Calories are NOT equal



  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    Genes play a big part of it. Macros for one person may be ok but the same diet would cause high cholesterol in another.

    this is true. high cholesterol is genetic. some people are predisposed for high cholesterol. and the have to watch their intake
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Genes play a big part of it. Macros for one person may be ok but the same diet would cause high cholesterol in another.

    this is true. high cholesterol is genetic. some people are predisposed for high cholesterol. and the have to watch their intake

    Watch their intake of... what, exactly?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    The horrid, disgusting thing on the right is the product of fast food and ice cream.

    Tell your children! Let me be a warning.

    That towel makes me unhappy for some odd reason.

    On subject: Truth 1: I hit my macros most nights (it balances by Sunday) and I get my micronutrients daily (usually hit my weekly value by Thursday)

    Truth 2: I fit Wendy's in twice a week and cookies, ice cream, or brownies nightly.

    Why does Truth 2 magically render Truth 1 void?

    ^This. Not the bit about the towel, I am happy for it's existence. But it sounds like you've found your personal perfect balance. When you find your personal balance you are on track to long term success.

    If your diet feels like work in any way, it's probably not going to hold long term. I don't wish failure on anyone, but the fact of the matter is that if maintaining a 100% 'clean' diet is hard work, you are more likely to fail.

    For those whose ideal balance is genuinely 100% 'clean' and 0% convenient, that's great. But understand that not everyone can dedicate to a diet like that, and that doesn't mean that they aren't getting any health benefits from the simple act of cutting weight and learning portion control.


    I hate threads like this. I was gonna have an egg white and asparagus omelet but now I want a bacon cheeseburger. Clean eaters are always sabotaging me.
  • Yes that's completely true. Like if I ate oatmeal which was 200 calories, it would keep me full for longer and my metabolism would be higher, which means I'd burn fat faster. But if i ate a sugary cereal, it would store it as fat and wouldn't keep me full. And fizzy drinks with 0 calories, they're so bad for you and it has really bad effects on you.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Read Fast Food Nation. It's just unbelievable to me the venom with which people will defend processed food. The makers of fast foods and processed foods love you; their advertising dollars have been well spent.

    Stop. That book made my brain bleed. I'd read wheat belly four more time before I read Fast Food Nation again.
    So I guess you mean it was worse than terrible? :laugh:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Yes that's completely true. Like if I ate oatmeal which was 200 calories, it would keep me full for longer and my metabolism would be higher, which means I'd burn fat faster. But if i ate a sugary cereal, it would store it as fat and wouldn't keep me full. And fizzy drinks with 0 calories, they're so bad for you and it has really bad effects on you.

    200 calories of oatmeal may keep you full longer than sugary cereal, absolutely.

    However, you won't be burning fat faster by eating oatmeal than Froot Loops.
  • RBurnham90
    RBurnham90 Posts: 202 Member
    strong troll thread op
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Yes that's completely true. Like if I ate oatmeal which was 200 calories, it would keep me full for longer and my metabolism would be higher, which means I'd burn fat faster. But if i ate a sugary cereal, it would store it as fat and wouldn't keep me full. And fizzy drinks with 0 calories, they're so bad for you and it has really bad effects on you.

    What if I said that either way (oatmeal or coco puffs) I'd be hungry an hour later, because that's just not enough food?

    And...I can't even get into the rest. Sugary cereal stores as fat? Fizzy diet drinks have (unnamed) bad effects? What?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I hate threads like this. I was gonna have an egg white and asparagus omelet but now I want a bacon cheeseburger. Clean eaters are always sabotaging me.
    I know! Now I want a burger too. But I already pre-logged my clean Subway lunch, so I can't have one... or wait, is Subway clean or dirty? :tongue:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I hate threads like this. I was gonna have an egg white and asparagus omelet but now I want a bacon cheeseburger. Clean eaters are always sabotaging me.
    I know! Now I want a burger too. But I already pre-logged my clean Subway lunch, so I can't have one... or wait, is Subway clean or dirty? :tongue:

    Its clean as long as you pre-logged in a couple chocolate chip cookies with your Sub and chips....:drinker:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes that's completely true. Like if I ate oatmeal which was 200 calories, it would keep me full for longer and my metabolism would be higher, which means I'd burn fat faster. But if i ate a sugary cereal, it would store it as fat and wouldn't keep me full. And fizzy drinks with 0 calories, they're so bad for you and it has really bad effects on you.

    How would your metabolism be higher?

    Carbonated water is bad for you?

    Sugary cereal would be stored as fat if you are at a caloric deficit?
  • Some people need to google what a calorie is a unit of.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Yes that's completely true. Like if I ate oatmeal which was 200 calories, it would keep me full for longer and my metabolism would be higher, which means I'd burn fat faster. But if i ate a sugary cereal, it would store it as fat and wouldn't keep me full. And fizzy drinks with 0 calories, they're so bad for you and it has really bad effects on you.
    holy Bro Science Batman
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    And what in the name of all that's holy is a macro, please? Sounds like something Hubs might put on my computer for playing MMORPGs.

    There are three (well, really four if you count alcohol) macros (macronutrient)

    Protein, Fats and Carbs.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Read Fast Food Nation. It's just unbelievable to me the venom with which people will defend processed food. The makers of fast foods and processed foods love you; their advertising dollars have been well spent.

    Stop. That book made my brain bleed. I'd read wheat belly four more time before I read Fast Food Nation again.
    So I guess you mean it was worse than terrible? :laugh:

    I had to get out of bed (It's only 8am here, don't judge me.) for find a gif just to show how fast food nation made me feel


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Thursday I had Wendy's for breakfast, Taco bell for lunch and pizza for dinner. I was within a 100 calories of my goal (which I consider close enough), hit my minimum protein and fat goals, had fruits and vegetables and took vitamins. I felt fine.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Read Fast Food Nation. It's just unbelievable to me the venom with which people will defend processed food. The makers of fast foods and processed foods love you; their advertising dollars have been well spent.

    I don't eat fast foods...however. what is processed?

    - my milk
    - my tofu
    - my frozen veggies
    - my seitan
    - my yogurt
    - my peanut butter
    - my cheese
    - my pre made egg white salad
    - my bread
    - my pasta
    - my ice cream
    - my chocolate
    - my pre-made salad
    - my dried cranberries
    - my sun dried tomatoes?

    They all are.

    ETA: I don't eat fast food because I do not really like the options I have, not because I have anything against your logic is flawed.
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    I think people need to do what works for them. I need those unclean days...and because I know myself, if I feel like I'm dieting it will never work. Yesterday I had jack n the box, it was soooo good and I stayed within my 1500 cals/ day. No one can make me feel bad about that. I earned that Jumbo Jack!
  • Cant we all just get along! what works for you may not work for them..if they come to the realization that they want to clean up let them.
    but if its working for them know leave them be and dont make them fell bad. with holy opions that may make a person second guess their diecision to get health and insult them by calling them garbage eaters...thats not positive at all... cause it a starting point for them and its not how you start the race but how you finish. i try to eat health but every once in a while you need a lil flavor...other wise you not living. just my 2 cents on the subject if you want a refund to bad!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Yes that's completely true. Like if I ate oatmeal which was 200 calories, it would keep me full for longer and my metabolism would be higher, which means I'd burn fat faster. But if i ate a sugary cereal, it would store it as fat and wouldn't keep me full. And fizzy drinks with 0 calories, they're so bad for you and it has really bad effects on you.
    Derp level is off the charts