We trashed the sodas, chips, cookies



  • shannashannabobana
    I did have a fabulous cantelope though, and those seem to be rarer so I guess I'll have to make due. Also, it's almost fall now. Yay for the honey crisps and the pumpkin everything.

    Next summer, come visit Texas. We have awesome cantelope most years. And watermelon, if you like them. We're about 20/80 on peaches. Usually we don't get enough rain and they're mealy and/or tasteless. Yuck. I have much more consistent luck with nectarines.
    I'm in Arkansas and usually we have fabulous peaches! That's why this summer has been so disappointing. Maybe it was the rain? We have great watermelon's too, it's just harder to find a good cantelope.
    Every diet involves deprivation. Whether it is specific foods or amount of food. You must reduce somewhere, somehow if you are to lose fat.

    Depriving oneself of junk food is certainly not the worst thing one can do for oneself.
    Indeed. It's pretty much the easiest way to start cutting because most of that stuff has very little nutrition. Once you change your tastebuds, you don't really want it all that often. This board has some folks with really strong opinions on this subject, but it hurts no one to dump sodas, chips, cookies from the house and only have them rarely.
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    I do not understand this idea that if the OP gives up junk food that he is depriving himself.

    How is deprivation associated with sugary foods, empty calorie foods, foods that make you fat , foods that create hunger and make you eat more?

    How is it considered a treat??

    Millions of years ago people evolved with taste buds that got activated when they ate fruit, It was seasonal and in short supply but could store up fat reserves for survival and the lean winters when food was in short supply

    The food manufacturers play on this , offering up products that trigger the natural biological response. We crave more.
    If you take the junky sweet stuff out of the diet the taste buds re adjust and react with more pleasure to natural fruits. This takes time but worth it

    I say go OP go OP keep trashing the junk.
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    Wow, I'm very surpriced by all these people who seem to be terribly hurt that you trashed JUNK food. Good for you guys! At the end of the day is a load of crap food and thank god you're keeping it out of your body! Doesn't mean you can't eat a piece of cake once in a while, but you certainly don't have to have a pantry/fridge full of it. Again, good for you!! Keep it up...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    foods that make you fat

    Oh boy.
  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    Good for you! I stopped drinking soda (and I rarely eat cookies and chips) over a year ago and have yet to lose anything. :( Glad it works for so many folks though! :D
  • jacknife76
    jacknife76 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't listen to the negativity! It only makes sense -- if you shouldn't/don't want to eat it, then it shouldn't be in your house. If you have trouble staying away from it, it shouldn't be in your house. If you don't want it in your house --- it shouldn't be in your house!!!!

    It's not to say you will never have a "bad" food again, just that you don't need to have it around 24/7, tempting you.

    Some people have a harder time reigning in, especially when first starting a diet.

    If you ever feel like treating yourself you can always go out and buy ONE treat... And if you never have junk again, well then, good for you! I know when I am off the junk food for a while, it never tastes as good as I thought it used to.

    And I am really surprised at the... malevolence around someone throwing out junk food. I supposed these boards were for support, not a tear-down of someone else's methods. Everyone does what they think is best for themselves. Shouldn't we be encouraging? Why the hate?

  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    Headed to get a Dt. soda now!! and maybe some cookies :) I can factor them in and work them out later at the gym! Its about moderation not depravation!
    But that said, if this is working for you... let the depravation continue ;)
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Headed to get a Dt. soda now!! and maybe some cookies :) I can factor them in and work them out later at the gym! Its about moderation not depravation!
    But that said, if this is working for you... let the depravation continue ;)

    Posts like this are one of the the rudest things I consistently come across in these fora.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I did have a fabulous cantelope though, and those seem to be rarer so I guess I'll have to make due. Also, it's almost fall now. Yay for the honey crisps and the pumpkin everything.

    Next summer, come visit Texas. We have awesome cantelope most years. And watermelon, if you like them. We're about 20/80 on peaches. Usually we don't get enough rain and they're mealy and/or tasteless. Yuck. I have much more consistent luck with nectarines.

    FWIW, I hate poptarts, but I'd take one over our usual nasty peaches. (A perfectly ripe peach would win this battle, though).

    Fruit pie > poptarts any day. LOVE fruit pie for breakfast.

    And now I know what I'm doing with all these apples I have. Fruit pies!

    Oh! Homemade apple cinnamon poptarts. Yes!
  • Lucy_6678
    Lucy_6678 Posts: 63 Member
    I think that is GREAT! I feel bad for the people who are trash talking you.
    I know I would love to trash the junk. When i lived alone I didn't have junk around and i was 30 lb lighter. now i am married and have 2 step-children. throwing the junk out is not an option.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Good going OP. And, it must be said, EXCELLENT Feng Shui.

    The contents of your kitchen cupboards should reflect who you are today.

  • QueenWino
    Trashing what is considered by the poster 'garbage' is a strong choice. Whether the support will be there to continue the non junk food entrenched pantry (which is the poster's current ambition) is anybody's guess. I had to throw out some beautiful homemade cookies and cake in my freezer to start to take my weight seriously. Had someone been over when I worked up the courage to do so, I would have sent that person home w/ the fabulous but motivation sapping foods. Also, I recently made a delicious reduced bourbon simple syrup and filled jars w/ripe peaches, canned it, and know when I do indulge in some ice cream in winter, I'll get to add some summer deliciousness!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    What is this "empty" calorie food people are talking about? Be definition that cannot be. Carb is a nutrient, 4 calories per gram. Protein the same. Fat in at 9 / gram.

