sh0ck Member


  • Right now on the borderline of neither but am going for a little mixture of both.
  • I actually enjoy the Kroger Greek Yogurts. They are the least expensive, from what I have seen, and are not bad sugar-wise.
  • When I make time to work out during the day I actually find that I end up having MORE energy and am LESS tired the longer I keep up the exercise. The hardest part to pretty much ANY working out is the initial "getting started." Try setting aside 30 minutes to an hour a day after work to do SOMETHING and eventually you…
  • I just finished eating a burrito from Chipotle myself! This is totally up to you. If you feel like you should track it then I would recommend quick adding calories (probably eyeballing the total number of calories will work). However, as long as you don't take 2 bites of EVERYTHING then I would personally feel OK not…
    in 2 bites?? Comment by sh0ck December 2011
  • Vegetable Tomato Stew (with Optional Chicken) OPTIONAL: Cook up 1-2 pounds of chicken breasts however you want. - Touch of Olive Oil in a big Pot - Dice 1/2 an onion and put into oil - Mince some garlic and put into oil - Let sit until the onion is sweating - Pour in 1 biggish can of diced tomatoes (preferably no salt…
  • "Working" is a very loose term but yes, I suppose I would say that I am! :p
  • A lot of times it is hard but do your best to find an exercise that you enjoy. I absolutely love playing basketball. When I play it doesn't feel like it is hard work. If I can't play basketball then I am not at all motivated to run on the treadmill or the elliptical. If there is an activity that you like then maybe look on…
    in tricks? Comment by sh0ck December 2011
  • 1) Find something similar that is already in the database (food tracking does NOT have to be a perfect science as someone said above) or 2) Guess what you think is in it and add those ingredients separately (for example, if I get a turkey and cheese sandwich from 7-11 and it isn't in the database then I will add in 2…
  • Beer all the way. Other than that I can eat pretty healthily.
  • I will def be there! Saturday afternoon session. I'm in your boat. If it weren't for my love of beer I would probably be down at my GW. I actually lost about 20 of my 28 lbs during lent when I gave up drinking all alcohol on the weekdays.
  • That's really cool. How do you become a volunteer? Just sign up for it on the website when they first announce it or something?
    in Colorado Comment by sh0ck September 2011
  • Englewood right here! Here are two other threads for Coloradoans!
  • Tell me about it! Beer is probably the number 1 thing between my CW and my GW! Oh well. Are you going to GABF next weekend?
    in Colorado Comment by sh0ck September 2011
  • I moved here ultimately from Virginia. I graduated from undergrad in Virginia in 2008 and then graduated with my Masters in Kansas in 2010 and moved here right after that. I have been here for a year and am loving it!
    in Colorado Comment by sh0ck September 2011
  • I live in Englewood! Also, here is a link to another thread here on MFP with quite a few Coloradoans:
    in Colorado Comment by sh0ck September 2011
  • Yea, those frozen DIET foods are generally JAM-PACKED with sodium. To help with meal planning I would recommend picking a day or two out of the week and cook up food for the next few days so that you can take them with you. Much healthier and it can definitely help you watch the sodium intake. Good luck!
  • I will see if I can get my hands on these. Thanks!
  • @stevenleagle - I am beginning to fear that my original post came across too harsh/demanding. I am simply interested in seeing where everyone is coming from and why they do it. As I have said, I am not here to call anyone out or say that what anyone is doing is wrong, I am just interested in the reasoning behind it. I very…
  • I love documentaries (and also hate them) because of how extremely biased they are. I love them because they generally have a far out, but still at least a LITTLE bit based in fact, point. I hate them because it is easy to get sucked in to what they are saying. My whole point is just that. So much information is thrown…
  • For me I have been trying to do the: - Exercise 1+ hours a day - Eat less processed foods - Limiting my (processed) sugar intake - Eating more whole grains - Eating lower-fat foods - Eating more fruits and vegetables - Focusing a lot on trying to meet my macronutrients (Protein, Carbs, Fat) Why do I do this? Because I have…
  • I will indeed. I am a forum Moderator for MLG but I am also an Event Referee. So I get to go to all of the events! Are you going/have you gone to any events this season?
    in Any gamers? Comment by sh0ck August 2011
  • No. That is not how it works. There was a thread recently that the argument went the exact same way. In studies/tests the status quo is assumed. It is the divergence from the status quo that needs to be proven. In our example, the status quo (NULL HYPOTHESIS) is "There is no difference in the balance and coordination…
  • I would be interested in seeing a study by the NIH or by Harvard Science that shows running on a treadmill surface requires more than DOUBLE the amount of coordination and balance in your entire body than running out on an asphault bike trail or on a concrete sidewalk.
  • Englewood right here!
  • running on the treadmill is worse on your joints/hips (according to the chiropractor that my fiancee sees). Having the belt basically be pushing AGAINST your feet every time they land isn't the best for you. I don't really have any documentation for this, this is just what I heard from my fiancee who recently had hip…
  • I am currently eating a cup of Fage 2% Greek Yogurt with 1/4 cup natural almonds, 1/4 cup golden raisins, and 1 cup (with pits) of cherries. high in protein and fiber. A bit high in sugar but MOST of it is natural sugar.
  • I actually work for MLG! I mainly play Black Ops these days. I will sometime throw in a little bit of Rock Band. (Both on XBox)
    in Any gamers? Comment by sh0ck August 2011
  • I will definitely need to try this.
  • Great response. Exactly what I was thinking. If you tend to drink with friends then completely cutting it out of your diet isn't the smartest thing (unless you are ultimately trying to not drink again). Just be mindful of what you are drinking. Going over on your calories a day or two never killed anyone, it's just good to…