undrznith Member


  • Hi! Also a sahm, I'm 31 and have 4 kids. They're 8, 6.5, almost 4 and almost 1. This last pregnancy allI craved was sugar and junk, I ate pretty healthy before and it's been a huge struggle to get back to it. My anxiety and depression are raging because of it so I'm finally really buckling down and getting on it. I feel…
  • Vote for Marnie :) :flowerforyou:
  • Hmm... Don't know but apparently making the decision to purge it from your home makes you a target for criticism and ridicule ;)
  • Agree. I ate an entire pint of organic mint chocolate chip ice cream by myself on a friday night after eating really well for days. It works for me and makes me happy and keeps me pretty content. I am not an ice cream hater or hater of indulging. Granted I have fairly high caloric requirements... But I am not against…
  • There is no guarantee that the additions to these foods are actually well absorbed. How often are we told to take vitamins, then wait they really don't do much good try it in this new form from a different source, etc etc. Our bodies absorb these things much more readily from natural sources in balance with other specific…
  • Yes I was exaggerating but a 200 calorie pop tart is not 200 calories of nutrition plain and simple. You are displacing real nutrients with those calories which is why they are "empty" calories. Sugar is not an essential nutrient. If someone is drinking sodas and eating pop tarts regularly then yes that is what I would…
  • You still need to look at that bigger picture. It isn't all about macros. There are micronutrients as well that are just as important to make sure you are getting enough. If you are getting mass amounts of pure sugar then how are you going to get all of those oh so important vitamins and minerals? Taking them in pill form…
  • I did miss that! Mental reprogramming technique perhaps? Don't know. I'd have given it away but I am of the "to each their own" camp. If people want to burn wads of their own cash, live in a teepee in the middle of nowhere or attempt to subsist entirely from the energy of the sun that's their prerogative. It may not be the…
  • ermagersh... Way to slam someone trying to do right by him. Yikes! Where's the love and support yo? I don't keep any of that stuff in my house on a regular basis. Why? Because I will eat it all in one sitting. If I am out and it is in front of me during the day, it's no big deal and I can take it or leave it for the most…
  • I make a smoothie in the mornings a lot lately with a banana, half an avocado, a cup of milk, flax meal, and a tablespoon of raw honey. I consider it pretty dang healthy. It, however, has 61 carbs, 11 of which are fiber and 37 are sugar. That puts me over 30 grams at the start of my day. Logged what I will probably eat…
  • My diary is also open to friends so you can add me if you want :) Just started using this website again after years of not using it. Kind of fun to see all the break downs and what not. I enjoy food stalking people :) I am currently breastfeeding a three month old so eat quite a bit though lol I have kind of strange eating…
  • For those having a difficult time dealing with the sugar/carb cravings this is very interesting, and is a good one to send to anyone who has questions about the whole "low carb" concept. http://www.gnolls.org/905/mechanisms-of-sugar-addiction-or-why-youre-addicted-to-bread/ It is a three parter, also talks about complex…
  • Last night for dinner we had chicken thighs and veggies. Super fast to get together and crazy easy. Rub the thighs in some olive oil and cover in seasonings (I used italian seasoning, paprika and garlic salt. The chicken had no salt added, yay) and then put them in a big pan with some chicken broth. Through some veggies in…
  • Week 1 Weigh In, May 3rd Kim, LW 204, CW 202.4, loss of 1.6 lbs Kimberly, LW 133, CW 135, 2 lb gain :( Nikole, MFP SW 264.1lb, LW 233.7lbs, CW 231.5lbs = loss of - 1.7lbs Stephanie- LW-140, CW-136.5 = -3.5lbs Amy, still 113, but I am not trying to lose, just eat better and get toned. Susan, LW 171, CW 170.4, loss of .6…
  • I am on a paleo forum and several people have posted blood panels and their numbers are very much improved eating lots of fat. Blood pressure and cholesterol go down, diabetes become less of an issue if not a non issue altogether and many of these people are able to get off of their medications for these problems. This is…
  • Love these! So versatile you can do anything with them, and you can make a bunch in advance and freeze them! http://www.paleoplan.com/2009/12-03/omelet-muffins/ My two year old also devours them with any veg I put in. Growing up I didn't like breakfast foods so I would often enjoy leftovers, hot or cold. I love cold steak…
  • Name: Aimee Age: 25 Kids: Two boys, ages 2 and 6 months. Jarom (like jeremy without the y sound at the end, it isn't Jerome...) and Nolan :) Pets: Two schipperkes, Skye and Arthur and a cat, Tristan. Married/SO: Married four and a half years to my wonderful husband Joel! Eating Lifestyle: Paleo. No grains, potatoes,…
  • I liked the article, but I actually like the articles at the end that are linked even better. They have more in depth information. I honestly do think that the nutritional studies are going in the right direction, but it is going to be a long and hard issue to get people to actually start taking it seriously.
  • Just curious, you said eating fat made you fat... What were you eating along with it? Eating high fat with high carbs will withouta doubt make you fat... I have never heard of anyone getting fat when following the paleo way of eating.
  • To the original poster.... Gluten Sensitivity Article - http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704893604576200393522456636.html Dr's Intro to Paleo - http://www.earth360.com/diet_paleodiet_balzer.html Dr. on Milk's Effects on Body (Why I first cut dairy, for my breastfeeding son. He is no longer constipated, sleeps…
  • I posted a bit. My name is Aimee : )
  • Thanks for the welcomes! I love finding other paleos :D
  • I would also be interested :) You can never have enough support in my mind!
  • Hi! I started the paleo way of eating friday of last week and LOVE IT! I had already cut out dairy almost 3 weeks before (I am breastfeeding and my son was very constipated, which shouldn't be happening when exclusively breastfeeding). I did some research and found that milk proteins can get into breastmilk and cause…
  • I would put into writing what you want and if they don't follow it, find a new day care. I would be livid if I was paying for my child to be in day care and they weren't complying with my wishes. The American Academy of Pediatrics and World Health Organization state that it is best to wait until closer to 6 months (AAP)…
  • I have two kids now, 20 months apart and the youngest is about 4.5 months old. I started out at my heaviest when I got pregnant with the first, only gained 15 and lost 30 just through just breastfeeding (I didn't exercise because I was being lazy : ( ). I gained the 30 back this pregnancy and am hovering about 5-10lbs over…