Calories are NOT equal



  • missym13
    missym13 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm with you sister. I cant believe how many people are misinformed referring to the statement I seen "a calorie is a calorie" attitude. Please friend me..we need to talk. you might be my first friend here since I just joined last week. I am slipping into a good place learning just how much more I ate,in condiments,dressings, and cream in my coffee alone..than I ever thought. I have never been a person to measure food.Now I do the first few times,and then pour into a small condiment cup and put a marking on it. I don't want t be a slave to taking out a tblsp/measuring cup to eat every meal .The condiment cup works well for me . I have been reading a great book.It really helped me to understand why eating certain types of calories in certain combinations work to burn calories ..rather than just counting the calories themselves. Thats fine if you are trying to stay within range for a certain splurge or occasionally, but not for everyday life. Please friend me,so we can share..I could use the support .
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    Calorie is a calorie. Nutritional content between equal calorie foods is the difference. As long as one is meeting their macro/micro nutrient goals daily, it really doesn't matter what kind of source the calories come from.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • davidp627
    Of course a calorie is a calorie, but I think we have to account for individual variations among people. I lost about 20 lbs on MFP over the first three months of being on it, and have since gained back about 3 lbs, while mostly staying within my targeted goals. Maybe my body stores pure sugar calories differently than calories from skinless chicken? I think people are different when it comes to fat storage and diet: low carb vs low fat, etc.

    (As an aside, if anyone has any advice on how to help me move past this rut and start losing again, I would appreciate it. One thing I have discovered is that if you are not absolutely meticulous in recording EXACTLY what you are eating, you will most likely exceed your daily calorie count, even if you think that you haven't).
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I get it, I get that provided I maintain a calorie deficit I can lose weight. I get that if I eat fewer refined foods and sugars, I might be working towards maintaining better health in the long run, but it doesn't make that much of a a difference where my calories come from.

    Sadly, as a sugar/refined carb junkie I have also learned of late that by seriously restricting my carb/sugar intake, I can control my 5,000 calorie cake and chocolate binges. Protein and fat keep me satiated and that uncontrollable urge for sugar doesn't come. So far so good. I've even cut down on sweeteners in my tea, a feat I have failed to achieve in a lifetime of trying to control binges, lose weight and keep it off.

    I am heartened to hear that dipping into those kinds of foods won't necessarily ruin my weight loss overnight, however - there is a good chance that if I dip in and eat some, it could kick off a 3 day binge where I hate myself for my lack of willpower. Will I ever be able to eat one thin slice of cake or two squares of chocolate without falling into the trough? I'm not sure. For my insulin-addled body, perhaps not....

    Hi -as a person who has had food addictions in the past, (and I think it may be lurking in there if I provide it the right trigger food) after 3 months of doing without it, I now seem to be able to have a little bit and I dont seem to have those same cravings anymore. it is scarey to me to try to add those back in because I dont know if Im completely over it or not. so far so good, i think i will see as the days go on, because its unknown territory to me. In the past I always binged out,, now it seems its not doing me like that.. what happened i dont know. maybe because MFP allows for some of those things at times.

    I do like to think maybe its true - I am over my food cravings! could it be possible? that would be a miracle!! i think it might have passed. I think it is gone rather than not gone.. I will go with that because its more encouraging and makes me feel stronger that food is not my master as it was one time.

    Re the topic - I am glad to know I CAN have white bread and white crusted things rather than HAVING to eat wheat flour-crusted things, honestly to me, wheat flour is not as good as the white flour, i would feel deprived if i had to ONLY have wheat flour pizza crust (however, the whole grain bun at Subway is pretty good);; and Im glad i dont have to eat nasty margarine but i can have butter. I am glad i dont HAVE to eat nasty diet coke, but i CAN occassionaly have a regular Classic coke if i want to.. If i had to eat margarine, diet coke and nasty wheat crust, I'd not do MFP.
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better?
    My body never looked better - and I never felt healthier - than when I was on diet consisting of Crisco, Twinkies, and Mountain Dew.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    This debate seems fairly ridiculous when you consider that the following two statements are pretty much universally agreed to be true:

    1.) Calories in versus calories out is what determines *weight* (not necessarily *fat*) gain or loss.
    2.) Eating a variety of fresh, real, "whole" foods will do much better at providing the nutrients one needs for overall health and vitality than eating garbage.

