

  • I don’t want to play arm chair psychologist with you, but I’m going to point some things out to you. 1) A healthy weight, as per any BMI chart for a 5’2” women is between 105-140 pounds. You are at the LOW end of that scale. If you dip below 105 you will be classified as unhealthy. 2) Malnourished individuals can suffer…
  • Maybe true, but the first article I linked to actually has nothing to do with weight gain, but specfically the inherent stability or instabilty of aspartame, and how our bodies break it down. Chemically the brokedown aspartame has compounds, which in large quantities, is hazardous for humans. I don't know what a large…
  • First take a breath.............really a slow, deep breath. Concentrate on how good just breathing feels. Now repeat. And repeat......good. Sounds like you have a lot going on. I'm going to recomend a book, thye have it in audio format too if that's easier for you. It is a very short book, you can read it in about two…
  • A couple of links for you from some university backed research: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-drinks/sugary-vs-diet-drinks/ basically, take it easy, some studies actually show eight gain from the prolonged use of artificial sweetners. http://tc.engr.wisc.edu/uer/uer98/author2/index.html More about…
  • It's a great site, welcome! And I'm right there with you; struggled my whole life. I started about 8 weeks ago at 318lbs. I'm down to 285 currently. Keep to your calorie goal, eat 5-6 times daily, do cardio and strength training ( I do 3 days of each every week). Also find something fun to do that is physical. I just…
  • Way back in high school when I lifted for lifting sake. I did 3 sets: 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps. Weight increasing each time on the third set my goal was to be at failure on the final rep. Often i could not get number 5 "up". now i'm strength training for weight loss. I do 15 reps of each exercise with moderate weight, and…
  • Yeah I don't worry with sugar from fruit really. It's refined sugars I stay away from, i.e. white bread. On a different subject, ditch the Special K. Seriously it is totally devoid of any kind of nutrional values. It's filler at best. Eat oatmeal with fruit and honey in it. More filling, more taste, better for you.
  • Actually drinking water does aid in weight loss to this extent: 1) Your kidneys will hold onto extra water if your body is not taking enough in. this is a safe guard against dehydration. 2) Your kidneys do not function properly unless you are hydrated to correct levels. This means your liver has to filter what your kidneys…
    in Water Comment by lpm3925 April 2011
  • Stay positive! Don't focus on the negative. Focus on home much better you are going to be, for yourself, your family, and your soon to be child! Positive energy! And welcome to MFP!
  • In the words of Charlie Sheen.......Winning!
  • A good workout will release endorphines and make you feel better. Add some exercise! Also, find what you really are doing this for. I bet it's not actually losing weight for losing weights sake. I'm losing so i can be healthier for my family. it's my gift to them. Also, not going preachy, but how's your spiritual life,…
  • I had mine out a couple years ago. Honestly I ate light for a couple of weeks then went back to my old eating habits (shame on me!). Let’s just say after eating like that me having to be near a bathroom within an hour was very real. I wouldn’t stress too much. Right now you need to be getting some rest not surfing the web!…
  • I rarely had pain, mostly at night and then didn’t relate it to my gallbladder. To be more specific gallstones are caused by the up and down of yo-yo dieting. The bile in your gallbladder dries up if it is not released. It is released after you eat a fat filled meal. Hence, low fat dieting = gallstones. All of that being…
    in Gallstones Comment by lpm3925 April 2011
  • You have to build muscle! Muscle burns fat. Strength training is an important part of any workout. You can do lower weight more reps for a leaner look, but you have to strength train!
  • I have to agree with a lot of what has been said. Your sodium is high, I actually didn’t see listed what your fat intake is, you are not drinking enough water either. On the diet front: 1) Drink lots of water, and only water. 100-150 ounces per day. Stay away from diet drinks, artificial sweeteners will slow weight lose.…
  • Yes you need 1200 net. Also, sounds like you may only be eating a few times per day. Eat 5-6 small meals per day, this will drive your metabolsim, and you will liekly want to eat more.
  • Stay positive! i know the challange. I started off having to loose 143 pounds! I started 7 weeks ago weighing 318lbs. I'm down to 289 this morning. My wife started at 292 and is at 273 this morning. A few things that we do: 1) Drink only water, and lots of it! I drink about 150oz per day 2) Eat within 1 hour of waking up.…
  • 5 weeks from that very day
  • I’m not looking to start an argument over water, but I really find the entire debate over retaining water to be silly! Our bodies are 70% water. Not drinking enough water will make your body actually retain water as a protection from dehydrating. Yes sodium does adversely affect some people in severe ways. My grandfather…
  • That motivates me! I started at 318 6 weeks ago. I’m at 290 now. I have 7 months to lose as much as I can before my wife and I surprise our families with our new slimmer selves. You really are motivating me to bring a new intensity to my workouts. I’m doing 6 days per week also, and have been since the start. Awesome job!…
  • I want to thank everyone for the positive comments. It shows that we all struggle with the same issues. The longer I go down this road the more I realize this is psychological more than anything else. One thing I did not touch on is the fact that I am doing this for my wife and family as much as I am for me. I owe it to…
  • As long as you are doing some strength training, and have no kidney problems then you are OK.
  • I weigh and log at the same time every single day. Weight gain and lose fluctuates with everyone. Tracking it daily helps to see what your bodies pattern is! That way if you gain a bit at the end of the week you know it may be a normal thing.
  • I'm 33, my wife is 31. no we have lost and gained it back doing fad diets, even weight watchers didn't work, cooking specfic meal and converting to points is jsut too time cinsuming for our life style. at my best weight i weighed 245 when I was a cop and 22. It was hard to keep that weight becasue i didn't change teh way I…
  • Interestingly my mom is very small. She has always ate what she wants and stayed thin. She is in her late 50’s now and her diet for a long while was sweet tea, cookies, and good old southern cooking. She went to her Dr. and her cholesterol and blood pressure were through the roof! My dad who is very overweight had blood…
  • We are taking pics. But as i said this whole thing is a secret from our family so we vowed no new pics of us anywhere on teh net until then. We are actually writing a blog to which will be revealed at Thanksgiving!
  • We track simply on Myfitnesspal.com. The changes are not daily as your weight will fluctuate daily. But you see trends I go a week and only loose net 1 pound I need to examine where I am. For example that happened one week where my net calories were about 1300-1400. I also noticed I had no energy for my workouts. No energy…
  • I agree about the supplements vs diet. Down the road we will switch. The thing about supplements is when most of us have had such a poor diet for soooooo long we are very vitamin deficient! It takes months to get our bodies nutrition levels in balance, add to that a reduced calorie diet to lose weight (We are not…
  • The Power 90 is great. just to be clear it is not the P90X two diffrent things! Anyone can do the Power 90, they show you how to modify teh exercises if you need to. I had to start on my knees for the push-up, and my legs under me for dips. Doing both fully extended after just 3 weeks! I will say I picked up a set of…
  • I actually feel great! I sleep better, pretty sure any sleep apnia issues are gone now, I feel rested. I'm getting some muscle tone back that I haven't seen since high school. i can do push-ups from my toes again! One of our real motivations si to surprise our familys at Thanksgiving when we go home to visit. This…
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