Palelo Support Group?



  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    i'm in too
  • undrznith
    undrznith Posts: 30 Member

    I have created a forum for all of us that embark on "alternative plans" to include all forms of low carb, Paleo and HCG plans. I created the forum last year and a few people joined and we were talking, but them everyone came back here............

    I will send the link via a private message if anyone wants to join. We can all speak more freely...........

    I'm in

    I would also be interested :) You can never have enough support in my mind!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hi! I started the paleo way of eating friday of last week and LOVE IT! I had already cut out dairy almost 3 weeks before (I am breastfeeding and my son was very constipated, which shouldn't be happening when exclusively breastfeeding). I did some research and found that milk proteins can get into breastmilk and cause children to have reactions (constipation being one of them). I came across the paleo WOE as a result. I feel amazing. I have so much energy, am SO much more patient with my two kids (just turned two and 5 month old boys), am way less moody and emotional (after a lifetime of depression and being on and off antidepressents) and have lots a significant amount of weight for it being only a week. Food even tastes better. I went cold turkey though. I am just that kind of person. I cut all dairy (for littlest man at first), refined sugar, and grains. I have no cravings, I never go hungry. Love ♥

    My son who has been soooo dramatic and tantumy lately is even much more even tempered and although he was already sweet, he is even sweeter and more snuggly. Also he is MUCH better at listening to me. My husband althoug not as strict as me (he doesn't want to waste what was left in the house but has agreed to give this a try) has lost weight just from eating what I have been making. I also make his lunches for work. He is LOVING the food!

    I thought I would share some helpful resources I found. I don't know if any of these have been shared as I haven't read all the responses. (There are a lot!)

    A really wonderful and helpful forum. The people are so friendly!
    Recipes! Everything I have made from this site has been amazingly delicious! She uses some dairy (grassfed or clarified butter) and other things but they are easy to substitute if needed. She is also coming out with a cookbook soon!
    I made these a bit ago and they were really good! I haven't made anything else there yet but the stuff looks great!

    Welcome on board, it's nice to see our little group growing. Feel free to share any links, recipes or just how your day is going, we are a pretty laid back group. If you haven't been there yet is great too.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey everyone, I will be sending the link in private messages to everyone. I can't post it here as it would be considered advertising competition..........

    Welcome undrznith to our group!!!
  • undrznith
    undrznith Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! I love finding other paleos :D
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Got 4 huge chicken leg quarters for 5 bucks. Long process of broth making in progress. And Tractor Supply Company has their chicks in. Gonna call the township zoning dude and ask about having a chicken coupe. Got plenty of room for them to roam outside the dogs radio fence.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Grass fed/finished beef. What are you guys/gals seeing in the way of pricing. Right now there are severial people on craigslist here in Denver area advertising around 5$ per pound for a 1/4 beef, cut, wraped and ready to pick up. This sounds pretty good to me, just wanted to see how it compares.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Grass fed/finished beef. What are you guys/gals seeing in the way of pricing. Right now there are severial people on craigslist here in Denver area advertising around 5$ per pound for a 1/4 beef, cut, wraped and ready to pick up. This sounds pretty good to me, just wanted to see how it compares.

    Here in the Midwest I get grass fed beef for between 3.49 and 4.00 per pound, the more you buy the cheaper it is here anyway.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey guys, here is the link to the site I created................Come on over and join me!!!
  • undrznith
    undrznith Posts: 30 Member
    I posted a bit. My name is Aimee : )
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    How's everyone today, kind of quiet here.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    I am on a good roll, averaging about 1/2 pound per day weight loss again, finally my body is finished working out whatever imbalance I had and I am happy about that.

    Just some rambling thoughts..............

    I firmly believe that a plateau is merely the body working through some type of imbalance or it is in the midst of healing an area of the body and needs to "rest" in order to push past the problem. Many people don't realize how self healing the body can be.

    I love Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar!!! I could drink it all day long...........YUMMY

    Has anyone joined the group I sent the link to?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    I am on a good roll, averaging about 1/2 pound per day weight loss again, finally my body is finished working out whatever imbalance I had and I am happy about that.

