eatspopcorn Member


  • Welcome!!! :flowerforyou: This website has a good calculator you can use that will tell you about your macros and give you an idea of where you should set them. Lots of good info on this site about LCHF/Keto
  • Also, has anyone here tried a fat fast? I know its not good to do if you are new to this woe, but maybe it will break a stall? So confused right now and just want things to work!! frob23 - was this hidden in anything specific that you had to look for or is it one of the general 'sugar alcohols' found in most processed…
  • Thanks! I'll check out Trader Joe's first then, that'd be the cheapest by far. Appreciate the help!
  • THIS. The hardest part for me is planning. Sometimes I end up with nothing keto friendly but eggs, cheese and meat in my house. You really have to make an effort to stay stocked up on a good variety of food. Although I did find a good choice at Starbucks if I forget lunch some days. They have a chicken & greens caesar…
  • Great suggestion, thank you!
  • Welcome! With regards to your breakfast - what made you decide to make 4 eggs? Is that the amount you would normally eat? Personally if I had eggs and bacon for breakfast I would have 1 or 2 eggs. If you're feeling overly full, you probably ate too much, which is why I asked what made you want to make 4 eggs specifically.
    in Newbie Comment by eatspopcorn May 2014
  • Me too! I'm down 21 but a loooooooooooong way to go still (about 80lbs +/-) Sending a friend request. Can always use more keto/lchf friends, anyone can add me!
  • Thanks everyone! I decided not to test the seal of my cup and err on the side of caution. Today I brought my immersion blender and butter/coconut oil in a little cup. I have the milkshake cup for the blender so I mixed it all up in there and then poured it in my travel cup. I'm so glad I did, this coffee is amazing!!! I…
  • Thanks for the replies! Maybe I'll wait and try my first cup on my weekend and see how it holds up.
  • Bummer. Can't at work and I'm not on MFP at home much. Oh well, my brain needs the exercise as well :drinker:
    in Hello! Comment by eatspopcorn April 2014
  • There's not enough information here to tell you if that is right or not. We don't know what your TDEE is. This is what I would do.... Tell MFP you want to lose 1lb a week. Take that calorie number and multiply it by 7 to know how many calories you should consume per week. If you don't want to eat the same amount of…
  • Have an apple with some peanut butter
  • Hi there! I'll send a FR your way OP, but also introduce myself. My name is Caitlin 31 Mother of 1 furbaby :) recently married so maybe a human baby soon I'm in Seattle, WA Currently working in Admin so I sit on my butt all day too Tattoo collector over here!! 5'4" 231 currently Goal weight 140* No specific diet here, just…
  • ^^This right here. I haven't yet hit a rut that I needed to make changes to break through. However, once I finally told myself that it was OK to have whatever it was I wanted, I found I was less likely to binge. I actually had to throw out half boxes of Girl Scout cookies this year because they went stale before we could…
  • First, congrats on your loss so far, that's fabulous! Second, this isn't a race. To lose weight in a healthy sustainable manner, you should do it slowly. No more than 2lbs per week (and that's if you have 75+ lbs to lose, as you get closer to your goal you should lose more slowly) so please eat more! As a lifestyle change,…
  • You're misunderstanding. When you set up your account with MFP and tell the system you want to lose 2lbs a week, it gives you a target calorie daily goal. Your deficit, is already factored into this goal. You should eat this amount, MINIMUM each day, and if you do extra exercises and log your calorie burns, you should eat…
  • You should log the individual ingredients of your meals. Don't kill yourself trying to find something like a sandwich that someone else built into the system already. It's not going to be accurate. So log the 2 slices of specific bread you used, the Tbsp of condiment you used, etc. Regarding a workout partner, I can't be…
  • I have no personal experience, but I will say it is not unusual for large weight fluctuations on a daily basis. A multitude of factors could be at play (even the weather) but the most usual culprit is water retention. Your diary isn't open, do you log everything you eat? Accurately? Regarding this...I would consult your…
  • Your goal is not to 'eat your net calories'. Your goal is to end up with a NET figure of your target intake for the day. Intake - calorie burn = net. 2900 - 1000 = 1900 (this is what you want to aim for) PS that's an AWESOME burn on that bike ride!!
  • The calorie goal given to you by MFP to eat each day does not include extra calories 'earned' from exercise sessions not regular to your normal activity each day. Your goal is to NET the amount of calories MFP originally assigned you. ie: if you eat 1900 calories, but burn 1000 on top of that you need to 'eat back' some of…
  • Nope, no can do. I've done that in the past, and it always lead to me stopping completely and regaining. I log it all on here, and use the recipe builder when I cook. Having said that....I do not stress over having to guess at something I don't know to be 100% accurate. I find the best match to my knowledge and move on. If…
  • I would think that yes, as you lose weight your TDEE becomes lower. ie: you burn less calories doing normal things since you aren't carrying all that extra weight around. So yes you would have to re-evaluate every so often. Maybe just watch your patterns, and if you've stalled for a couple of weeks it could be that the…
  • There are a lot of good suggestions here, but I didn't read all the comments so I may be repeating someone. Have you tried to take a more active role in the kitchen with cooking the meals for you AND your parents? You mentioned you're not working, maybe this is a way you can give back to your parents for bringing you and…
  • Maybe because the moderate drinkers are more satisfied than the teetotalers who end up eating more? Honestly, I think those studies that say alcohol leads to weight gain is strictly because when one drinks in excess their inhibitions are all but gone and they'll eat more than they would have without the alcohol. One drink…
  • I agree with that for the most part, but not 100%. If I'm in a pinch, I will stop and get a breakfast sandwich or yogurt parfait in the morning, and I've gotten a smoothie for lunch before. All of those items can be had for 250kcal or less and aren't really that bad for you. I'm not talking about getting Big Macs every…
  • Stop thinking about it in terms of either being on the horse or being off. This should be a lifestyle change, not a diet. If you take that mindset, then there's nothing to fall off of. If you have a 'bad' day, log it and move on. Never give yourself the option of "quitting" since this is the way you will eat for the rest…
  • When I started on MFP I had the exact opposite problem. I was given a goal of 1200 calories, and I didn't know what to eat to meet that goal because I was always OVER. Maybe try splitting up your day in regards to calories? Then you aren't stuck at the end of the day trying to fit in a huge number right before bed if you…
  • Thanks a lot! I'm not expecting to be anywhere near able to do a pull up. I was just stumped as to how I can even get to that if I don't have anything to help me work toward it.