    Can anyone actually argue with those points?

    If not, then why are we fighting about it? ;)

    This ^
    I think OP has a good point. Making the most of the calories you consume is the best thing for your body. But if you are trying to lose Lbs. and not concerned about health, then yes it is a numbers game. cals in vs cals out is what detremines loss or gain.
    I think it was the OP's delivery and title of her thread that was the issue, as it seems to revolve around her preferences and she doesn't cite any references and as I stated previously a calorie is a unit of measurement which does not change.

    She also goes on to say blatantly that people are eating crap which can seem quite condescending in its delivery.

    Maybe she should have made a thread about nutrient dense foods.

    She did sort of come out all guns blazing.
  • missability
    I am a career dieter, and on ALL past diets it was all about the calorie long as I was under it didn't matter what the food I ate was.....and water? What's water?

    Did I lose weight? Sure I did! And at 150 pounds I could wear a medium to large in blouses, and a size 14 in pants or skirts. My hair was thin, my cheeks sunken, my stamina nil, my sleep awful, my labs all over the place, BP up, my mood....well everyday was PMS.

    This time I am drinking water, half my body weight in sugar substitutes, only green tea, spiced tea, Kombucha tea, Almond milk....etc...

    I allow myself the treat of "chocolate" almond milk, 1 or 2 measuring cups, 2 or 3 times a week.

    My veggies are fresh or frozen.

    My fruits the same.

    My grains/ some carbs are from spelt, flax, or millet bread, oatmeal, white 80% of the time

    My proteins are gorund turkey breast, Lean cuts of beef (limited), Navy or lima beans, chicken breast, albacore tuna, haddock, tilapia, eggs, egg white, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc......

    My fats are walnut oil, grapeseed oil, EV Olive oil (cold pressed) Orgainc stick butter, Organic heavy whipping cream (for cooking), almond or coconut milk, etc.....

    I have lost 85 pounds since January 1, 2013.....I am currently 195 LBS. I can wear a size medium to large top, and a 12 to 14 in pants and skirts!

    My hair is past my shoulders for the first time in 35 years. Silky, thicker, soft. AND GROWING!

    My skin is softer, not sallow or sunken, no dark circles under my eyes. No rough elbows, no sores appearing on my arms and legs for no apparent reason, scabbing over and taking weeks and weeks to heal.

    I go to bed at 11PM, not 3 AM, I wake up between 6 and 8AM, not 10 and noon....

    I have tons of energy, can walk for miles and miles, Cart my sleeping, almost 4 yr old 38 pound grand-daughter out of her car seat, thru the parking lot, carry her around the store until she is fully awake, sometimes as long as 20 minutes, while pushing my grocery cart! in circles for 5 minutes looking for a parking spot close to the store, and close to the handicapped sidewalk, because it's too much work just to heave my humongous thighs up onto the curb, while huffing and puffing, sweating, and feeling mortified, tired, and like I just want to die.....

    THAT'S the difference in the "type" of calories you eat.....

    Just saying from personal experience......everyone needs an occasional indulgence.

    I do it, we all do it...I am contemplating Olive Garden today or tomorrow.
    I do allow myself an occasional piece of dark chocolate, a 5 grain granola bar, Potato chips, a piece of angel food cake, ...

    But the difference in how I feel eating healthy foods 80% of the time is enough proof for me that a calorie is NOT a calorie...where it comes from, how it's made, and how close it is to what our grand-parents ate is vital to health.

    In my humble opinion, if losing weight is the goal, a calorie IS just a calorie...but if living a longer, and healthier life is the goal, I'm afraid that concept is woefully misleading.

