Can't stop binging

I cannot stop binging. Can being off antidepressants cause a person to binge? I don't know what to do.


  • Health_Temple
    Yes it can. The comfort you seek is not in your food. I suggest working out when you feel down. If you feel like you need a food to mindlessly munch on, my go to are pickles: 0-5 calories each. If its not in your house you can't eat it. I you have any snacks that are not healthy I would remove them. Also bring this up with your doctor, he or she will be able to help you more. Another trick is to get a water bottle with a nozzle that you can suck on. You will be doing the whole hand to mouth thing that helps when craving food or smoking and also is linked psycology to how our brains are wired for breast feeding with birth and can simulate a comfort message to the brain. Also if you don't have one or get one, I've also found drinking a whole bunch of water to where your soo full you can't put anything in your mouth works haha but I did that when I quit smoking mostly for the calming effect from stress (maybe it was filtering out caffine idk) but I hope something in there helps
  • motormouse81
    motormouse81 Posts: 23 Member
    Think about why you're binging. It's not always very obvious. Try and rate your hunger out of 10 before you go for a snack and put some post it notes up around the kitchen - on fridge doors and cupboards with little sayings that can help you. A few I've used in the past are 'He's not in here', 'Junk food doesn't taste as good as feeling awesome in my jeans!', The contents of this fridge will not make you happy' etc etc. I hope you find something that works for you! Good luck
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Some antidepressants (mainly SSRIs) suppress appetite for many people (eg they prescribe fluoxetine for BED and bulima for this reason in the UK). There can be a rebound effect when you come off them as your appetite readjusts, especially if you have been undereating when you were taking them. It might be worth speaking to someone who knows more about it (ie a medical professional) for advice as to what to do. My understanding is that it will wear off as the rebound diminishes but there are many other variables such as your weight, any past history of eating disorders, how long you have been off the drugs/how long you were on them, and so on. And also once you get into a habit it can be hard to break. But yes, to answer your question, coming off certain antidepressants can cause a rebound appetite increase which can lead to a desire to binge.