Eat Stop Eat Real Results/Success Stories Please


Well after numerous failures at every diet known to man I am going to start the 24 hour alternative day fast to see if that will work. I have little faith in everything so I am asking for any results you got from doing this. Please posters who only have negative things to say or who have not tried this please dont comment. I just want a little motivation from those who have done this type of diet with results. Thank you in advance.


  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I do LeanGains Intermittent Fasting
    Eat for 8 hrs, don't for the other 16
    workout fasted
    Track my food...

    I have had success, and enjoy it.

    Been doing it for a year
  • Stephanie191986
    How much weight did you lose?
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    A specific eating practice will not guarantee weight loss. No matter what method you do, it will come down to calories in vs out. Sustainability of said method is very important to adherence but CIO still applies
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    I also do intermittent fasting I do 5 hours fed 19 fasted after going and doing my cardio in a fasted state have had pretty good results with it

    (edited for the person above) she is right even though fasting is a good tool for weight loss this doesn't mean you can eat over your calorie limit IF is good for me because at work i can skip meals because most time i dont know the calorie limit and then when I come home I can eat for 5 hours the food i want to eat while knowing exactly whats in it. I feel like it also reduces excess calories that you intake by randomly snaking since you know you cant eat anything while in your fasted state
  • Stephanie191986
    So what time do you usually eat between what times of the day? and when do you start eating again?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    How much weight did you lose?

    Went from ~183 -> ~162.....and got pretty ripped....
    Prolly smaller than I should have.
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    typical day get off at 4pm hour in the gym then get home at 5pm and go through my fed state 5pm-10pm
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I eat from ~1pm - 8pm

    As noted above.

    Calories in vs. Calories out.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    A specific eating practice will not guarantee weight loss. No matter what method you do, it will come down to calories in vs out. Sustainability of said method is very important to adherence but CIO still applies


    I have done ESE. I did lose weight but was miserable for several hours on the fast day. It could be a protocol that just clicks for you. But there is nothing inherent about it that will make you lose weight more or less than anything else.
  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    I know you said not to comment if I hadn't done it; however, one of my sisters did a similar diet for a few months so I'll talk about her experience. After a while, her hair, skin, and nails definitely and very noticeably suffered. She lost 25-30 lbs before she stopped. Maybe a multivitamin on your fast days and slightly larger, healthy, nutritious meals on your food days could help prevent those issues. You're trying to lose weight, not look sickly.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    I do intermittent fasting also. Eat from ~noon to 8 pm. I've done this to dirty bulk, lose weight (fat) and lean bulking, just different total calories. I work out (MADCOW) during my eating window. I wake up about 6am and do not miss eating (traditional) breakfast. Sometimes I get hungry an hour or 2 before my window, sometimes I have a cup of coffee and wait to eat, sometimes I eat when I'm hungry.
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    I have had great results with various forms of Intermittent Fasting. I have done everything from 4 hours eating 20 hours fasted to what I do now which is similar to MityMax86. The key to sticking to a plan, no matter what plan, is making sure it fits your lifestyle. An 8 hour eating window works well for me, because I am on the go with my job especially early morning and I go to bed fairly early (between 9-10 at night) so I start eating at noon and stop around 8pm. Really just cutting out breakfast, but I train in the morning fasted and it works for me.

    As for orangpeel's sister, I don't know her or what plan she followed at all, but I can say that I have never heard of this happening before and I would think whatever she did she was missing out on some part of her diet. She either didn't eat enough calories or cut something vital out of her plan, or possibly had a medical condition that prevented her from doing this in a healthy manner. Someone else said it before no matter what it still comes down to Calories in vs out.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    As for orangpeel's sister, I don't know her or what plan she followed at all, but I can say that I have never heard of this happening before and I would think whatever she did she was missing out on some part of her diet. She either didn't eat enough calories or cut something vital out of her plan, or possibly had a medical condition that prevented her from doing this in a healthy manner. Someone else said it before no matter what it still comes down to Calories in vs out.

    I had a similar thought as well when I read the plight of her sister.

    Does not seem like the diet per se....
    Just that the diet was not thought out to ensure that macros as well micros were hit and overall calories were needed.

    So poor execution of said diet/diet plan/eating routine.....
  • Stephanie191986
    NICE! Good Job!
  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    I have had great results with various forms of Intermittent Fasting. I have done everything from 4 hours eating 20 hours fasted to what I do now which is similar to MityMax86. The key to sticking to a plan, no matter what plan, is making sure it fits your lifestyle. An 8 hour eating window works well for me, because I am on the go with my job especially early morning and I go to bed fairly early (between 9-10 at night) so I start eating at noon and stop around 8pm. Really just cutting out breakfast, but I train in the morning fasted and it works for me.

    As for orangpeel's sister, I don't know her or what plan she followed at all, but I can say that I have never heard of this happening before and I would think whatever she did she was missing out on some part of her diet. She either didn't eat enough calories or cut something vital out of her plan, or possibly had a medical condition that prevented her from doing this in a healthy manner. Someone else said it before no matter what it still comes down to Calories in vs out.

    My sister was alternating days. She just liked to eat a lot of junk. I agree with the assessment that she was missing out on something because of improper planning. It was why I recommended nutritious meals and a vitamin. Don't gorge yourself on Cheetos/the like on the days you're not fasting and expect things to hold up well in the long run. As for my sister, it wasn't like her hair and nails started falling out. They just looked really bad.
  • Stephanie191986
    Thank you for your input
  • mundaycarroll
    mundaycarroll Posts: 64 Member
    Orangpeel757 if your sister is continuing that diet or is still having those types of symptoms I recommend the vitamin Biotin. It's for hair, skin, and nails. My doctor recommended it to me when I was having problems like that too. Helped me a lot :smile:
  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    Orangpeel757 if your sister is continuing that diet or is still having those types of symptoms I recommend the vitamin Biotin. It's for hair, skin, and nails. My doctor recommended it to me when I was having problems like that too. Helped me a lot :smile:

    She only stuck with it for a few months and is doing a lot better now. Thanks for the idea though, I'll definitely pass it along.
  • healthproductinfo
    I've been using this resource for a little over three months now. I've lost around 10 kg and believe not my concentration is much higher while I'm working in my office. I still get the hunger pangs though which are annoying. Does anybody have any tips on how to mentally avoid feeling hungry?
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    I have started
    I've been using this resource for a little over three months now. I've lost around 10 kg and believe not my concentration is much higher while I'm working in my office. I still get the hunger pangs though which are annoying. Does anybody have any tips on how to mentally avoid feeling hungry?

    Keep yourself busy! I also drink alot of black tea, water and a cup of chicken stock instead of lunch is a good cheat