecule has fewer calories to boot. They're mostly found in nature, but produced synthetically.

    Those are considered carbs.
  • And what in the name of all that's holy is a macro, please? Sounds like something Hubs might put on my computer for playing MMORPGs.

    There are three (well, really four if you count alcohol) macros (macronutrient)

    Protein, Fats and Carbs.
    there r also some laboratory made macros - sugar alcohols. sweet as sugar but about half the cals.

    Um no... there isn't.

    He's right. Xylitol, sorbitol, etc. These are used in sugar-free gum and syrup, among other things. They taste sweet and are artificial but still have calories. The difference is they're sweeter than sugar so you need less and each molecule has fewer calories to boot. They're mostly found in nature, but produced synthetically.

    I chew the heck out of sugar-free gum. That Extra Dessert kind is one of my vices. But since I smoke, I chew the mint sugar free ones, too. I actually prefer sugar-free gum to the sugary kind, because it doesn't seem to get as rubbery as the others. Both are probably terrible for me but I figure they aren't as bad for me as cigarettes and large quantities of pie.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    Thank you, OP, for your supremely judgmental post. I'm sure everyone appreciates it to the fullest possible extent.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I am loving this! I must say, it is great that people start with the portion control, calories and macro control. We first learn this way, because I know when I started measuring and weighing everything I was shocked to see what a real serving looks like. Second step is getting those workouts in, and third is to learn the differences between foods/nutrition.

    Believe me, I've gone through all this myself. Now I let myself have fast food at certain places and make sure it's one of the healthier options. Second, every once in awhile I will have that cookie or cupcake, but I know that when I do that, I then start craving sweets again and it's hard to get back on track. This is not just what happens to me, but to so many out there.

    I guess it depends on what your goals are.

    I love the people who actually debated this, but for those who exploded with defensiveness and hate, makes me see a nerve was hit in a big way...I wonder why that is.

    When you imply that people who eat in a certain manner have goals that are worse/less worthy/less related to health than you, it does in fact tend to strike a nerve.

    My goal isn't to be 'thin' or 'skinny' (I wasn't that big to begin with.) It's to be strong and fit and badass. I wanna be squating more than by bodyweight by the end of the year and there is no reason I can't do that by eating what I like, in moderation, to fit my macros and micros.

    There is no logical, scientific, or even vaguely common sense reason that I am any less healthy than someone who doesn't eat fast food, processed food, or ice cream every night. I would even contend that I'm more healthy than some 'clean eaters' because of the thought and planning (And sometimes amazing feats of food shifting/combining) to make sure I get all of my nutrients in daily.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    And what in the name of all that's holy is a macro, please? Sounds like something Hubs might put on my computer for playing MMORPGs.

    There are three (well, really four if you count alcohol) macros (macronutrient)

    Protein, Fats and Carbs.
    there r also some laboratory made macros - sugar alcohols. sweet as sugar but about half the cals.

    Um no... there isn't.

    He's right. Xylitol, sorbitol, etc. These are used in sugar-free gum and syrup, among other things. They taste sweet and are artificial but still have calories. The difference is they're sweeter than sugar so you need less and each molecule has fewer calories to boot. They're mostly found in nature, but produced synthetically.

    Those are considered carbs.
    carbs have about 4cal per gram. these have less.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    :laugh: Haha! Something I wonder about myself when stalking *KEY WORD~"OPEN" diaries. Everything in life is a choice. I choose myself to fuel my body with healthy natural foods, also I cannot justify or afford wasting money on empty calories. I am no saint though, and give myself slack when the chocolate peanut butter cravings come and go with homemade cookies or Granola.
    It is true when you eat healthy ( and get those 8 glasses of water!) your body and skin will thank you.
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?
  • Is this really true? I always thought that all food are alright in moderation, but that it's generally better to eat non processed food because it have more beneficial nutrients compared to, say, McDonalds each day. Is there really no evidence that suggests this?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Is this really true? I always thought that all food are alright in moderation, but that it's generally better to eat non processed food because it have more beneficial nutrients compared to, say, McDonalds each day. Is there really no evidence that suggests this?

