hsubharas Member


  • Nice job!!! Keep it up!
  • I put a couple teaspoons in my protein shake. Easy.
    in Chia Seed Comment by hsubharas June 2013
  • Bump to the response above me.... I have had hip and knee issues and am realizing everything is related. I have been a runner for a long time. I ran A LOTover the past year and ran into more knee issues initially. I have just gotten back into running more regularly. I might suggest a foam roller and work your whole leg,…
  • Try this website. http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/4/4_1/97.shtml put in your distance and time it took you to run that distance and it will give you your pace. Keep up the good work!!
  • Stand about 1-2 feet from the wall and lean on the wall to do your push ups. Do the pushups against the wall to start. Then do some on your knees. Go from there. You can do it!!!
  • Hey I am wondering how the chia seeds thicken your drink up. Is it really thick after the chia seeds absorb liquid? Just curious cause I am simply putting them in water and drinking right now. Thanks.
  • In reply to ljbennett's post- I started juicing about 4 weeks ago. I love it. I usually just have one for breakfast and then eat healthy meals for lunch and dinner. My morning juice consists of cucumber, romaine, celery, parsley, lemon, apple, carrot, ginger, kale and spinach. Took me a while to get used to drinking "green…
  • Check out title nine. You can live chat with someone also. Good luck!!
  • I am an addicitive eater. Pretty interesting. Everything else is moderately low to extremely low.
  • Bragg's Amino Acids.
  • I haven't had sunflower seed butter buit I recently tried Almond butter. Never ate peanut butter (unless it was mixed with chocolate:) as a youngster but I now mix mine with plain greek yogurt and a hint of stevia for a treat. I add a little into a protein shake. I have also put it on pancakes of waffles for a great to go…
  • I hear ya sister!! While I was losing weight I was too frugal to buy new clothes. I used eBay for some items. I also used Good will. You can find some great deals at most second hand stores. Just give yourself some time to try them on. I still buy lots of items at second hand stores!! Don't become a hermit for good. You…
  • Everything in moderation right. I try to follow the advice of not having it in the house. If it's in the house, I will eat it. If I do need chocolate, I walk down to the store and buy one of the individually wrapped extra dark chocolates and that is it. Just remember all the hard work you have done to get where you are.…
  • I use a little Stevia in my coffee for sweetener. You do not need a lot. I have cut out a lot of sugar doing that. I also like the pu-erh tea or green tea. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • I just saw a recipe (maybe in a clean eating mag) for lasagna where you use sliced zuccini instead of the lasagna noodles. I have not tried it yet but it's on my list. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • one of my favorite things on salads lately is simply using fresh herbs- cilantro or mint. Arugula adds a delightful flavor to your salad. If you need something to take away any dryness of the salad, try some rice vinegar and olive oil. It's surprisingly good.
  • I am back too. It's been since August and I do ok but the motivation and accountablity of MFP really helps. Let's do this thing. We can do it!!! Happy and healthy holidays to all!!!
  • Listen to your body. If you need a day or two off, take it but make sure you take a walk or stretch. A day off should not mean doing absolutely nothing. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Keep it up!!
  • Good on ya girl!! Keep up the great work.
  • You have lost 40lbs so far. Congratulations. That is not and easy task. That should be motivation for starters. You are capable of losing weight and you are capable of so much more. You will realize that you are so much stronger than you think you are. You should "schedule" your gym time or your 'you' time on your…
  • Tr y Amazon.com
    in Help! Comment by hsubharas July 2011
  • I use a combination of skim milk, almond milk, and a little water to thin it out. It is really thick with only 8oz of liquid so it depends on your taste too. Good luck!
  • I am learning that it shouldn't be about a weight thing but more of how you feel. If you are feeling strong and eating healthy and your clothes are fitting well- go with it. Some weight will eventually come off but don't obsess about being a certain weight. Best of luck to you. :)
  • Do your best. Stick with the stuff you know, fruits and veggies. Overestimate on calories and fat unless you know who made it and if they made it at all healthy. Can you bring a healthy dish to the potluck? Good luck. Everything in moderation!!!
  • I have been going to a personal trainer for the past 8 months (2x per week) and am so happy I am. I saw a difference in the first 3 months with just the conscious exercise. The next 3 months were good but not the loss in body fat I was looking for. I am not sure where I am in the body fat % (my 9 month weigh in is not…