We trashed the sodas, chips, cookies



  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    Ideas for the Pop Tarts
    full of sugar/white flour/empty calories/

    What can you do with the Pop Tarts put them to other uses r

    1. attach them to your hooped earrings wear them out for a night on the town get all tarted up :laugh:
    2. toast them up take them outside and play frisbee
    3. toast them up take them outside and play badminton with them

    I am a normal person too. I will not eat pop tarts but can put them to good use.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Peaches are disgusting.

    Poptarts take this round by default.
    WRONG! Peaches are heaven. Try them with grilled with goat cheese and balsamic sauce drizzled on top. Amazing. How can that compare to a pop tart?

    BTW, Is this the thread the other thread was b*tching about?

    No. Peaches are one of the worst things I've ever tasted. The texture is awful, the taste is awful, they even feel awful to the touch. I'd take a poptart any day, and I don't even like poptarts either.

    And maybe.

    you're a special snowflake aren't you

    No, I'm pretty typical. I imagine there are lots of people who don't like the taste of peaches or would opt for poptarts over them. If people were sucking down peaches for snacks there'd be a lot less fat people around, right? Thus it stand to reason that in spite of that posters claim, lots of people, not just myself, wouldn't choose the peach.

    I dare say being part of the norm and accepting that I'm part of the norm makes me very much not a snowflake. Unless you have an alternate definition

    Actually no, you missed my point. I never said anything about other people choosing the poptart over the peach, in fact, I quoted you about your distaste for peaches, which is not the norm - therefore special snowflake.

    I'm sorry that you failed to grasp that :)

    I addressed that I'm sure there are lots of people who don't like the taste of peaches. It's on the first line. It wasn't even in the middle of the paragraph or something. In fact the part about poptarts follows the part about other people not liking peaches. :huh:

    And since you have no idea how many other people don't like peaches my statement stands.

    ......this is what I quoted:

    "No. Peaches are one of the worst things I've ever tasted. The texture is awful, the taste is awful, they even feel awful to the touch. I'd take a poptart any day, and I don't even like poptarts either."

    Your post where you "addressed that [you're] sure there are lots of people who don't like the taste of peaches. It's on the first line" was in response to my first message to you....:huh:

    You can't say that you made a point that I ignored when your point came in a post after my original point.

    I feel like you're confused.

    I said peaches are disgusting.

    You said that makes me a special snowflake.

    I said no I'm sure lots of people don like peaches, that doesn't make one a snowflake.

    You said I missed your point, which wasn't about poptarts but rather that liking peaches is outside of the norm. Repeat that you find me snowflake like.

    I said I addressed that I don't think a dislike for peaches is outside of the norm. This isn't a reference to my original statement but rather a reference to my response to you. You, in your second response, ignore the first line of my response to you, which references not just poptarts but that I don't believe a dislike for peaches to be unusual.

    Point: not liking certain food doesn't make one special or a snowflake, it make them normal. I like pineapple, some people don't like pineapple, I don't view them as snowflake but rather as having different tastes. A special snowflake is one who believes themselves to be outside of the norm, often to the point of denying common sense and science, IE: a person who says "calories in vs calories out doesn't work for me."

    Thinking peaches are gross hardly rates as the least bit special. Are we caught up now?

    Edit: I never claimed my opinion to be truth.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Ideas for the Pop Tarts
    full of sugar/white flour/empty calories/

    What can you do with the Pop Tarts put them to other uses r

    1. attach them to your hooped earrings wear them out for a night on the town get all tarted up :laugh:
    2. toast them up take them outside and play frisbee
    3. toast them up take them outside and play badminton with them

    I am a normal person too. I will not eat pop tarts but can put them to good use.

    4. Send them to me.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm not the only person in the world who hate peaches, thus I'm not special. There don't need to be "many" people who agree to make my opinion not special. But if you're intent on your alternate definition of special snowflake that's cool, you could have just said that from the get go.

    I didn't know people took fruit so serious. If anything you think people would be glad that there is now moar fruit for them. I know I get happy when people tell me they don't like kiwi or cantaloupe; that means I can snag all of that from the fruit tray and not feel guilty.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Uncommon doesn't mean many, it just means uncommon. I'm not the only person in the world who hate peaches, thus I'm not special. But if you're intent on your alternate definition of special snowflake that's cool, you could have just said that from the get go.

    I didn't know people took fruit so serious. If anything you think people would be glad that there is now moar fruit for them. I know I get happy when people tell me they don't like kiwi or cantaloupe; that mean I can snag all of that from the fruit tray and not feel guilty.

