Fed Up With Food!

I just can't be bothered, I really can't. I'm really struggling to eat 1800 calories, which is what I need apparently because of the exercise I do. I like to eat healthy and it's sooo hard to get them all in :( I've resorted to eating spoon after spoon of peanut butter, but that's slowly grating on me too ...

Any suggestions?


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Avocados, oil or generous helpings of full fat dressing in your salads, bananas, cherries grapes (granted when I eat these fruits an entire bag could be gone in a day). Nuts. Sip on Green smoothies or protein shakes made with calorie dense ingredients
  • motormouse81
    motormouse81 Posts: 23 Member
    Nuts is a good suggestion. I thought nuts would be a good healthy snack. Then I saw how many kilojoules are in them and I was shocked. At this stage in my weight loss journey they take up too many kilojoules for me to eat them

    You can also try things like banana bread or seaded/nutty bread in general. Try adding more pasta to your diet. And pick meats with some fat in them so you're getting it naturally. Hope you find something that works for you
  • CookieDoughYummy
    Thanks for the info! :) The protein shakes sound like a good idea, but are they all natural?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Sorry but how did you get overweight if it's SO HARD to eat 1800 calories?
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    I buy whey powder the company claims is from "grass fed pastured cows and fair trade organic chocolate"... I don't know how much that is just to get me to part with my money into the coffers, but it's what I use, and it doesn't taste too bad. I take 2 scoops of that in a cup of milk, a tablespoon of peanut butter, and a whole banana after my long runs (just the powder and milk after a regular run or hard resistance workout)... If I remember that lovely concoction is something like 450 calories. It's kinda like drinking a milk shake... be forewarned it makes what feels like a huge volume. But you get your calories and protein, fat and carbs.
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Sorry but how did you get overweight if it's SO HARD to eat 1800 calories?

    I was totally thinking about this exact thing about a half hour ago... for me, a lot of it was lack of exercise and eating way more calorie dense foods compared to their nutritional value. Now that I have changed my eating habits it can sometimes be hard when I sometimes burn 1000 calories a workout. I try not to buy those calorie dense foods, unless I can get a small single serving. Eating 1000 calories worth of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and dairy is way more filling than if I sat down and ate 1000 calories worth of doritoes. That's just my take on it. Trust me, I don't have a problem eating so many every day :laugh: but somedays, yeah- it can be hard. I personally tend to not worry too much because I look to keep a weekly balance. My one rest day each week often makes up for my long run where I run a much, much higher deficit.
  • CookieDoughYummy
    Sorry but how did you get overweight if it's SO HARD to eat 1800 calories?

    I was totally thinking about this exact thing about a half hour ago... for me, a lot of it was lack of exercise and eating way more calorie dense foods compared to their nutritional value. Now that I have changed my eating habits it can sometimes be hard when I sometimes burn 1000 calories a workout. I try not to buy those calorie dense foods, unless I can get a small single serving. Eating 1000 calories worth of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and dairy is way more filling than if I sat down and ate 1000 calories worth of doritoes. That's just my take on it. Trust me, I don't have a problem eating so many every day :laugh: but somedays, yeah- it can be hard. I personally tend to not worry too much because I look to keep a weekly balance. My one rest day each week often makes up for my long run where I run a much, much higher deficit.

    Exactly this. I used to eat a lot of junk food and after I had a pretty good scare with my diabetes, it put me off junk food for life. I literally can't eat it because the thought of it scares me. When I started I was actually quite shocked at how much I could eat for so little calories.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Why do you "have to have" 1800 calories? If you aren't hungry, maybe you don't need anymore. Listen to your body, not random numbers that are all guesstimates anyway!
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I'm betting the OP is trying to eat "clean" and/or lives south of where I do. Then again, the latter is probably a safe bet since I'm about four hours from Frostbite Falls lol. But if all else fails start adding rubbish back in.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Sorry but how did you get overweight if it's SO HARD to eat 1800 calories?

    I was totally thinking about this exact thing about a half hour ago... for me, a lot of it was lack of exercise and eating way more calorie dense foods compared to their nutritional value. Now that I have changed my eating habits it can sometimes be hard when I sometimes burn 1000 calories a workout. I try not to buy those calorie dense foods, unless I can get a small single serving. Eating 1000 calories worth of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and dairy is way more filling than if I sat down and ate 1000 calories worth of doritoes. That's just my take on it. Trust me, I don't have a problem eating so many every day :laugh: but somedays, yeah- it can be hard. I personally tend to not worry too much because I look to keep a weekly balance. My one rest day each week often makes up for my long run where I run a much, much higher deficit.

    Exactly this. I used to eat a lot of junk food and after I had a pretty good scare with my diabetes, it put me off junk food for life. I literally can't eat it because the thought of it scares me. When I started I was actually quite shocked at how much I could eat for so little calories.

    Not all "junk food" is made equally, many high calorie foods provide solid nutrition. I personally have a thing for the Wendy's triple and a Frosty on legs' days. These fit right into my calorie and macro requirements and I make sure to add veggies during the course of the day. I do the same with donuts, craft beer, and ice cream, though they certainly don't make up the majority of my calories.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I agree with drinking some of your calories. Milk or almond/soy/rice milk and veggies/fruit in a smoothie. Healthy juices. Stuff like that adds up QUICK which is bad for many of us trying to keep a lower calorie count but sounds like it could help you out.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Why do you "have to have" 1800 calories? If you aren't hungry, maybe you don't need anymore. Listen to your body, not random numbers that are all guesstimates anyway!

    Hunger is not the best indicator of what your body needs.

    If I only ate when hungry I would be sub 1k calories a day...and that is not healthy for me with the workouts I do.

    the calories eaten are fuel for the next workout and that is why they are needed.

    to the OP there are lots of ways to get the calories in without going to "junk"...I love pasta with creamy white sauce or olive oil when cooking, dates are pretty good too, I believe someone mentioned avocadoes, whole milk, cream in your coffee or tea.

    a milkshake would work, or even icecream with fruit on it etc.

    There are lots of ways to get your calories in without going the "junk" food route....however that is my favorite way...hehe