We trashed the sodas, chips, cookies



  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    The last time I cut junk food cold turkey my cravings didn't go away they only got worse. Now I eat what I want and still lose weight.

    You and literally millions of others. That's why I hate seeing people start down this path.

    I dont know the biology or physiology behind this, however, cold turkey is a method that can work for some.

    the fact that it didn't work could be a lot of things - could be you still let food control you and you have demonstrated how powerful that is. that you tried going cold turkey and you still craved it. Why? I dont know because I dont know you personally and what you ate instead, or if you didn't give it enough time, or maybe you started like what a lot of people do that say "diets dont work" and you started to indulge in those things that you craved. yes I know, sometimes I do miss a few faves, but if I choose to eat them, i will get sick from the extra fat im not used to eating) and i will slow down my weight loss path. so because it did not work for you, and the pain of not eating your fave food was worse than the reward you could have gotten by NOT eating that, which is why my motto is "Thin tastes better". Which is why some people need to put a huge distance between themselves and food that calls out to your cravings.

    later on, a person may have made peace with that food and can again, try it when the cravings monster has been put to death. Till then, it is not deprivation, it is a choice to be liberated from food that enslaves us.

    And i dont mean its ok to be anorexic, or get into some weird food obsession, but to make peace with food so that it is just that - nutrition for the body - not meant to be a reward, lover, soother of stress, etc.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    So you basically turned it into a house of deprivation. I will think of you as I enjoy my Ben & Jerry's tonight.

    No, giving up various foods is not deprivation.. its called making a choice to eat more nutritious food. Its all attitude.. if a person wants to feel deprived they will think that way.

    I dont eat that and i do not feel deprived. I feel liberated from food that was not as good for me as other choices. I have a budget of nutrients to eat, and I shall eat the best food possible for the calories and nutrients allotted for me.

    I think you're just upset that I am able to say "I'm having 1 serving of ice cream tonight", and I can actually do that. I've quoted your posts in the past and will say it again, you do deprive yourself. Just like the other day where you were preaching about pizza. You think the people who fit ice cream and pop tarts and what not just eat that stuff all day long? Come on now. Also remember, my caloric and macro needs are much different than yours as we live 2 totally different lifestyles.

    No will power = throwing cookies in the trash so they don't pig out on them. I have kinds of different ice cream in the freezer, 4 kinds of pop tarts and 4 different kids cereals in the kitchen. I don't sit there and binge on it because I know there's always tomorrow or next week.

    No, sorry Im not upset because you ate ice cream and I didn't. However, I did have ice cream which is a fave that i choose sometimes like when I was on vacation.. I got something that i really wanted and made room for it in my MFP calories. If I want something so bad, I make room for it, but in the first month or two i did not have ice cream,, it would have made me crave more than i could comfortably fit.

    What about pizza you say I was preaching about? I dont remember. I might sound preachy to you, but I try to word myself as being helpful.

    You feel I am depriving myself. Well in a way I am, but I choose to say I lay it aside, out of choice, not deprivation,, totally different mindset. You and me do have different macros. You may be able to eat 500 calories more a day than me, because you are different, maybe you exercise more and can have an extra 500 calories a day. But you also deprive YOURself. You deprive yourself of watching tv when you are out exercising.. you deprive yourself when you dont eat more than your MFP macros. You deprive yourself of getting drunk when you choose not to drink alcohol, you deprive yourself of 6 women to have sex with when you want to stay true to your wife. But you do these things because the other options are BETTER.

    so , yes i have come to peace about some foods, but i find a way to work them in, i still havn't had pizza in 2 months, and sometimes i get a taste for it, but it wouild make me go over my limited budgeted calories MFP gives me. But if i really wnated it, it would go for it, and then balance it out the rest of the next few days.

    In the meantime I have lost almost 40 pounds in 3 months by what you call deprivation.. Seems to be working for me. If its not i will tweak it. but for now, i choose not to eat pizza, ice cream and tacos on a regular basis.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    ...Junk food junkees need to purge....

    Well *some* may, but obviously not all 'junk food junkees need to purge'. I mean you have plenty right here in this thread who say they have not gone to that extreme and still they are losing pounds and feeling good.

    Congrats on you and your buddy's success!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    So you basically turned it into a house of deprivation. I will think of you as I enjoy my Ben & Jerry's tonight.

