

  • Thanks guys!!
  • <3 fantasy - to read it, to play the games etc :) (Though, I traded WoW time for gym time - to much success)
  • A classy gentleman, smooth.
  • Pass - wayyyyyyyy too young lol (no offense!)
  • A somewhat athletic, cute outdoorsy adventurous type.
  • I have to laugh at the "They are horribly written" comments. I hear it a lot. If you expect any form of blatant erotica to win a pulitzer prize you're setting yourself up for major disappointment. Much like the tamer cousin Harlequin, they certainly aren't literary genius. HOWEVER I have to say, her ability to write a sex…
  • Love yourself: in 12 years you will wish you were here again.
  • Someone mentioned starting in Phase 2, and that being acceptable? Is this the general consensus? (Also, can anyone suggest websites with recipes etc? Thanks!)
  • I am thinking I will have to. Ive been tested for arthritis and for bursitis and there was nothing there, but I can't ignore the fact that I don't sleep some nights for the pain. I just didn't think it would take almost a year to adjust to the loss - and I didn't expect an increase in pain as the time passed.
  • Wow, you certainly do come to MFP and light fires everywhere eh? To each their own... but I'm not on your *kitten* about what you choose. I lost 70lbs in 7 months, it was good, it was healthy and it didn't feel any different than what I'm doing now, just slower lol. I don't see you having a gastric bypass bash fest, which…
  • Just my two cents here, I work an active job - I follow the diet to the letter, I'm losing weight regularly on 500 -600 calories a day, (almost 20lbs in 22 days) I am not tired, dizzy, hungry and I'm not releasing ketones. I know people.. PEOPLE not a person, who has done the diet, lost 75+ lbs, went back to a healthy…
  • All of the research I have done on this diet shows that people who follow the plan exactly do not regain the weight... as long as they commit to learning new cooking/eating styles to go forward with. Also, anyone doing this plan without the HCG would be hungry and miserable and dizzy for most of the day... the premise of…
  • I don't know, I lost 70lbs using mfp from Oct 2009 to June 2010 and then after that had some trauma and became a giant takeout idiot (our house had no stove or kitchen for months due to renovations and Sears fail) and started an extremely physical job - I at first lost a lot of inches, gained a ton of muscle but then…
    in HCG diet Comment by bebhinn April 2011
  • Everyone is particular and most people plateau at one time or another. One thing you need to make sure of is that you are tracking your exercise calories and trying to eat some of them back. I know I might start a flame war with this one, but if you eat 1200, exercise away 600, then your net is too low. I got over two…
  • Shakes are awesome... I have one I call Protein Pina Colada (almond milk, pineapple, coconut, a bit of the tropical source yogurt, protein powder and fibre :D)
  • I'm a total grazer, so I usually grab a turkey peperette, a mini babybel light, an apple or orange, a half a glass of milk and a half an ounce of almonds.
  • I imagine as well, that your image has to be a fairly manageable size. (ie. not 7mb) Also, try renaming the file you're trying to upload to 'pic' so.... pic.jpg or pic.gif or whatever you've got. Sometimes websites are sensitive to naming conventions and wont support names with hyphens or dashes or underscores the same way…
  • I know isnt it!?
  • I do believe they have a low-cal/healthy menu section!
  • Freelance Makeup artist, Photographer. Being self employed helps me stay around the home to help care for my grandmother. (We live together)
  • Darling! My sister was doing the same thing.... of course she lost lots of weight. Then she had a blood test and her sugars were 1.2.... the doctor told her that if it happened again, he would have her drivers licence revoked because she is considered impaired. She's had two accidents that we're now curious about whether…
  • It does happen... I think its rooted in a lot of things. Sounds to me like he might be a bit worried that your newfound self confidence may lead you astray. Which, of course if you think of it sensibly is ridiculous. You're committed to eachother! But, sometimes people get scared. My partner is VERY supportive, but she has…
  • My partner started breaking out really bad (29 yrs old) and we couldn't figure out why... we both eat relatively well, not a lot of junk around anymore. It wasnt a cycle thing either. She did some research and now she uses very warm water, olive oil and a washcloth to exfoliate. So far, it seems to be working. Is it…
    in Adult Acne Comment by bebhinn April 2010
  • I happen to think this Caramel Apple Salad is delicious!
  • Mine links a few things, including my loss and does say how MUCH total lost but now how much I currently weigh. Which, isn't a huge problem for me because I was publicly blogging about it and posting my link on facebook long before I joined MFP. I think its sort of neat. Now, if only we could get a blackberry app!
  • Muscle does not weigh more than fat, its just more dense so you may see an inches loss.
  • I'm sorry, 147 is ideal at 6' tall? I remember being about 175 at 6' tall and being pretty skinny :S I would think that is almost a bit too low. I"m glad we don't have insurance companies to pester us here in Canada :S
  • All i can suggest, is to try jacking up your calories a wee bit. Like,not including your workout calories (Just your base) add like 250 or something. I was stuck at 49lbs lost for like 4 weeks then I added 500 HEALTHY calories for four days and wham, lost like 2 lbs. (500 might be a bit much for you, so make sure you pick…