    This back and forth has to be the most MFP argument ever.
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    If people have problems overindulging in, for instance, ice cream -- removing ice cream from your diet is a pretty valid response. It doesn't mean they're demonizing ice cream -- it's just attempting to avoid indulging in self-sabotage with something you have problems moderating. Other people may not have those problems and not need to feel the same way.

    The problem with the "lack of control" argument that you make is that you can make it for both moderation and complete restriction. If we both eat 3000 calories of chips a day, and you cut back to 1500 and I cut back to 0, instead choosing to eat 1500 calories of broccoli, both are examples of self control.

    If you can eat 1500 calories of them easily and stop, that's the level of control that works for you. If I eat 1500 calories of chips and the result is that I find it very difficult to stop, and crave more chips, then eating no chips might be a better level of control for me. It's highly personal.

    Yes. Also moderation means different things to different people. A treat every day, more than once a day, less than once a week, only a couple times a year... it's all perspective. You're not some superior human life form if you keep treats in the home. Food specific restriction is a prefect valid eating plan, as long as calorie and nutrient goals are being met, and for some of us controls bingeing and unhealthy relationships with food as opposed to the other way around.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Crap, when did this thread turn into an intense peach debate?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Crap, when did this thread turn into an intense peach debate?

    Fruit is serious okay, haven't you seen all those frantic "sugar in fruits" posts? God, get it together.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Peaches are disgusting.

    Poptarts take this round by default.
    WRONG! Peaches are heaven. Try them with grilled with goat cheese and balsamic sauce drizzled on top. Amazing. How can that compare to a pop tart?

    BTW, Is this the thread the other thread was b*tching about?

    No. Peaches are one of the worst things I've ever tasted. The texture is awful, the taste is awful, they even feel awful to the touch. I'd take a poptart any day, and I don't even like poptarts either.

    And maybe.

    you're a special snowflake aren't you

    No, I'm pretty typical. I imagine there are lots of people who don't like the taste of peaches or would opt for poptarts over them. If people were sucking down peaches for snacks there'd be a lot less fat people around, right? Thus it stand to reason that in spite of that posters claim, lots of people, not just myself, wouldn't choose the peach.

    I dare say being part of the norm and accepting that I'm part of the norm makes me very much not a snowflake. Unless you have an alternate definition

    Actually no, you missed my point. I never said anything about other people choosing the poptart over the peach, in fact, I quoted you about your distaste for peaches, which is not the norm - therefore special snowflake.

    I'm sorry that you failed to grasp that :)

    I addressed that I'm sure there are lots of people who don't like the taste of peaches. It's on the first line. It wasn't even in the middle of the paragraph or something. In fact the part about poptarts follows the part about other people not liking peaches. :huh:

    And since you have no idea how many other people don't like peaches my statement stands.

    ......this is what I quoted:

    "No. Peaches are one of the worst things I've ever tasted. The texture is awful, the taste is awful, they even feel awful to the touch. I'd take a poptart any day, and I don't even like poptarts either."

    Your post where you "addressed that [you're] sure there are lots of people who don't like the taste of peaches. It's on the first line" was in response to my first message to you....:huh:

    You can't say that you made a point that I ignored when your point came in a post after my original point.

    I feel like you're confused.

    I said peaches are disgusting.

    You said that makes me a special snowflake.

    I said no I'm sure lots of people don like peaches, that doesn't make one a snowflake.

    You said I missed your point, which wasn't about poptarts but rather that liking peaches is outside of the norm. Repeat that you find me snowflake like.

    I said I addressed that I don't think a dislike for peaches is outside of the norm. This isn't a reference to my original statement but rather a reference to my response to you. You, in your second response, ignore the first line of my response to you, which references not just poptarts but that I don't believe a dislike for peaches to be unusual.

    Point: not liking certain food doesn't make one special or a snowflake, it make them normal. I like pineapple, some people don't like pineapple, I don't view them as snowflake but rather as having different tastes. A special snowflake is one who believes themselves to be outside of the norm, often to the point of denying common sense and science, IE: a person who says "calories in vs calories out doesn't work for me."

    Thinking peaches are gross hardly rates as the least bit special. Are we caught up now?

    Edit: I never claimed my opinion to be truth.

    Your point boils down to thinking that many people hate peaches, which I don't think is true.
    You hate peaches, most people like the taste of peaches. You are therefore a special snowflake.
    Just out of curiousity, what makes you think most people like the taste of peaches? Because you do? I know many people who like peaches, and many people who hate peaches. Your argument is incredibly uninformed and ignorant, because you're basing it on absolutely zero facts.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Crap, when did this thread turn into an intense peach debate?

    Fruit is serious okay, haven't you seen all those frantic "sugar in fruits" posts? God, get it together.

    You're right I'M A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING :sad: :sad:
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Bananas have gotten a bad rap, but now peaches!!! I don't wanna live anymore!!! :sad:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Crap, when did this thread turn into an intense peach debate?

    Fruit is serious okay, haven't you seen all those frantic "sugar in fruits" posts? God, get it together.

    You're right I'M A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING :sad: :sad:

    So insensitive! SHAME!! DISHONOR!!

  • callmenikita
    callmenikita Posts: 118 Member
    So you basically turned it into a house of deprivation. I will think of you as I enjoy my Ben & Jerry's tonight.

    lol. thats not mean at all
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I get what the OP is saying. I think it was more of the act of throwing the food out and the mental symbolism of throwing it out that worked for them. I'm like many of you -- I haven't given up the treats because for us, it's all a part of the journey. We try to eat well most of the time, but there are days when you just want a pizza or an ice cream cone. So, we have it. And I've lost right at 50lbs. I never threw anything away. But that works for me -- I'm not a binger or a junkie. And I would never equate smoking with eating because smoking isn't a necessity for life -- eating is. But that is beside the point. Back to the issue... we all deal and get into the mode of weightloss or healthier living in different ways. For me, I went to the store and bought a TON of fresh fruit and veg (some of which went bad) just because that was my mental cue that I would and COULD eat better. I just made the decision then that I could have the treats as long as it was balanced with a lot more healthy stuff and I went to it. BUT, I have friends who have to do the physical junk food purging. Some do come back later and say, "Restarting..." but a few have gone on and lost the weight and have slowly incorporated a few of their old faves back in but in very small doses. One is a prominent blogger who is soon to be featured in a magazine for losing weight the right way. Slowly but surely with diet and exercise. I say, do what works for you and go on. If you change your mind later and want to add them back (small treats here and there) you can do that. But if you feel you want to just eat whole food for the rest of your life with nothing processed, then more power to you. I think a lot of the other posters have just seen people jump into BIG changes like this and then seen the failures from not making what is typically considered realistic changes. Good luck to you!

    I agree. It's certainly a little more extreme than I see a need for, but it isn't my decision. If you think this is what helped you get started, then good for you. It's better than doing nothing. And you'll decide as time goes on what works for you, too....maybe more of the same, maybe reincorporating some of the old faves, but in moderation. Either way, I'm glad you're feeling good about your choices and moving forward.
  • shannashannabobana
    This thread reminds me how sad I am I haven't found a great peach this summer. I think the cool weather messed up the growing season.

    I'm in Ontario, and we're having the best season for peaches I remember in a long time. They've been perfect. I'm always a little disappointed in a bad peach season, and a bad cherry season. The seasons are so short, I try to make the most of them.

    Yeah, the peaches have been fantastic this year
    Man! Lucky you guys.

    I did have a fabulous cantelope though, and those seem to be rarer so I guess I'll have to make due. Also, it's almost fall now. Yay for the honey crisps and the pumpkin everything.
    This back and forth has to be the most MFP argument ever.
    Agree, except ya'll should have worked something in about 1200 calories.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    I've had peaches, tomatoes and pop tarts all on the same day. I thought I was doing alright, I didn't know I had to take a stand one way or the other!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I did have a fabulous cantelope though, and those seem to be rarer so I guess I'll have to make due. Also, it's almost fall now. Yay for the honey crisps and the pumpkin everything.

    Next summer, come visit Texas. We have awesome cantelope most years. And watermelon, if you like them. We're about 20/80 on peaches. Usually we don't get enough rain and they're mealy and/or tasteless. Yuck. I have much more consistent luck with nectarines.

    FWIW, I hate poptarts, but I'd take one over our usual nasty peaches. (A perfectly ripe peach would win this battle, though).

    Fruit pie > poptarts any day. LOVE fruit pie for breakfast.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So you basically turned it into a house of deprivation. I will think of you as I enjoy my Ben & Jerry's tonight.

    Every diet involves deprivation. Whether it is specific foods or amount of food. You must reduce somewhere, somehow if you are to lose fat.

    Depriving oneself of junk food is certainly not the worst thing one can do for oneself.