    Just some rambling thoughts..............

    I firmly believe that a plateau is merely the body working through some type of imbalance or it is in the midst of healing an area of the body and needs to "rest" in order to push past the problem. Many people don't realize how self healing the body can be.

    I love Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar!!! I could drink it all day long...........YUMMY

    Has anyone joined the group I sent the link to?

    I joined

    And I try Braggs but I just can't get used to it, I will go a couple weeks taking a TBLspoon every morning, but I have to choak it down. I like it in recipes but straight up is pretty harsh.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    I am on a good roll, averaging about 1/2 pound per day weight loss again, finally my body is finished working out whatever imbalance I had and I am happy about that.

    Just some rambling thoughts..............

    I firmly believe that a plateau is merely the body working through some type of imbalance or it is in the midst of healing an area of the body and needs to "rest" in order to push past the problem. Many people don't realize how self healing the body can be.

    I love Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar!!! I could drink it all day long...........YUMMY

    Has anyone joined the group I sent the link to?

    I joined

    And I try Braggs but I just can't get used to it, I will go a couple weeks taking a TBLspoon every morning, but I have to choak it down. I like it in recipes but straight up is pretty harsh.

    OMG, I love it.............I pour it in a shot glass and sip it. I found that it cures heart burn also. Seems weird that acid cures acid but it does and just takes a few minutes to work also............

    I need a recipe for someting to do with Bratwurst......................I made some home made brats yesterday and want to cook them, but I don't want to eat them with bread or buns..............
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Morning all... back from New Orleans. Great time with great friends - I DO NOT want to get on the scale. Have to get back on track today.

    Doing laundry and have to go grocery shopping today and then back to work tomorrow. :sick:

    I'll try to catch up later this week.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Grokette, are you having heart burn or reflux? If acid is curing acid, it sounds like reflux. AR is due to the stomach having low acid, so it would make sense that adding acid would help alleviate it, by leveling it out :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Grokette, are you having heart burn or reflux? If acid is curing acid, it sounds like reflux. AR is due to the stomach having low acid, so it would make sense that adding acid would help alleviate it, by leveling it out :)

    Could have been AR............I haven't had anything like that in such a long time that it just hurt.

    I ate some bread from trader joe's and I haven't had bread in a long time, so think it was the yeast.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Ordered my grass fed, grass finished angus beef today. Dry aged for 21 days cut to my specfications, I got lucky they have a half beef hanging right now that will be ready next week, I only ordered 1/4 beef, so I won't have to wait the 21 days it would have taken if they had to slaughter one. I also told them I want the bones, for making broth and soup, and the liver, heart and tonuge. I can't wait.

    Also found a farm in Nedraska that sells raw milk. It's hard to believe Colorado does not allow the sell of raw milk. As health conscious as this states is, with all the tree huggers and hippie types here. Anyhow I think it's time for a road trip and while I'm out I will stop by their farm and get a gallon of milk, or two (might try making butter or cheese).

    You can get raw milk here in Colorado, but you have to buy what is called herd shares to get around the laws prohibiting the sell of raw milk. It works like this, you pay the farmer to “own” a share of the herd, then you pay the farmer to milk “your” cow and you pick up “your” milk. Which is great, but it ends up costing you about 15$ for a gallon of milk. I don’t know why it cost so much, the farms in Nebraska where it’s legal to sell raw milk (but only on the farm, you can’t get it in a retail store) they sell it for about 7$ a gallon. Now I’m not going to drive 2 hours every weekend up to Nebraska to pick up milk, we don’t use that much anyway, I hardly drink milk anymore since gong Primal, and the wife (who is not primal,,,,,, yet) might go thru ½ gallon every two weeks. But I am kind of interested in making my own butter, maybe some cheese, and or yogurt. So every once in awhile It might be worth it, and I might see if I can find some others in the area that would like to get some raw milk and maybe share the expense of driving up there.
  • anemoneflynn
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Joined the "other" forum just a little while ago. :bigsmile: