orangpeel757 Member


  • I like to read some of the posts on the success forum for inspiration and to remind myself that my weight loss is going to take time. I just need to be persistent and forgive myself when I slip up. I also recommend enlisting the help of a friend/family member to set up regular walks, starting slowly at first with short…
  • Relating to what BiggDaddy said, another reason to get your Dr. on board is so that you can be monitored periodically as you lose weight and get any medications you're on adjusted as necessary. This is very important if you're taking meds for mood disorders, blood pressure, cholesterol, or diabetes. As you lose weight…
  • I second the recommendation to get your Dr involved in helping you find a dietician. I also recommend gaining access to a pool for exercise. My mom, who was well over 300 lbs at 5'2", lost a lot of weight by swimming. It's easier on the joints.
  • regular exercise like walking and running can also help move things along.
  • Eat fruit. Bananas, grapes, strawberries, and many more are high in nutrients and fun to eat because they're sweet. Pair them with some protein like yogurt, a bit of peanut butter, or a handful of nuts and you've got yourself a power snack. A 20 minute nap with your feet up on your lunch break can help get you over the…
  • It could be TOM water retention or something else that would make you retain water like a sodium heavy meal since it's not possible to gain 5 lbs of fat that quickly.
  • I know she's doing martial arts, but what does she do at home? If she spends a lot of time in front of a screen, then maybe she's eating out of boredom and could use a hobby to keep her mind busy on something else.
  • I attend classes Mon-Thur. I have classes starting at 8 am on 3 of those days. Twice a week I am not home until nearly 7pm. I make my life a little easier by making enough food on the weekend to have leftovers on the days that I get home late. I refuse to give up on exercising so I prepare my lunch, pack next day's school…
  • She only stuck with it for a few months and is doing a lot better now. Thanks for the idea though, I'll definitely pass it along.
  • My sister was alternating days. She just liked to eat a lot of junk. I agree with the assessment that she was missing out on something because of improper planning. It was why I recommended nutritious meals and a vitamin. Don't gorge yourself on Cheetos/the like on the days you're not fasting and expect things to hold up…
  • I know you said not to comment if I hadn't done it; however, one of my sisters did a similar diet for a few months so I'll talk about her experience. After a while, her hair, skin, and nails definitely and very noticeably suffered. She lost 25-30 lbs before she stopped. Maybe a multivitamin on your fast days and slightly…
  • I had the same thing happen to me after having surgery. It's fluid retention and it will go away. I think it took me a couple of weeks to get back to my pre-surgery weight. Just don't go crazy with the snacks as you recover and you'll be fine.
  • I had a friend in the navy who carried around a pack of gum to offer to people with dragon breath whenever she had to talk to them. Of course, if the person didn't take the gum, she'd just have to suffer.
  • Alternate each drink with a glass/bottle of water. Heck, just walk around with water. It looks like vodka and you'll get to enjoy watching other people be drunk.
  • Talk to your doctor. There are other, more accurate ways to measure body fat.
  • Thank you. I have also been at it since May and have only lost 6 lbs. With everyone saying it only took them a few weeks or a couple months, I was starting to get worried.
  • I understand that you don't own a food scale for personal reasons, but would you be against borrowing one from a friend for maybe a day to make sure that you're really staying within your cal range? At the very least, it may help to recalibrate your eyeballs. I would also suggest using measuring cups and spoons for sides…
  • I'll usually bring a dish of my own if it's ok with whoever is throwing the BBQ. If I have some idea of what will be served, like hamburgers, potato salad, or BBQ chicken, I'll try to account for the foods I know I'll probably eat ahead of time. I may not know every ingredient in each dish, but I can take small portions of…
  • My ideal workout time is in the morning. It's cooler and I feel more alert during the day. I sometimes have trouble sleeping if I workout in the evening.
  • Here are a few suggestions: 1. try keeping snacks around the house that he loves but you hate 2. make him drink protein shakes 3. make whatever you want and then give him a huge portion of it 4. have him take leftovers to work with him in addition to a sandwich or something 5. go out to eat, but plan ahead by checking out…
  • I don't poop everyday. If I haven't pooped in a couple days, then I'll drink some prune juice. It takes an hour or two to start working. I only have about a cup of it and it has to be cold because I sip it and warm prune juice is gross. Prune juice is powerful stuff so take it easy. Any more than a cup and it's not pretty.
    in Poop Comment by orangpeel757 July 2014
  • I was also just on vacation. I didn't log anything ( most of the trip I was without internet access) and just ate when I was hungry. I did a rafting trip in the Grand Canyon so eating at a restaurant wasn't an issue. To make up for whatever extra calories I may have consumed at meal times, I made sure I did all the offered…
  • Saturday is my official weigh day because it's when I started being serious about losing weight. It also frees me up for any special occasion on the weekend.
  • Cheerios with slice fruit/nut.
  • I also try to eat meals with protein and/or fiber and drink more water. I usually eat dinner late, between 7pm and 9pm, and have a snack in the afternoon so that I won't be out of control hungry before dinner. I was snacking a lot at night so the later meal and earlier snack keeps me feeling satisfied before I go to bed.…
  • Maybe it's not the same thing, but I grew up with everyone (family and family friends) telling me how much I looked like my mom. While I love my mom dearly and think she is a wonderful parent, I think she was close to 400lbs at her heaviest (she keeps her weight a closely guarded secret). Constantly being told that I…
  • If you're not using a food scale, I'd highly recommend it. Eyeballing your portions may lead you to believe your eating less calories than you're actually eating. I agree about checking out your sodium and making sure you're getting enough water. You may need to drink more than 8 glasses if you're exercising. Also, give it…
  • You don't want to cause yourself harm and it sounds like you know this is a possibility or you wouldn't have asked. Well, it is doable; however, you should definitely talk to your doctor. Make a list of as many questions as you can think of before you go in for your appointment so your doctor can address all of your…
  • My father-in-law has emphysema and stays active by doing a daily walk and lifting 10-15lb dumbbells. Try a stationary bike. Swimming is also good exercise, but I would ask her doctor about it beforehand since she has breathing issues and a weak arm. Water aerobics could be a better option, just let the teacher know…