    I am not trying to tell anyone what to do...just sayin s'all
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    This is not a good thread to be commenting on...I am new to this site, and have enjoyed recording every bit that I plan to eat. I am proactive, as I don't want to repeat the mistakes, I did on my first day, when I went to the local Baker for a vegetarian pasty, for lunch. I won't be doing that again, as the fat, and sugar content for the whole day was consumed, in a few bites. By 6pm I was starving, and my rumbling tummy, could be heard from miles. Since, that day, I have been eating very well, and if I find that I have eaten a few more grams of protein, I just do a few rounds, around the block to be awarded. It's great! I am so impressed, with MFP, that I am telling everyone I meet, to check it out.
  • fitcolette
    Ok, I in NO way meant any harm or insult here. I only was trying to help. Proof? Ask any nutritionist or doctor, read any health book or magazine...pretty much anywhere you can learn that. It's not a bad thing or hurtful thing that I said, but I see it sure hit a lot of nerves and I don't understand that at all.

    I never said not to have that treat every once in a while. I was trying to help, because YES when you give your body foods closest to nature, our system knows exactly what to do with it very easily. Food today is so unhealthy and that is why we, as people are getting so sick and new illnesses keep popping up. Look on ANY article and see what it says how to prevent these illness or how to just stay healthy....what you eat is #1. What you eat is about 80% of health.

    There is a saying in the health world, "bodies are made in the kitchen" which goes for healthy foods or unhealthy foods.

    Again, never thought this would ruffle so many feathers, and for that, I am truly sorry.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    I am a career dieter, on ALL past diets it was all about the calorie long as I was under it didn't matter what the food was.....and water? What's water?

    Did I lose weight? Sure I did!

    And at 150 pounds I could wear a medium to large in blouses, and a size 14 in pants or skirts. My hair was thin, my cheeks sunken, my stamina nil, my sleep awful, my labs all over the place, BP up, my mood....well everyday was PMS.

    This time I am drinking water, half my body weight in sugar substitutes, only green tea, spiced tea, Kombucha tea, Almond milk....etc...nothing sweetened.

    My veggies are fresh or frozen.

    My fruits the same.

    My grains/ some carbs are from spelt, flax, or millet bread, oatmeal, white 80% of the time

    My proteins are gorund turkey breast, Lean cuts of beef (limited), Navy or lima beans, chicken breast, albacore tuna, haddock, tilapia, eggs, egg white, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc......

    My fats are walnut oil, grapeseed oil, EV Olive oil (cold pressed) Orgainc stick butter, Organic heavy whipping cream (for cooking), almond or coconut milk, etc.....

    I have lost 84 pounds since January 1, 2013.....I am currently 195 LBS.

    I can wear a size medium to large top, and a 12 to 14 in pants and skirts!

    My hair is past my shoulders for the first time in 35 years. Silky, thicker, soft. AND GROWING!

    My skin is softer, not sallow or sunken, no dark circles under my eyes. No rough elbows, no sores appearing on my arms and legs for no apparent reason, scabbing over and taking weeks and weeks to heal.

    I go to bed at 11PM, not 3 AM, I wake up between 6 and 8AM, not 10 and noon....I have tons of energy, can walk for miles and miles, Cart my sleeping, almost 4 yr old 38 pound grand-daughter out of her car seat, thru the parking lot, carry her around the store until she is fully awake, sometimes as long as 20 minutes, while pushing my grocery cart! in circles for 5 minutes looking for a parking spot close to the store, and close to the handicapped sidewalk, because it's too much work just to heave my humongous thighs up onto the curb, while huffing and puffing, sweating, and feeling mortified, tired, and like I just want to die.....

    THAT'S the difference in the "type" of calories you eat.....Just saying from personal experience......
    What you're comparing is a diet devoid of nutritional content vs one with higher nutritional content. As I mentioned earlier, if one reaches macro/micro nutrients daily, it really doesn't matter where the calories come from. If one ate an organic steak with vegetables vs a quarter pounder from McDonald's (with no bun) and vegetables with the calorie value being the same, the body wouldn't be able to distinguish the steak and the burger when breaking it down to it's simplest components (amino acids).
    I won't deny eating more whole foods provides better nutritional value for consumption, but when some state that any processed foods are devoid of any nutritional value, then it's wrong information.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I am a career dieter, on ALL past diets it was all about the calorie long as I was under it didn't matter what the food was.....and water? What's water?

    Did I lose weight? Sure I did!

    And at 150 pounds I could wear a medium to large in blouses, and a size 14 in pants or skirts. My hair was thin, my cheeks sunken, my stamina nil, my sleep awful, my labs all over the place, BP up, my mood....well everyday was PMS.

