Stuck on a weight-loss plateau

Hi everyone,

I'm feeling a bit discouraged because although I've generally been sticking closely to my calorie budget of 1200-1400 -- and usually closer to 1200 -- and I've also increased my exercise to three to four intense workouts a week (and sometimes more; last week I worked out six days!), my weight loss has plateaued. I'd lost about 10 pounds in six weeks, then haven't budged the scale more than a pound and a half in either direction for the last 7 weeks, even though I've increased my exercise quite a bit in that time. Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can get past this plateau? I've tried varying my exercise -- in the last few weeks I've added strength training, yoga and dance, in addition to the bike and elliptical machines I'd started with -- and also tried reducing my sugar and carb intake, but nothing seems to have made any difference to the scale so far. I'm not giving up -- I've lost two dress sizes, and I feel stronger and healthier! -- but I feel disheartened whenever I look at the scale and I worry that I may be doing something wrong. Yesterday I went over my calorie count a bit with about 1500 calories and I realized I needed to ask for help to avoid losing my motivation. I'd be grateful for any tips or suggestions!



  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Hopefully those 1200 - 1400 calories are NET calories (taking into account what you've burned during exercise), not just your food intake.

    My suggestion: Up your net calorie intake, like you did on the 1500 calorie day. Go a few hundred calories higher per day for a week or so. It'll help, even though it sounds counterintuitive. Its worked well for me during my plateaus.
  • tarapin
    tarapin Posts: 169
    without seeing your diary, water intake and your calorie burn with exercise and what you are actually eating it's hard to help you. 7 weeks seems like a long plateau though.
  • wannbAhottie
    wannbAhottie Posts: 63 Member
    Just know Jenn, Im there with you! It has been since the beging of November since I weighed and had lost anything. I have been at the same weight, no ups (so thankful) and no downs.
    I know we can do this and get passed it. Stay strong..... I think I am going to put the scale away for a little while.
    I would love to hear what other people say, but just know your not alone.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    When I hit plateaus I will eat more calories one day of the week (1200/1300 is my normal so I'll eat like 1500/1600 on this day). I only eat back my exercise calories when they exceed 900 calories at at time, and even then I'll only eat half of em. This has tended to help. I also got over plateaus as I cut out processed foods (lean cuisines, high fructose corn syrup,etc.). Best of luck, but stick with it! You can do it!
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    Everyone is particular and most people plateau at one time or another.
    One thing you need to make sure of is that you are tracking your exercise calories and trying to eat some of them back. I know I might start a flame war with this one, but if you eat 1200, exercise away 600, then your net is too low.

    I got over two plateaus by increasing my calorie intake for a week (with healthy calories!)

    Those are my personal tips, and I hope they help you but I cant guarantee any results :P
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    According to the experts, hitting these plateaus is nothing unusual. As your weight drops and your body composition changes, so do your nutritional needs.. You may need fewer calories or more physical activity to sustain your lower weight. But more than likely, your weight is at a plateau because your portion sizes have crept up, and/or your workouts have decreased in intensity or frequency. You also may be indulging in high-calorie foods more often.

    I don't mind reviewing what you are eating and offering some suggestions but your food diary is unviewable. If I request friend is it viewable?

    Try to add more reps to your strength training.
  • marniehodges
    Eat a more and exercise less. I was exercising 6 days a week (800-1000 cals. burned each time) and some days didn't even eat 1200 calories. Big mistake...I gained weight. I now go to the gym every other day. On off days from gym I still do other things, like a work out video or a walk, just not such high intensity. And some days I just take off. I increased my calories substantially on my big work out days. After I made these changes I dropped 8 lbs. Everybody is different and what works for one might not work for another, but I think sometimes we just have to trick our bodies. After all, they are used to storing up all our fat and are probably not very happy about giving it up! LOL Good luck!
  • blazin_j

    I am in almost the exact same situation as you. I think the others have given you great advice, but the only thing I wanted to add is determining the accuracy of your calories burned during exercise. Up until today I was relying on the counters on the exercise machines or what's in the MFP database. I've read that unless the machines can take into account factors like your age and weight, the calories burned count be overstated by 10-15%. I decided to invest in a HRM, which arrived today. I did my usual exercise and found that the calories burned was more like 30% less than what the machines say! That's a HUGE difference. I had made it a point to eat back my exercise calories, but now I realize I may have been overeating. I'm going to rely on my HRM and see if it'll help me break through the plateau.

    Good luck!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    SO great to hear these suggestions! I have not lost a BIT of weight since mid-November....I completely understand the frustration!! Perhaps I may have to increase my calorie intake too. Good luck getting over your plateau! :)
  • Jennkho
    Jennkho Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much for all these great suggestions, everyone! I'm so grateful and amazed by all these responses! I'd be happy to add you as friends if anyone wants to view my diaries. Yes, I was talking net calories -- although sometimes I don't really make up all the calories I burn from exercise, especially on days when I exercise a lot. I will try increasing my calories slightly for a week and try to eat more on days when I exercise. I will definitely keep everyone posted! I'm also wondering if perhaps I start eating too late in the day. I get really busy in the mornings and tend to eat breakfast around 1 p.m., lunch around 4 p.m. and dinner at 9 p.m. (I work a later shift, getting off around midnight, and I get up around 9 a.m.) How soon after waking up do y'all eat breakfast?
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I'm up at 5:30 AM, showered and dressed by 6:00 AM, and I get breakfast after that once I head downstairs.

    I've been trying to eliminate any late night meals over the past few days. Some people do believe you shouldn't eat late.