    No, giving up various foods is not deprivation.. its called making a choice to eat more nutritious food. Its all attitude.. if a person wants to feel deprived they will think that way.

    I dont eat that and i do not feel deprived. I feel liberated from food that was not as good for me as other choices. I have a budget of nutrients to eat, and I shall eat the best food possible for the calories and nutrients allotted for me.

    QFT!!!! :drinker:

    I have never thought of this lifestyle as deprivation. For every food I gave up, I introduced two other better ones in their place.
    I am not "deprived". I eat what I WANT. What I want has changed.
    The replies to this thread are surreal.
    You want the pop tarts, eat them.
    You can't live without them, don't.
    Don't assume everyone is like you.

    No kidding! I'm really shocked at some of these replies.

    And the reason why so many people are obese and even morbidly obese, is because they dont restrict anything ,, they eat whatever the eff they want, and they get fat. even we who are on a diet are finding some challenges because we dont eat whatever we want, we eat with some control. it is challenging in some ways to go the extra effort to make healthy food, it would be way easier to go down to the corner and get Taco Bell. But thats what got us fat in the first place. If everyone could just eat whatever they want, there would be no fat people,, Obviously we need to control what we eat. And allow food in our stomach that is good for us, that is for nutrition and no other reason like using food for emotional reasons.

    Please, to all of you who say you cant live without your daily ice cream treat (or whatver food it is) please, that only shows that you are a slave to that food, the fact that you "cant'" live without it. yes you could if you wanted to. I do not say demonize food, yet dont angelicize food either (get it? demon vs angel?)

    You CAN also live without pizza, Popeyes chicken, beer, poptarts and cookies and cake, and gobs of butter on your food, and yes you can work those in IF you want to,, but you could live perfectly well on just vegetable and fruit and grains because then you get vitamins from that at least.

    Just treat food as food, not as anything else. Fuel for the body. Dont fuel your hunger and cravings with more food that will fuel weight gain (if your trying to lose weight i mean).
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    To you, maybe, but not to me. Never been a fan of pop tarts although I am partial to ice cream. and 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes will keep me full for longer AND nourish my body. THAT makes me feel good.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    The shear inability of people to listen to others with more experience and education never fails to amaze me. You all keep keeping on with your keeping on (as I believe it is phrased), but don't be surprised when people shake their heads. Logic be damned. Experience be damned. Success be damned.

    The Greeks discovered moderation in their philosophy, but sitting here, thousands of years later, the majority are still baffled by the concept. In one camp, the Stoics, and in the other camp, the Epicureans or the Hedonists. We really haven't advanced.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    Oh yeah?I I challenge you to put your poptart against my fresh juicy Michigan Peaches from the farmers market anytime! and dont diss the tomatos, until you've had a farmer's market delicious red juicy tomato that was so sweet and juicy and has a taste like nothing else! You will lose :)
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    To you, maybe, but not to me. Never been a fan of pop tarts although I am partial to ice cream. and 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes will keep me full for longer AND nourish my body. THAT makes me feel good.

    At the end of my night, after hitting my macros and micros, I often find I have 400-600 calories left over. If I tried to fill that with fruit I'd vomit. Not to mention once my nutritional needs are met I don't get bonus nutrition for eating more veggies, so why would I not enjoy a calorie dense dessert?
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    The shear inability of people to listen to others with more experience and education never fails to amaze me. You all keep keeping on with your keeping on (as I believe it is phrased), but don't be surprised when people shake their heads. Logic be damned. Experience be damned. Success be damned.

    The Greeks discovered moderation in their philosophy, but sitting here, thousands of years later, the majority are still baffled by the concept. In one camp, the Stoics, and in the other camp, the Epicureans or the Hedonists. We really haven't advanced.

    yes everything in moderation including the food choices one makes. I will continue to moderate my food choices, and i will allow the best ones and moderate less of the worst ones. We all moderate our food, its what keeps us from going over our macros. Tell me you dont moderate your own food and exercise choices, you choose to do X amount of exercise a week and X amount of calories a week.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    Oh yeah?I I challenge you to put your poptart against my fresh juicy Michigan Peaches from the farmers market anytime! and dont diss the tomatos, until you've had a farmer's market delicious red juicy tomato that was so sweet and juicy and has a taste like nothing else! You will lose :)

    Peaches are disgusting.