    This time I am drinking water, half my body weight in sugar substitutes, only green tea, spiced tea, Kombucha tea, Almond milk....etc...nothing sweetened.

    My veggies are fresh or frozen.

    My fruits the same.

    My grains/ some carbs are from spelt, flax, or millet bread, oatmeal, white 80% of the time

    My proteins are gorund turkey breast, Lean cuts of beef (limited), Navy or lima beans, chicken breast, albacore tuna, haddock, tilapia, eggs, egg white, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc......

    My fats are walnut oil, grapeseed oil, EV Olive oil (cold pressed) Orgainc stick butter, Organic heavy whipping cream (for cooking), almond or coconut milk, etc.....

    I have lost 84 pounds since January 1, 2013.....I am currently 195 LBS.

    I can wear a size medium to large top, and a 12 to 14 in pants and skirts!

    My hair is past my shoulders for the first time in 35 years. Silky, thicker, soft. AND GROWING!

    My skin is softer, not sallow or sunken, no dark circles under my eyes. No rough elbows, no sores appearing on my arms and legs for no apparent reason, scabbing over and taking weeks and weeks to heal.

    I go to bed at 11PM, not 3 AM, I wake up between 6 and 8AM, not 10 and noon....I have tons of energy, can walk for miles and miles, Cart my sleeping, almost 4 yr old 38 pound grand-daughter out of her car seat, thru the parking lot, carry her around the store until she is fully awake, sometimes as long as 20 minutes, while pushing my grocery cart! in circles for 5 minutes looking for a parking spot close to the store, and close to the handicapped sidewalk, because it's too much work just to heave my humongous thighs up onto the curb, while huffing and puffing, sweating, and feeling mortified, tired, and like I just want to die.....

    THAT'S the difference in the "type" of calories you eat.....Just saying from personal experience......
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Yeah, I'm one of those people whose diary you would probably frown upon. I eat frozen dinners almost every night, I eat dessert every night, I eat white bread and potatoes, don't eat at least 5 servings of vegetables a day, and I eat added sugars. But you know what? I used to eat NO vegetables, eat Chinese takeout or pizza every night, consume chips and chocolate like it was the end of the world every single day, and I was obese. I'm healthier now, barely overweight, and obviously the food is good enough to fuel my body through 2+ hours of exercise almost every day. And I've lost almost 50 pounds.

    It works for me, so nun-ya.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I am a career dieter, on ALL past diets it was all about the calorie long as I was under it didn't matter what the food was.....and water? What's water?

    Did I lose weight? Sure I did!

    And at 150 pounds I could wear a medium to large in blouses, and a size 14 in pants or skirts. My hair was thin, my cheeks sunken, my stamina nil, my sleep awful, my labs all over the place, BP up, my mood....well everyday was PMS.

    This time I am drinking water, half my body weight in sugar substitutes, only green tea, spiced tea, Kombucha tea, Almond milk....etc...nothing sweetened.

    My veggies are fresh or frozen.

    My fruits the same.

    My grains/ some carbs are from spelt, flax, or millet bread, oatmeal, white 80% of the time

    My proteins are gorund turkey breast, Lean cuts of beef (limited), Navy or lima beans, chicken breast, albacore tuna, haddock, tilapia, eggs, egg white, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc......

    My fats are walnut oil, grapeseed oil, EV Olive oil (cold pressed) Orgainc stick butter, Organic heavy whipping cream (for cooking), almond or coconut milk, etc.....

    I have lost 84 pounds since January 1, 2013.....I am currently 195 LBS.

    I can wear a size medium to large top, and a 12 to 14 in pants and skirts!

    My hair is past my shoulders for the first time in 35 years. Silky, thicker, soft. AND GROWING!

    My skin is softer, not sallow or sunken, no dark circles under my eyes. No rough elbows, no sores appearing on my arms and legs for no apparent reason, scabbing over and taking weeks and weeks to heal.

    I go to bed at 11PM, not 3 AM, I wake up between 6 and 8AM, not 10 and noon....I have tons of energy, can walk for miles and miles, Cart my sleeping, almost 4 yr old 38 pound grand-daughter out of her car seat, thru the parking lot, carry her around the store until she is fully awake, sometimes as long as 20 minutes, while pushing my grocery cart! in circles for 5 minutes looking for a parking spot close to the store, and close to the handicapped sidewalk, because it's too much work just to heave my humongous thighs up onto the curb, while huffing and puffing, sweating, and feeling mortified, tired, and like I just want to die.....