    No evidence, no.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    :laugh: Haha! Something I wonder about myself when stalking open diaries. Everything in life is a choice. I choose myself to fuel my body with healthy natural foods, also I cannot justify or afford wasting money on empty calories. I am no saint though, and give myself slack when the chocolate peanut butter cravings come and go with homemade cookies or Granola.
    It is true when you eat healthy ( and get those 8 glasses of water!) your body and skin will thank you.
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    Hahaha :laugh: I always wonder why people "stalk" other's people's diaries just to judge them. Makes me wonder exactly how much free time you have on your hands...
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Is this really true? I always thought that all food are alright in moderation, but that it's generally better to eat non processed food because it have more beneficial nutrients compared to, say, McDonalds each day. Is there really no evidence that suggests this?

    Well, that one guy Morgan Spurlock (i think that was his name) did that 30 day McDonalds ONLY menu, and he ended up getting really sick after about day 27 and couldn't continue.

    then again, a homeless person who is starving might be able to survive another 30 days by eating McDonalds.

    then again, someone on MFP can eat McDonalds sometimes but they also eat other foods elsewhere.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Is this really true? I always thought that all food are alright in moderation, but that it's generally better to eat non processed food because it have more beneficial nutrients compared to, say, McDonalds each day. Is there really no evidence that suggests this?

    Well, that one guy Morgan Spurlock (i think that was his name) did that 30 day McDonalds ONLY menu, and he ended up getting really sick after about day 27 and couldn't continue.

    then again, a homeless person who is starving might be able to survive another 30 days by eating McDonalds.

    then again, someone on MFP can eat McDonalds sometimes but they also eat other foods elsewhere.

    Could have something to do with the fact that he was eating 4000+ calories a day.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Is this really true? I always thought that all food are alright in moderation, but that it's generally better to eat non processed food because it have more beneficial nutrients compared to, say, McDonalds each day. Is there really no evidence that suggests this?

    Well, that one guy Morgan Spurlock (i think that was his name) did that 30 day McDonalds ONLY menu, and he ended up getting really sick after about day 27 and couldn't continue.

    then again, a homeless person who is starving might be able to survive another 30 days by eating McDonalds.

    then again, someone on MFP can eat McDonalds sometimes but they also eat other foods elsewhere.

    That guy was full of crap.

    I was traveling last year for three months and ate fast food 3x per day nearly the entire time. I lost 45lbs and felt great.
  • HollyRed13
    HollyRed13 Posts: 20 Member
    Okay so I'm not saying that it was a particularly healthy diet but for like a week a few years ago I spent every single calorie on crap. I would eat four jaffa cake bars as the majority of my food. I was getting vitamins and minerals from a variety of multivitamins, and okay so I was lacking in protien and fibre etc. But in the end a calorie is a calorie. I lost weight that way, I felt fine.

    Weight loss is as simple as calories in < calories out. A calorie is a scientific measurement of energy, and they are all equal.
  • :laugh: Haha! Something I wonder about myself when stalking open diaries. Everything in life is a choice. I choose myself to fuel my body with healthy natural foods, also I cannot justify or afford wasting money on empty calories. I am no saint though, and give myself slack when the chocolate peanut butter cravings come and go with homemade cookies or Granola.
    It is true when you eat healthy ( and get those 8 glasses of water!) your body and skin will thank you.
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    Hahaha :laugh: I always wonder why people "stalk" other's people's diaries just to judge them. Makes me wonder exactly how much free time you have on your hands...

    Wow. People here seem to be so passionate about what others put on their plates. Maybe I'll hide my profile so no one knows I shared an entire box of mac and cheese with my puppy dog last night! To be fair, that's all I can afford at the moment and the dog did not seem to mind that it was processed crap. Besides, that was my only meal the entire day.
    I could see if I was holding a loaded gun to someone's head and forcing them to gag it down, but really, becoming judgmental and self-congratulatory about whether the peas on someone else's plate are organic or frankenfood derived seems to point to deeper mental issues.

  • Comparison-6-13_small.png

    The horrid, disgusting thing on the right is the product of fast food and ice cream.

    Tell your children! Let me be a warning.

    If I keep eating fast food and ice cream, I'm going to become a man?! Dammit!