kiara1066 Member


  • You're at a healthy weight why eat at a deficit? If you want to reduce body fat I would recommend trying body recomposition. It involves you eating at maintenance and working on losing body fat and trying to have a more toned figure. Your strength training routine is vital as well.
  • I take the alive vitamin gummies, but I do know that orange juice, or even eating an orange will give you vitamin c. Eating a banana will give you potassium.
  • Sounds like a good plan!! I think taking it slowly is a great idea!!
  • I love Zumba!! it always had me sweating, and it was great for a full body workout (in my opinion).
  • Check by using your weight circumference !
  • Don't lose more than 2 pounds a week or you could stretch your body from the quick weight loss.
  • You mentioned that you lost weight while eating fast food before you fell off the bandwagon. I eat fast food I make sure it's alloted to my daily calorie limit. I love the Taco Bell fresco menu definitely is more low calorie, and I lost a lot of weight last year when I was trying harder. Any other places and menu items can…
  • The question for you is did you gain 5 stones in 5 months? So why bother to try to lose it in 5 months? I understand like celebrations come up, but you have to be realistic. Synacious advice sounds spot on.
  • I have a Fitbit Charge and it counts my steps, calories burned, distance, also provides me the time. It does not track heart rate, but that wasn't an essential for me. It also gives me phone call notifications! Which is pretty awesome! Edited to add active minutes almost forgot about it. It also tells me If I reached my…
  • Interesting topic!
  • Yes, and it's delicious! If you haven't tried it you should and the calories on it isn't so high! I had it as a going to relax treat!
  • It must be working then since this thread is devoted to her commercial repeating phrases often help people remember. This thread will just be adding to the search engine since it mentions her name and anyone who hasn't seen it before and reads this thread will become more aware. No wonder she is so rich!
  • Please seek professional help especially since you mentioned you suffer from depression .
  • I actually like the commercials! It seems that bread has this evil conatasion for some people when they are trying to lose weight and they avoid it at all costs. But nothing is wrong with eating bread everything needs moderation. I ate KFC this week and a twix ice cream that doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Flexible…
  • Op I looked at your food diary and some of the food you posted listed an item as generic. People log in the information and it's not always correct. I am glad you will be meeting a nutritionist to help you out consider weighing your food you will be surprised between cups and actually weighing the food. Good luck!
  • Not interested this is just advertising .
  • The weight does tend to fluctuate throughout the day. Try weighing yourself either weeks, or once in the morning at the same time like you mentioned and make sure you're not moving your scale, and have it on a flat surface no carpeting.
  • Great job on the weight loss! I am sorry about the difficulties you went though and are still going through, but I see something in you that drive to live the desire to have more for yourself and your husband. Keep doing what you're doing and your seeing Progress congrats! I would recommend keep up with your workout and…
  • Eat what you want not sure why the question is referencing men. Honestly, be yourself.
  • The best advice I can give you is eat more honestly 750 calories is not enough to sustain you well. Your putting yourself at risk under eating and try to go for at least 1200. I used to be in college, and I would grab lunch from home or eat somewhere even during finals week or any day I was studying. Nourish your mind and…
  • You're gonna be consuming a lot of sodium. I usually get one or two because I like eating in moderation. I think if you ate above your maintenance Calories and consumed all 12 tacos I won't be surprised if you gained one pound. A lot of sodium can increase your water weight and make you feel bloated. It might be temporary…
  • I recommend adding strength training to your workout. I was at 188.9 pounds in late December, and I started going to the gym lots of cardio and strength training. I am down to 173 pounds now, and I don't notice any loose skin. I use weights and add resistance to my workouts.
  • Why do you have 3 threads for the same topic? And honestly as you mentioned you are showing progress what you ate and move on. And secondly the best person to try to lose weight for is yourself because at the end of the day it's you who makes decisions another what to eat. Good luck on your tennis dreams.
  • My goal weight will be 135 this is the weight I was before I got my current job and became less active. I was super active throughout high school and college, and worked in a fast paced retail store. So yeah this weight works for me.
  • I love grapes, skinny cow deserts, and Hershey's chocolate. Eating in moderation is key.
  • I used to be the same way! Then I got a fruit infuser water bottle and started adding cucumber, lemon, mint to my water and I drink a lot more. There are other flavors you can try, but adding fruits and veggies work for me. Mostly fruits though! Watermelon is my favorite to add with chunks of pineapple :)
  • I wouldn't do it! I have been hearing about medical tourism horrors. Please consider alternatives or do research about another insurance or see what your insurance would cover. Maybe your doctor can let the insurance company know if it's for extreme obesity . Call your insurance .
  • I donate my stuff to the Salvation Army or those planet something donation boxes can't rennet the names, but you just stuff your items in a bin and it's donated! However, I personally like Salvation Army better you get a receipt so come tax time they are deductive! Or any other organization is fine as well.