    If the food has calories it has nutrition, period. What is the problem here? Why is this so hard to accept? If a pop tart has 200 calories, that's 200 calories of nutrition. Unless those 200 calories come from some magical source of energy? Unicorn horn, the magical 5th macro?

    "But the sugar!" Sugar is a carb, hence a nutrient.
  • undrznith
    undrznith Posts: 30 Member
    What is this "empty" calorie food people are talking about? Be definition that cannot be. Carb is a nutrient, 4 calories per gram. Protein the same. Fat in at 9 / gram.

    If the food has calories it has nutrition, period. What is the problem here? Why is this so hard to accept? If a pop tart has 200 calories, that's 200 calories of nutrition. Unless those 200 calories come from some magical source of energy? Unicorn horn, the magical 5th macro?

    "But the sugar!" Sugar is a carb, hence a nutriant.

    You still need to look at that bigger picture. It isn't all about macros. There are micronutrients as well that are just as important to make sure you are getting enough. If you are getting mass amounts of pure sugar then how are you going to get all of those oh so important vitamins and minerals? Taking them in pill form aren't going to do anything even close to what getting them from real food sources would. Sugar doesn't nourish your body either. Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium... Those do. Not to mention some of those "foods" can actually inhibit the absorption of these vitamins and minerals in your body.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    What is this "empty" calorie food people are talking about? Be definition that cannot be. Carb is a nutrient, 4 calories per gram. Protein the same. Fat in at 9 / gram.

    If the food has calories it has nutrition, period. What is the problem here? Why is this so hard to accept? If a pop tart has 200 calories, that's 200 calories of nutrition. Unless those 200 calories come from some magical source of energy? Unicorn horn, the magical 5th macro?

    "But the sugar!" Sugar is a carb, hence a nutriant.

    You still need to look at that bigger picture. It isn't all about macros. There are micronutrients as well that are just as important to make sure you are getting enough. If you are getting mass amounts of pure sugar then how are you going to get all of those oh so important vitamins and minerals? Taking them in pill form aren't going to do anything even close to what getting them from real food sources would. Sugar doesn't nourish your body either. Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium... Those do. Not to mention some of those "foods" can actually inhibit the absorption of these vitamins and minerals in your body.

    It's 99% about macros. Modern foods are so fortified and nutritious you have to try really, really hard to actually achieve any sort of genuine nutrient deficiency.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What is this "empty" calorie food people are talking about? Be definition that cannot be. Carb is a nutrient, 4 calories per gram. Protein the same. Fat in at 9 / gram.

    If the food has calories it has nutrition, period. What is the problem here? Why is this so hard to accept? If a pop tart has 200 calories, that's 200 calories of nutrition. Unless those 200 calories come from some magical source of energy? Unicorn horn, the magical 5th macro?

    "But the sugar!" Sugar is a carb, hence a nutriant.

    You still need to look at that bigger picture. It isn't all about macros. There are micronutrients as well that are just as important to make sure you are getting enough. If you are getting mass amounts of pure sugar then how are you going to get all of those oh so important vitamins and minerals? Taking them in pill form aren't going to do anything even close to what getting them from real food sources would. Sugar doesn't nourish your body either. Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium... Those do. Not to mention some of those "foods" can actually inhibit the absorption of these vitamins and minerals in your body.

    It's 99% about macros. Modern foods are so fortified and nutritious you have to try really, really hard to actually achieve any sort of genuine nutrient deficiency.
    Fortified yes. I still prefer to get my nutrients the old fashioned way. :flowerforyou:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Headed to get a Dt. soda now!! and maybe some cookies :) I can factor them in and work them out later at the gym! Its about moderation not depravation!
    But that said, if this is working for you... let the depravation continue ;)

    Since when does no junk food = depravity?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Headed to get a Dt. soda now!! and maybe some cookies :) I can factor them in and work them out later at the gym! Its about moderation not depravation!
    But that said, if this is working for you... let the depravation continue ;)

    Since when does no junk food = depravity?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What is this "empty" calorie food people are talking about? Be definition that cannot be. Carb is a nutrient, 4 calories per gram. Protein the same. Fat in at 9 / gram.

    If the food has calories it has nutrition, period. What is the problem here? Why is this so hard to accept? If a pop tart has 200 calories, that's 200 calories of nutrition. Unless those 200 calories come from some magical source of energy? Unicorn horn, the magical 5th macro?

    "But the sugar!" Sugar is a carb, hence a nutriant.

    You still need to look at that bigger picture. It isn't all about macros. There are micronutrients as well that are just as important to make sure you are getting enough. If you are getting mass amounts of pure sugar then how are you going to get all of those oh so important vitamins and minerals? Taking them in pill form aren't going to do anything even close to what getting them from real food sources would. Sugar doesn't nourish your body either. Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium... Those do. Not to mention some of those "foods" can actually inhibit the absorption of these vitamins and minerals in your body.

    It's 99% about macros. Modern foods are so fortified and nutritious you have to try really, really hard to actually achieve any sort of genuine nutrient deficiency.

    That depends on how much "modern food" you consume.