Irrational fear of losing weight

Idk why but I have this irrational fear of never loosing weight! lol It sounds silly but its true....I know if i stick to my workouts and low calorie intake it will happen but I have this slight anxiety that i'll never reach my goal. Maybe because Ive never been slim so its hard too imagine myself looking any different....Am I alone or is there any body else who feels like this?


  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    Maybe it's not the same thing, but I grew up with everyone (family and family friends) telling me how much I looked like my mom. While I love my mom dearly and think she is a wonderful parent, I think she was close to 400lbs at her heaviest (she keeps her weight a closely guarded secret). Constantly being told that I looked like her from people who meant it as a compliment planted in me this irrational belief that I was destined to be fat forever too. Now, I'm 30 and 10-15lbs into the obese range for my height. I still struggle with this issue I just try to take it one day, sometimes even one hour, at a time. I may never be a normal healthy weight, but I refuse to give up.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's a very, very common feeling.

    I've lost over 100lbs and still I sometimes find myself wondering if I can really, truly lose anymore no matter what I do. Like you said, it's irrational. Just keep on doing what your know, on a purely intellectual level, will and does work.

    Prove your irrational feelings wrong with rational evidence to the contrary.
  • I_Dream_of_Bikini
    Wow thats a different way of looking at it. Ive always been told I look like may father(He's always struggled with weight) but since we don't have that good of a relationship i've always took it as something negative (Even though the person didn't mean anything negative by it). I to also looked at this as thinking that maybe its just meant to be fat forever.....It's crazy how your mentality. plays a BIG part of losing weight....Im not giving up either though. Thanx for giving me a new perspective on that.
  • I_Dream_of_Bikini
    It's a very, very common feeling.

    I've lost over 100lbs and still I sometimes find myself wondering if I can really, truly lose anymore no matter what I do. Like you said, it's irrational. Just keep on doing what your know, on a purely intellectual level, will and does work.

    Prove your irrational feelings wrong with rational evidence to the contrary.

    Thanx at least I know Im not alone! Congratulations on the 100 pound weight loss I can't even wrap my head around losing that much weight (even though I could afford it) lol.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    yeah, all the time. another fear I have is so afraid of gaining weight if i let it slip...
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I don't really have a fear of losing, but it does feel overwhelming and impossible sometimes. I have no clue what I'll look like thin because I've never been thin.

    I try to just repeat to myself that "It's possible to be thin. Trust the process." It helps the overwhelming feeling go away. I just have keep plugging away every day and eventually the weight will be gone. The only other choice is to give up and be fat forever, and that's not a choice anymore.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've gone through a few phases of this as I've lost the weight. When I first wrote down my goal (100 pound loss) I almost has a panic attack because it seemed like such an unacheivable thing!! And I remember having a conversation with my besties about how I got anxious about the weight loss (they didn't get it, neither has ever been close to obese). Now here I am, just 10 pounds away from that initial goal (ticker says more because I lowered it a little while ago) and still having doubts.

    You'd think that'd be a wonderful thing, having lost so much - it is, don't get me wrong - but I still find myself worrying about it. Once I get there, will I be able to stay there? What if I gain the weight back? I even allowed myself to get completely off track for the last month and a half because it seemed like no matter what I did, I wouldn't get there without having to become overly dedicated and that's just not a long term feasible thing.

    But I finally came to the conclusion yesterday (when I tried on some pants that were getting too tight) that it is worth it. I can still lose weight while enjoying things I like, just like I've been doing all along. It's going to take a while longer because of it but that's ok too. I just can't give up...

    So yeah, I get it, we play really stupid mind games with oursevelves. Doubting our abilities, comparing ourselves to others, setting unrealistic goal and expectations. You just have to learn to give yourself a little slack and try to be nicer to yourself and stay positive. You CAN do it!
  • I_Dream_of_Bikini
    I don't really have a fear of losing, but it does feel overwhelming and impossible sometimes. I have no clue what I'll look like thin because I've never been thin.

    I try to just repeat to myself that "It's possible to be thin. Trust the process." It helps the overwhelming feeling go away. I just have keep plugging away every day and eventually the weight will be gone. The only other choice is to give up and be fat forever, and that's not a choice anymore.

    Yessss! being fat is not a choice anymore! you just gave me my new motivational saying! Thnak you lol
  • I_Dream_of_Bikini
    I've gone through a few phases of this as I've lost the weight. When I first wrote down my goal (100 pound loss) I almost has a panic attack because it seemed like such an unacheivable thing!! And I remember having a conversation with my besties about how I got anxious about the weight loss (they didn't get it, neither has ever been close to obese). Now here I am, just 10 pounds away from that initial goal (ticker says more because I lowered it a little while ago) and still having doubts.

    You'd think that'd be a wonderful thing, having lost so much - it is, don't get me wrong - but I still find myself worrying about it. Once I get there, will I be able to stay there? What if I gain the weight back? I even allowed myself to get completely off track for the last month and a half because it seemed like no matter what I did, I wouldn't get there without having to become overly dedicated and that's just not a long term feasible thing.

    But I finally came to the conclusion yesterday (when I tried on some pants that were getting too tight) that it is worth it. I can still lose weight while enjoying things I like, just like I've been doing all along. It's going to take a while longer because of it but that's ok too. I just can't give up...

    So yeah, I get it, we play really stupid mind games with oursevelves. Doubting our abilities, comparing ourselves to others, setting unrealistic goal and expectations. You just have to learn to give yourself a little slack and try to be nicer to yourself and stay positive. You CAN do it!

    WOW I admire you for setting a goal of losing 100 pounds! hear i am complaining about trying to lose 10( ultimately 50lbs but i'm taking baby steps in increments of 10lbs lol ) thnk you for the motivation!