

  • I agree. I try to work out every day but Friday or Saturday usually get skipped, if not both. If I skip Friday I work out when I wake up Saturday and that helps me get back on track for a Sunday work out which continues on into the week.
  • When you initially start to eat/diet right and add strength and cardio you will lose at a rapid pace to start and eventually slow down. Keep it up though..........
  • Shes had plenty of feedback thus far. And this is a health/fitness site anyways...........
  • And I apologize Ybba12490. I've put my two cents in on what I think you should do. Some people just think its all about them.........no matter the circumstance. ^^^
  • Something with good protein and low carbs is what I suggest. doesnt matter where you get it from.
  • Once again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You throwing vocabulary words around makes you no more superior than someone who has their own views about relationships. Why contradict yourself and tell someone else their being rude....now thats causation for you. And you might need to "educate" yourself on some…
  • This post I think, has opened up some other women's (including the married ones) feelings that may not even be happy. Venting is good but a relationship (married or not) should not be a struggle. Other people giving advice might need to look and change their own lives.....just a thought.......are you people happy....?
  • Agreed..........this sounds terrible. You first messed up when you said you "love" each other. Love is a strong word to throw around esp only being together 9 months. Your second and third mistake(s) will be moving in together and getting engaged. You dont want to end up unhappy in the end and it will only get worse if…
  • Any body image can be distorted from a certain view/lighting...........and not all images are distorted. Dont give excuses jus get results!!!
  • I'm at 10.......
  • Bodies arent airbrushed for curvature...airbrushed to cover up certain areas (mole, freckles, scars, etc....) The face is the only thing in pictures that is totally airbrushed. Keep working hard Coley, its good to aspire to have bodies like those women. Gives you something to strive for.
  • Low sodium, low fat, more protein than carbs, lots of water, and lots of working out.
    in Abs diet? Comment by RZO42488 April 2011
  • Eat them back to lose consistent weight (may take longer but healtheir in the long run). If you eat your recommended calorie intake and work out and dont eat back your calories burnt you may lose weight and notice fat loss initially but unless your extremely dedicated and work out HARD for 1-2 hours a day it will catch…
  • Agreed.....drinkin water helps curb your appetite. Not gona lie, Doughnuts are hard to resist, i had three of them this weekend :(
    in DOUGHNUTS Comment by RZO42488 April 2011
  • Kill em with kindness..........easier said than done but what goes around comes around.
  • Both are true depending on how often you work out, what your eating in 1-6 meals, your metabolism, and how you want your body to look. Eating every 2-3 hours does not help you lose weight/fat unless your eating extremely small meals. My point is that everyone is different based on how your body reacts to what you put in it…
  • Wishfull thinking........but yes definately helps keep your mind and body on the right track.
  • Agreed. Stick to one scale and always weigh yourself on that particular scale. Weight fluctuations can vary as much as 5 pounds depending on the scale. If your plan is to lose weight then the scale will track that and dont worry about the overall number.
  • This is exactly how my work environment is too. I just work out after work extra hard to compensate because I'm used to being active as well.
  • All true depending on your body type and what some people consider "working out". Just do it all (cardio + strength training + diet) and you'll be happy with the results.
  • OK not dumb but it clearly subtracts exercise and gives you a net calorie.........and anything you use wont be 100% accurate
  • You should structure every other day being higher/lower than the next/last..........fools your body and keeps your metabolism up.
  • Hahaha........your a clown. I love getting criticism tho, helps me work harder knowin someone else out there is hating. Hating: When one puts down the success or fortune of others due to jealousy
  • Only in extreme circumstances..........20 glasses a day is not bad for you. As far as nutrients and minerals, your body uses those and the water flushes out the rest. I drink on average 12-18 glasses of a 16 oz. cup daily.
  • Both.........interval running is a great way to help you run faster and longer.
  • I agree with this and "Ladyhawk"............your stomach is the last place you will lose most of your fat. Everyone has abs if you exercise (running, sit-ups, or whatever you do for core working out), the toughest part is getting them to show and dieting is the key. Watch your fat and sodium intake and drink a ton of…
  • 2500 is more than enough calories...........I would start out and eat what you want as long as it is low fat, low sugar, and low sodium. Its hard to jump right into a diet, you need to ease into it. Eat things that are good for you and give you alot of energy (if you'll be working out). Start with high carbs and protein…
  • I highly doubt it's conuter-productive but may affect your body's ability to work out.............
  • Why do you think they call it the "bread basket"................ :-)