motormouse81 Member


  • Hi Cyndi. So many people have and I've followed the rules so that's why I'm a bit puzzled. Glad it worked for you though
  • It seems so ridiculous. I have deficits of a minimum of 3000 kilojoules a day and with excercise 5000+ kilojoules. Let alone cleanse days
  • Thanks all for your responses. Guess I'm not the only one. Having a low today as I thought I'd be further ahead. I think after this 30 days is over I'll go back to what I was doing. Losing 0.5kg a week on my own is much better then this program it would seem. I am looking forward to having my coffee back and a glass of…
  • I've found something recently that helps me with my mid-afternoon cravings. Nature's Way Super Greens Powder. I mix one teaspoon with a glass of water two times over. It gives me a boost and it gives me something to drink over a period of time that's not just water, it has a tropical fruit taste to it so it's easy to turn…
  • hmmm just tried my first Quest bar - chocolate brownie. Not a mars bar but not terrible, might try the microwave thing. I put one on my desk after my post lunch sugar craving kicked in. It did stop me from going to the kitchen - win. Held out till 3 and had the bar. It sure was filling! What concerned me a little was that…
  • Hi happy, I'm in Oz too :) I totally agree with liwiz's advice, I log before I eat too. It helps me plan my day and helps me figure out if I can afford to have x y or z. If not, then I need to get some exercise in, then maybe I can afford it! The logging can be daunting in the beginning but I find it fun and makes me feel…
    in Hi Comment by motormouse81 April 2014
  • Hi and welcome! I'm in exactly the same boat as jenfunfur, except maybe not such a great cook lol but I do try and make healthy meals. Tends to be the snacking where I go wrong. Oh and exercising *sigh* Feel free to add me too, hopefully we can keep each other motivated on the good and bad days
  • Try the couch to 5km program. You can get apps on both android and apple that will guide you through. It gets you out and gradually builds how far and long you jog. It's great for beginners because it takes you right from day dot to a point where you'll feel great jogging and it will happen safely. It also has great…
  • You have to know when to give in and give in early before a binging episode starts in. That way you can better control how much 'bad food' you eat. Instead of binging and eating a massive packet of chips you get yourself a smaller one on a day you've exercised. And focus on eating it and eating slowly so you enjoy it. I…
  • Nuts is a good suggestion. I thought nuts would be a good healthy snack. Then I saw how many kilojoules are in them and I was shocked. At this stage in my weight loss journey they take up too many kilojoules for me to eat them You can also try things like banana bread or seaded/nutty bread in general. Try adding more pasta…
  • I am 181cm and still considered morbidly obese at 103.8kg (size 18). I've lost 6.3kgs so far but my BMI hasn't budged much. I don't take too much stock in that system though. Yes I have weight to lose but no one who saw me would consider me morbidly obese. I'm aiming for a goal weight of 95kg which is probably 10kg over…
  • I was logging for nearly 3 weeks before I saw a result on the scales even though I was under my daily limits. I think it just took my body a little while to wake up and get with the program! It is a change so give it some time to catch up to you. I had a very similar post to you but it did happen for me and I've been…
  • Think about why you're binging. It's not always very obvious. Try and rate your hunger out of 10 before you go for a snack and put some post it notes up around the kitchen - on fridge doors and cupboards with little sayings that can help you. A few I've used in the past are 'He's not in here', 'Junk food doesn't taste as…
  • I always liked Jessica Biel, she has a great body and a great attitude and she seems strong in body and mind.
  • Thanks everyone for your comments. I can't tell you how much MFP has helped me already. I haven't seen much movement yet in my weight but I am feeling better and more active. I think the exercise and the lack of binge eating is making the difference. I just have to hold onto that for now and trust in time it will make a…
  • If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think that you dare not, you don't; If you'd like to win and you think you can't It's almost certain that you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost; For out in the world you'll find Success begins with will- It's all in the state of mind. If you think that you are…
  • I'm too scared to put up a weight goal for the month. I always figure it's too much pressure, then I'll fail and eat more chocolate lol But I do want to start with and stick with the couch to 5k! Time to get out and about in my runners. I'm going to do the first one tomorrow!
  • Hi everyone, my first experience with MFP and I've been logging for nearly 2 weeks. I thought I knew what the good and bad foods were, turns out not so much (oops) A quick intro: I have been feeling pretty depressed about my weight and how it's been creeping up over the last couple of years. I'm 32 and 6ft so I'm used to…
  • Hi everyone, Hope you don't mind having an Aussie join your ranks for the year! What a great idea for a group I have been feeling pretty depressed about my weight and how it's been creeping up over the last couple of years. I'm 32 and 6ft so I'm used to standing out but I'm hoping this year I can stand out a little less.…
  • Current 110kg or 243lbs Goal 95kg or 210lbs