    THAT'S the difference in the "type" of calories you eat.....Just saying from personal experience......

    maybe... just maybe... the reason your previous "diets" weren't sustainable is because you treated them as "diets" that would come to an end when you reached the scale number that you wanted to reach and then went back to your previous eating habits.

    i don't diet. i never have. i never will. the changes i made to my eating are changes that i hope i'll stick to for the next 30-40 years. so the idea that some foods would no longer be allowed to cross my lips is just laughable to me. i do not plan on avoiding pizza or chocolate or potato chips for the next 30-40 years.

    in terms of weight loss, it is all about the calories.

    nutrition is not about eliminating foods. it's about ensuring that you eat enough nutritious foods so that your daily needs are met. beyond that point, eat whatever you want.

    BTW, science is on my side.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Worry about yourself. Judging others' food choice is foolish and makes you appear snobbish and petty. It's none of your business what other people put in their mouth. If it works for them, then that's all that matters.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Ok, I in NO way meant any harm or insult here. I only was trying to help. Proof? Ask any nutritionist or doctor, read any health book or magazine...pretty much anywhere you can learn that.
    You see, you keep saying some assertion, then following it with "Proof?" and then something that doesn't actually qualify as proof. If you just changed it to say "I think this is a good idea because..." and then whatever you're proffering as "proof", it'd probably ruffle fewer feathers. The scientists on here bristle, I think, when you make those kinds of sweeping statements. In general, scientists tend to stay away from sweeping statements, and "proving" something is always true pretty gosh-darned hard. If you want to claim that it's true for you, I'll get behind that. :drinker:

    edited for abysmal punctuation
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think you're presenting a false dichotomy. You don't have to choose between eating all whole foods or eating all junk food. My diet is a mixture of both. Today I am having apple crisp cheesecake (which I made from scratch, it's delicious), 2 servings of raw baby carrots, 2% cottage cheese, grilled chicken skewers, peas, black beans and rice, fresh peaches, greek yogurt, and ice cream. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I'm with you sister. I cant believe how many people are misinformed referring to the statement I seen "a calorie is a calorie" attitude. ...... I have been reading a great book.It really helped me to understand why eating certain types of calories in certain combinations work to burn calories ..rather than just counting the calories themselves. Thats fine if you are trying to stay within range for a certain splurge or occasionally, but not for everyday life. Please friend me,so we can share..I could use the support .

    No No No No No
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Ok, I in NO way meant any harm or insult here. I only was trying to help. Proof? Ask any nutritionist or doctor, read any health book or magazine...pretty much anywhere you can learn that. It's not a bad thing or hurtful thing that I said, but I see it sure hit a lot of nerves and I don't understand that at all.

    I never said not to have that treat every once in a while. I was trying to help, because YES when you give your body foods closest to nature, our system knows exactly what to do with it very easily. Food today is so unhealthy and that is why we, as people are getting so sick and new illnesses keep popping up. Look on ANY article and see what it says how to prevent these illness or how to just stay healthy....what you eat is #1. What you eat is about 80% of health.

    There is a saying in the health world, "bodies are made in the kitchen" which goes for healthy foods or unhealthy foods.

    Again, never thought this would ruffle so many feathers, and for that, I am truly sorry.

    No No No No No

    Stop reading articles and listening to gurus
  • JasonT1973
    JasonT1973 Posts: 229 Member
    People need to stop confusing weight loss with health.
    You can eat nothing but peanut butter cups all day everyday and lose weight if the calories IN is less than the calories OUT/
    FACTS: Reese's peanut butter cups have: 200 calories per 2 cups/ 13g Fat / 24g Carbs/ 5g protein.
    If you drink a protein shake and take a multi-vitamin you can then enjoy your 5 packs of reese's a day and still lose weight.

    You COULD argue that this would severely interfere with your bodies natural processes and the tiny amount of food consumed would cause hunger pangs and lead to binge eating. But purely in a weight loss context... what you eat is not important.