    Poptarts take this round by default.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am sorry you threw away all of the yummy foods.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    Oh yeah?I I challenge you to put your poptart against my fresh juicy Michigan Peaches from the farmers market anytime! and dont diss the tomatos, until you've had a farmer's market delicious red juicy tomato that was so sweet and juicy and has a taste like nothing else! You will lose :)

    Very few people get fat because they love fresh peaches and tomatoes so much more than ice cream and Pop tarts. Just sayin.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    To you, maybe, but not to me. Never been a fan of pop tarts although I am partial to ice cream. and 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes will keep me full for longer AND nourish my body. THAT makes me feel good.

    At the end of my night, after hitting my macros and micros, I often find I have 400-600 calories left over. If I tried to fill that with fruit I'd vomit. Not to mention once my nutritional needs are met I don't get bonus nutrition for eating more veggies, so why would I not enjoy a calorie dense dessert?
    wow. just. wow.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    To you, maybe, but not to me. Never been a fan of pop tarts although I am partial to ice cream. and 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes will keep me full for longer AND nourish my body. THAT makes me feel good.

    At the end of my night, after hitting my macros and micros, I often find I have 400-600 calories left over. If I tried to fill that with fruit I'd vomit. Not to mention once my nutritional needs are met I don't get bonus nutrition for eating more veggies, so why would I not enjoy a calorie dense dessert?
    wow. just. wow.

    +1 to users with closed diaries poopooing on people who eat unapproved foods. Film at 11.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    To you, maybe, but not to me. Never been a fan of pop tarts although I am partial to ice cream. and 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes will keep me full for longer AND nourish my body. THAT makes me feel good.

    At the end of my night, after hitting my macros and micros, I often find I have 400-600 calories left over. If I tried to fill that with fruit I'd vomit. Not to mention once my nutritional needs are met I don't get bonus nutrition for eating more veggies, so why would I not enjoy a calorie dense dessert?
    wow. just. wow.

    I know, shocking. Someone with enough calories to eat nutritionally dense food, get all of their daily macro and micronutrients and, then using the calories they have left for a nice dessert! The mind, it trembles at the very idea. :huh:

    Actually I'm not sure what your 'wow' was about at all.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging down the road because they can't keep it up. Your taste buds change, and that stuff stops tasting good. People may indulge a little bit now and then, but their diets are mostly clean of these foods.

    I'm not sure why any of us have to be so defensive about our food choices.

    It seems especially odd to me at this time of year when tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peaches, and all kinds of other beautiful produce is available in the markets. Who wants to edge this stuff out to accomodate other calorie dense, non-nourishing foods?

    Caveat: I'm not a clean eater. I have an on and off potato chip habit, along with an on and off diet coke habit. But I think it's important to not kid ourselves that this stuff isn't going to hurt us down the road.

    600 calories of Pop Tarts and ice cream is way yummier, and easier to eat, than 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes.

    Oh yeah?I I challenge you to put your poptart against my fresh juicy Michigan Peaches from the farmers market anytime! and dont diss the tomatos, until you've had a farmer's market delicious red juicy tomato that was so sweet and juicy and has a taste like nothing else! You will lose :)

    Very few people get fat because they love fresh peaches and tomatoes so much more than ice cream and Pop tarts. Just sayin.

    Well, yeah. Isn't that the point of cutting that stuff out?

    I'm not one who has the luxury of a lot of junk food. Due to my age and being sidelined for some time because of an injury, my calories are fairly restricted. I can't eat junk and hit my macros, and be anywhere close to my micros. This matters to me.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Very few people get fat because they love fresh peaches and tomatoes so much more than ice cream and Pop tarts. Just sayin.

    Well, yeah. Isn't that the point of cutting that stuff out?

    I'm not one who has the luxury of a lot of junk food. Due to my age and being sidelined for some time because of an injury, my calories are fairly restricted. I can't eat junk and hit my macros, and be anywhere close to my micros. This matters to me.

    The "point" is learning to eat in a responsible way. Throwing out everything "unhealthy" and yelling NEVER AGAIN is more often a road to failure than success. The willpower to simply never let yourself have things you love is not stronger than the urge to have those things you love long-term except in a few people.

    The smarter thing to do is learn to responsibly enjoy the things you love. If you love ice cream, you're much less likely to eventually give in and eat an entire point in one sitting if you know you're already budgeted yourself some for tomorrow, instead of thinking "I'll buy ice cream just this once."