

  • One of my favourites is Jello sugar free puddings!! 60 calories per single serve container and they have chocolate, vanilla, and a creamy caramel that is to DIE for :) Jello sugar free jello snacks are only 5 calories each and can be perfect to quench a sweet craving :) I also carry crystal light candies in my purse :) 5…
  • Awesome job girl!!!!!! :) You look fantastic :bigsmile:
  • I get this ALL the time. I just tell them I am happy where I'm at and I worked HARD to get here. I do not share with them that I would like to lose another 10lbs. They can't SEE those 10lbs with my clothes on and I sure as heck am not stripping down just to justify myself. Smile, nod, say thank you...then walk away knowing…
  • I love reading about floating poop first thing in the morning :) LOL!!! Off to drink some skim milk and check ;)
  • I eat between 1300-1500 calories daily but I am very close to my goal weight :) I still lose pounds each week though, and I work out 2-3 times a week (eating more on the days that I work out ) :)
  • I completely and TOTALLY agree :) I have lost 70lbs eating all the foods I love...just in the correct portion sizes and within my daily calorie allowance :) I am able to stay on track, be healthy, and ENJOY food again :) This isn't about HATING food and making it your's about EMBRACING food and learning to work…
  • I would recommend more calories as well...but 6 months is a CRAZY long time to be stuck. Might not hurt to talk to your doctor as well. You may have an imbalance that is holding you back behind the scenes :) Good luck!!!
  • Running <3 I LOVE running!!!! :)
  • Not sure if this has been posted already...but you can use diet coke instead of water as well :)
  • AMAZING!!!! You have done an incredible job and you look so happy :)
  • Fantastic!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!! :):)
  • That seems CRAZY high. I would make sure that the entry is correct...perhaps the person who entered it used butter to cook the onions? Check out this web page for more info on cooked onions :) Hope this helps!!! p.s. your post made me hungry ;)
  • I search for local races using The Running Room :)
  • Those numbers don't sound overly rediculous to me...95 mins is over an hour and a half which is a long time to jog/run. I run in the evenings and my 30-35 min runs can earn me upwards of 600 cals. My HR peaks at 185 and I stay in that zone. (Sounds high I know, but I have been checked by my doctor and everything is fine).…
  • What kinds of foods are you eating? My daily goal is 1650 without exercise, on days when I exercise I eat around 2000-2200 calories depending on what I have done. One of the things I found to be most detrimental to me was MFP's calculations of calories burned during exercise. I was burning WAY more than what MFP was…
  • I upped mine by 400 calories and I saw results right away :) Are you eating back your exercise calories as well? Plateaus are SO frustrating!!!!
  • For me personally, this is a life change I don't limit myself to my favorite things ;) I still eat ketchup and sauces, butters and oils, dressings....etc. You get the point. The key is to keep track, stay accountable, don't go crazy :) I looked it up and it's about 15 calories for one serving of A1 sauce (the sodium is…
  • I'm 5'9 and for me 150 lbs is skinny...I have 10 left (but I'm happy with the way I look now) :)
  • Just a thought....could you be pregnant? I have three children and with each of my pregnancies I felt EXACTLY the same way right before I found out.
  • I just ran my first 5k also :) One of THE best days of my life :) My advice...C25K...and HAVE FUN!! Enjoy your run, take care of your body (stretch and stretch and stretch!!!!). You are going to do amazing :)
  • When you exercise you ADD those calories to your daily you should be eating 1500+ cals today.
  • Your body is like a car (bear with me here...but it helped me to better understand the idea lol). Lets say your car needs 1200 litres of gas to run each day. If you drove an extra 300 miles and used up all your gas, you would have to put MORE GAS IN or else your car just wouldn't run properly anymore. Clear as mud right??…
  • First of all (((((((hugs))))))) This is one of the hardest things about becomming a new mom. I have three kids...5, 3 and 7 months :) I JUST got to feeling like me again about 2 months ago. My tricks? I take the time to shave my legs EVERY time I shower. Sounds small and lame...but it made such a difference to me and how I…
    in new moms Comment by teamsaris May 2011
  • Good Morning to you!!! Have a great day :)
  • I find that the people in my life that give me the hardest time, are those who are envious of what I have accomplished for myself. Even "skinny" people get jealous of someone who is making better choices in their lives, eating better, and taking time for themselves! Keep that in mind...the next time someone sends you…
  • Sounds delish!!! Thank you :)
  • You look amazing!! What a bright smile!! Great job :) :) :)
  • OMG...this happened to me TODAY! One of the moms at my daughter's dance class turned to me and said "WOW! You have lost so much weight! I mean, every time I saw you before you were so HUGE!" Um...what? Did she just call me HUGE? I just said thanks and turned away...but I was floored. I too just had a baby, the last of…
  • I just can't see how a diet that starts with a BINGE is teaching anything but a negative attitude towards food. If I get a craving (which is rare)...I eat. I don't go crazy,I stay within my caloric allowance, but I'm not going to live my life eating boiled chicken and vegetables. I respect food...more now than I ever have…
    in HCG Diet Comment by teamsaris March 2011