cassandrac915 Member


  • My current wallpaper on my phone.
  • Oh geez, sorry I didn't respond sooner. I found that intermittent fasting worked for me in the form of 2 meals per day. I tried one, but found that I was really tired and unmotivated for working out. I'm also keto, tried carnivore, gained weight on it (I'm told that's not uncommon, but the jury is still out as to whether…
  • How do you post photos? It's not letting me do it on my phone.
  • Woo! I'm not as consistent as I'd like, but .... Finished my 2 1/2 hours of cardio this week. Half hour on a stationary bike and two one-hour sessions on elliptical. I'm doing an intermittent fasting challenge this month to see if it will finally get the scale to budge and I find myself a little more tired than usual, so…
  • I'm open to try new workouts.
  • I wanted to give this question some thought before answering. There's a whole process that I went through in my head after TFA and trying to figure out my own reactions. I think some of the inspiration for me comes from seeing Reylo as representing passion, something that has been lacking in my own life tbh. So with…
  • I hear you on planking. There's a variation on that I learned in parkour class where you get into push-up position on your palms, then try to alternate picking up hands and touching the opposite shoulder. But the trick is: holding the core rigid and keeping balance, no leaning side to side. This one friggin' kills my abs…
  • I haven't been checking in as much as I probably should, but to finally answer the question-- I recovered and then did it again this week. An hour on elliptical on Monday, half hour and an hour of weights on Wednesday, an hour on elliptical today. Woo! Weekly goal done. Now I just have to get through an early morning pole…
  • An hour on elliptical before work, going pretty fast. Got work done quickly, spent some time on weights in the employee gym, but by then I was too tired to really do a whole lot. Omg, my legs are killing me.
  • Half hour on elliptical, average speed about 10 strides per minute more than usual.
  • Half hour on elliptical, going faster than usual.
  • Got about 3 hours of cardio last week (1 hour elliptical, 1 1/2 cleaning at high speed with Zombies Run going, 1/2 on stationary bike) but only one meditation session.
  • But today I did an hour on elliptical and some stretching. I'm going to try getting my work chores done early so I can go use the employee gym for a bit, maybe get some weightlifting in. Strength training isn't part of the challenge here, but I'm challenging myself to do both. How else am I going to be a convincing…
  • Okay, week before last I did a total of 2.5 hours of elliptical (1 on Monday, 1/2 on Tuesday, 1 on Friday), and did meditation three days in a row, but last week I managed none of this. A friend died on Sunday, then Monday night/Tuesday morning someone broke into the car and stole my bf's backpack (with about $1700 worth…
  • One hour elliptical today, 1/2 hour on Tuesday, an hour on Monday, giving me my total of 2 1/2 hours for the week even though it wasn't broken up into 5 sessions. I have a near goal in mind to work up to 4 hours of cardio per week, then a long term goal of 6 hours per week (plus 6 strength training and 4 stretching, but…
  • Another one: Carb Manager, it's for people doing keto/low carb diets. It works very similarly to My Fitness Pal with a different layout, but since it focuses on carbs more than straight calories, it's easier to get net carb counts for the food diary.
  • Signed up for both. Are we supposed to comment here when we've done it or is it just something we track on our own?
  • Thanks. I will look into that. :)
  • I couldn't sleep, so I did an hour on elliptical. Normal schedule for me is Tuesday/Thursday, but I want to experiment with an hour a day Monday through Friday. I work nights, so I do exercise during the day (which forces me to have a slightly earlier schedule) and it seems to make my workday better in general.
  • One hour on elliptical and a little bit of weight lifting yesterday. Hopefully I will have time to get on the stationary bike today, and maybe some more strength exercises.
  • Here's a couple: Zombies Run-- it's a step tracker, and it tells you stories. Your character (known as Runner Five) is a survivor during the zombie apocalypse who goes on missions for a town. If you have chases enabled, it will make scary zombie noises at you occasionally and you have to run (or walk, set your own pace)…
  • Ooh, I like the meditation idea. I have difficulty just sitting still and thinking about nothing (though I do practice it occasionally), but I'm really fascinated by the idea of walking meditation. Sometimes I can do exercise and get into it so much that I don't really notice the time passing. The worst thing is when I'm…
  • Do we want to just periodically mention it in the groups on Facebook if the admins are okay with it?
  • I've been low carb for a long time, that's how I lost 55 pounds in the first year of my fitness journey. Since then I gained back 20 pounds during a couple trips out of state that were close together. That was after spending several months plateauing. After that I experimented a bit. There's a number of things that can…
  • Hmm, it cut off part of what I wrote. Maybe there's a character limit, or maybe it doesn't like my phone's emojis? Idk. Here's the rest. "(or an eight so I can better cosplay half-nude gender flipped Kylo at next Celebration :D ), the nice clothes that fit better on a leaner body, the ability to do cool athletic feats and…
  • For those who are aware of/ worried about the old age that stalks us all eventually, I have some inspiration for you: The oldest American Ninja Warrior contestant: A 70 year old pole dancer competing on an Italian talent show:…
  • One hour on elliptical before work, but not too intense. I'm going to try to hit the weights when I'm done with work (in a clinic that's all in favor of employee health, so we have a gym) and then I'll do some stretching when I get home.
  • The fact that half of my workout list(s) are composed of songs heard in Reylo videos, and half of the rest is stuff that reminds me of Reylo or is a cover of music from the soundtracks means nothing. Nothing, I say.
  • The stormtrooper workout, for when you need to be in good shape to quietly get away while the boss is raging.
  • I've been loving the Greek salad lately. The best part for me is making my own dressing (because I'm trying to avoid soy products and getting too much dairy). Here's the recipe, but I have tried different variations on it with good results: