

  • Well, what I would do then is measure out ALL the coffee stuff you will use during the day and put it into separated containers in the morning. That way you don't have to measure and calculate the add ins for each cup of coffee. You can measure put 1/2 cup of creamer and 1/4 cup of sugar for example, log it once and only…
  • I had babies in my 30's twice. Everyone said "not to diet" while pregnant and breastfeeding. The Dr. Also said not to gain too much weight and to keep active. I kept active, but my appetite was even more active and I gained and gained. My Dr. Suggested, mildly, that I should watch the weight gain, but DID NOT TELL ME HOW!…
  • You are on maintenance? What are your stats? I hit 1300 by afternoon on my days off too, but I still have 500 left for dinner, and I'm losing at over a lb a week. I know my TDEE is a bit elevated because I weigh more than you and I still breastfeed my daughter at night, but 1300 TDEE for a young person seems really low.…
  • I'll be happy to give suggestions, if that is what you'd like. Feel free to add me. Also, it may be good to ask your current friends for advice. Most people are willing to give suggestions if you ask, but they may not be comfortable doing that proactively.
  • I use "diet" to mean "what I eat" and don't get confused by it, so I'm not going to start using the more verbose "nutrition program". Other than that, I agree, with the caveat that "strength conditioning" does not need to mean "lifting heavy". My grandpa rebuilt engines and got alllll the required physical activity from…
  • Once, as a preteen, I spent Thanksgiving eating nothing but celery as I was in the middle of my food fear/disordered eating. I won't be doing that again. 4500 at least.
  • Mix a hidden valley ranch packet with greek yogurt instead of sour cream (or you could go halvsies with the sour cream)
  • I can struggle with protein too. I'm gonna give that a try.
  • I call unprocessed cheese "milk" :happy: ETA: I like the rest of the list though, sounds tasty
  • Calcium is an elemental mineral. Calcium is calcium. How would my body know the difference? Calcium is actually less bioavailable when it is bound up in bonds and stuck behind cell walls (like in leafy greens!) EtA: I intended this to be a fun thread, not an…
  • Poached pears. They are elegant, delicious and fairly light EtA recipe:
  • I come from a large family, so keep that in mind: Turkey Garlic mashed potatoes Whole berry cranberry sauce Gingered carrots with shallots and cilantro Candied yams Roasted brussels sprouts Green salad 3 bean salad Gravy Cherry almond stuffing Brie and crackers with blueberries. Butternut squash pie. Roasted butternut…
  • I got Pumas at the swap meet for $10. The cardboard interior really lets my feet breathe. #bargain Edited for typo
  • Well, nothing that isn't ham will taste like ham, but if you want a pork dish for sandwiches, this might work:
  • Pop quiz: name one crop that we eat (including fruit) that hasn't been DRASTICALLY modified by humans via selective breeding in the past 10000 years? You can't Also: I know I am not the norm here, but I totally got fat on fruit. During my pregnancies, it was all I wanted to eat. My husband called me "fruit bat". I would…
  • Are you feeling ill? The only days in which I eat so little are when I am not well (few and far between). If that is the case, don't worry about it. One day won't hurt. If you are otherwise well, I'd probably make an effort to get above 1200 at least. This is assuming you measure food and don't just eyeball it. I've heard,…
  • FWIW, growing up, I fasted 24 hours once a month for religious reasons. All I wanted when it was over was carbs and more carbs. Fasting hasn't seemed to do much for my family's weight or appetite either I don't fast anymore as my religious views have changed, and for me, it is much easier to regulate my appetite with…
  • I don't, for what it's worth. I think you would have to drink/eat more tea and spice than humanly possible for it to affect weight loss.
  • Yes, which is precisely why it is so frustrating that they seem to want to opt for arbitrarily lowering the obesity threshold rather then saying "hey, BMI doesn't paint the whole picture, how about we train Dr.s to take some other measurements as well?"
  • Excuse my ignorance here, but does "net cals" mean that you get extra carbs from working out? Or would workout cals come in the same ratio? I HOPE moving gives you more carbs, but I genuinely have no idea. I find that I am able to burn more/ lift more if I eat a carb heavy snack about 20-30 min before going to the gym This…
  • Thank you for your consideration, but I'm not going to do that. She is being fed a restricted diet. She is not being abused. She may need more calories or she may have anemia, but she is not in immediate danger. I'd like to see the poor thing get a cupcake and play hard once in a while, but I'd much sooner bring it up with…
  • ..did they immediately try to sell you some sort of product to "fix" the problem? It seems fishy. I can't prove it, but I think some gyms intentionally rig equipment to convince you that things are worse than they are. The scale at my gym reads 5 lbs higher than any other scale (including dr scale). I understand it is more…
  • It's heartbreaking. I'd bring it up to her, but I know she would not listen to me (I'm not in the medical field). I'm just glad she sees the Dr. regularly.
  • Haven't read the whole thing, but what the heck, I'll throw in an anecdote. One of my good friends is really obsessed with clean eating and a Paleo lifestyle. She has a 4 year old daughter and feeds her this way as well. She spends a lot of time and energy obsessing over food, and finding reasons why certain foods are…
  • IMHO, Taubes is in the business of fear monering. He's selling you dragon slaying services, only the dragon is imaginary and he has named it sugar. People who demonize specific foods are always trying to sell something, whether that is a book, video or whatever. That said, sugar can be a trigger food for some people, but…
  • Drink enough water, let your kidneys and colon do their thing. As far as palate cleansing, I dunno... ginger? :happy: Track your food for a bit, see if there is any major macronutrient or micronutrient that you are consistently missing. Find a food rich in it, try it, enjoy.
  • My 4' 10", 82 year old grandma with 2 fake knees probably eats about 1200 to maintain.... So I won't say that NO ONE should eat that little ;)