My veggie-phob boyfriend has asked me to pick him out dinner



  • newlife4cindy
    newlife4cindy Posts: 44 Member
    My veggie-phob kid loves sauteed cabbage and onions. I just put it in a saute pan with olive oil, sprink salt and pepper and cover it to get the cabbage soft.
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member Healthy and super tasty recipes :)
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    Thanks again :) unfortunately he definately doesn't like onions or mushrooms but those recipies look tasty so I might try them myself!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    i snuck a little spinach in the spagetti sauce this week and the kid and hubby didn't notice

    spinach pizzas are also very good

    my hubby is a veggi phob also
    i have been sticking broccoli into some of his fav chicken dishes

    he is learning....

    may try the roasted brocolli ...sounds yummy
  • gezzy123
    gezzy123 Posts: 3 Member
    I am that mum! Making your own soup is good as well . You can put anything in it! It works. My family thought that gravy came in "green" I watched the x bf mop up the "gravy" with his yorkshire pud! ha! ha!
  • stormdancer
    stormdancer Posts: 32 Member
    One last idea, but its very long term stuff: get him into gardening. When a person chooses a seed from the pretty
    glossy seed catalogs, having carefully read each of the descriptions and chosen the best one for him/her, and
    carefully plants those seeds, and waters them, cares for them for a couple of could someone
    not eat the end result of their work and hopes? Its how many parents get their kids to eat vegetables.

    They have them grow their own little garden patches in the back yard.

    My favorite seller of seeds is Johnny's Seeds. Go to their site and order a seed catalog, have BF look it over
    with you, see if any of the pretty glossy pictures looks like something he would like to grow. Do Not say 'would he like to eat'
    say 'would he like to try growing'. :D good luck.
  • localatte
    localatte Posts: 78 Member
    I'm a veggie hater to a certain extent. So, to at least get 3 cups of veggies in my day, I make green monster smoothies.
    3 cups baby spinach, banana (I only use half) and some other fruit, either pineapple, mango or berries, a little water and in the blender it goes. Can't taste the spinach at all!!!!
    Maybe pick his favorite fruit and use it in the smoothie?
  • hsubharas
    hsubharas Posts: 26 Member
    I just saw a recipe (maybe in a clean eating mag) for lasagna where you use sliced zuccini instead of the lasagna noodles. I have not tried it yet but it's on my list. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • mcandyr
    mcandyr Posts: 36
    My sister in law makes spaghetti sauce with green peppers, tomatoes, tomato sauce, mushrooms, onions, etc...(she even adds even broccoli, carrots and spinach) and of course hamburger too, for her fussy "eats no veggies kids" by giving them a whirl in the blender or food processor until they are unrecognizable. The kids eat it and love it and don't even know they're getting all those veggies. You can do this for pizza sauce or lasagna too!