Palelo Support Group?



  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I never received a message from you..........Let me send you a message and then reply back to me. Weird things happen with this site sometimes..........

    Received and replied :flowerforyou:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I never received a message from you..........Let me send you a message and then reply back to me. Weird things happen with this site sometimes..........

    Received and replied :flowerforyou:

    Cook book is sent!!!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Got it!! THANK YOU!! :bigsmile:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hey guys!! Sorry I've been MIA, it's been a crazy week!! My birthday went great, but then everything went wrong! DJ got sicker so i took him to the doc, he has rsv and ear infections, and then darron(my honey) got a stomach virus and was sick for two days and then i got the same stomach virus.! today is my first day back to work. everyone is feeling a little better, but it's been crazy. i'm up a couple of pounds but nothing i didnt expect from drinking sat night plus all the eating i did ;) back on it today though. can't wait to feel good again!

    Glad you are feeling better.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    How is everyone this fine friday morning, hope none of you are in the path of the tsunami?
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    XFitMojoMom sent me the link for here and I'm just trying to get myself started into this today! Would love to join you guys :)
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Welcome! Good to see our little group growing. :flowerforyou:

    TGIF! :drinker:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hey Y'all! Welcome to the group Courtney! I'm having to "restart" today, I'm having a really hard time letting go of the carbs again(the bad ones) big suprise huh!?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    XFitMojoMom sent me the link for here and I'm just trying to get myself started into this today! Would love to join you guys :)

    Welcome, I'm sure you will find our little group helpful and supportive.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hey Y'all! Welcome to the group Courtney! I'm having to "restart" today, I'm having a really hard time letting go of the carbs again(the bad ones) big suprise huh!?

    You will remember this next time you want to have a splurge weekend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, right?
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    How is everyone this fine friday morning, hope none of you are in the path of the tsunami?

    My mom is in Hawaii, but I'm sure she's safe. I'm far enough from the coast to not have to worry. But I'm so sad about Japan. Devastating doesn't begin to cover it.

    Welcome to the group Courtney.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    my husband has an office in Tokyo - recently moved one of our guys out there. The shaking was so violent he separated his shoulder. He and his girlfriend are sleeping in a park tonight as the building is creeking and many interior walls have collapsed. The office manager had to walk 3 hours to get home, and the biz director is still unaccounted for. He was on the golf course with clients.

    Courtney - glad you found us. If you are interested I can email (not pm, but real email) you a paleo cookbook and 8 week meal plan.

    Feeling pretty good and clear - it's been 6 days eating 80-20 and without alcohol and I already feel stronger, less sluggish, less emotional and my energy is right back through the roof. My scale numbers are still suffering from the last month disaster, I'm up a pound, but I expect to see that drop quickly in the next week.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    my husband has an office in Tokyo - recently moved one of our guys out there. The shaking was so violent he separated his shoulder. He and his girlfriend are sleeping in a park tonight as the building is creeking and many interior walls have collapsed. The office manager had to walk 3 hours to get home, and the biz director is still unaccounted for. He was on the golf course with clients.

    Courtney - glad you found us. If you are interested I can email (not pm, but real email) you a paleo cookbook and 8 week meal plan.

    Feeling pretty good and clear - it's been 6 days eating 80-20 and without alcohol and I already feel stronger, less sluggish, less emotional and my energy is right back through the roof. My scale numbers are still suffering from the last month disaster, I'm up a pound, but I expect to see that drop quickly in the next week.

    Hope al truns out well in Tokyo

    Glad to hear you are back on track, try going 100% for one week, that should get you really headed in the right direction.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    my husband has an office in Tokyo - recently moved one of our guys out there. The shaking was so violent he separated his shoulder. He and his girlfriend are sleeping in a park tonight as the building is creeking and many interior walls have collapsed. The office manager had to walk 3 hours to get home, and the biz director is still unaccounted for. He was on the golf course with clients.

    Courtney - glad you found us. If you are interested I can email (not pm, but real email) you a paleo cookbook and 8 week meal plan.

    Feeling pretty good and clear - it's been 6 days eating 80-20 and without alcohol and I already feel stronger, less sluggish, less emotional and my energy is right back through the roof. My scale numbers are still suffering from the last month disaster, I'm up a pound, but I expect to see that drop quickly in the next week.

    do me do me!!! i must have missed this offer! might just be the motivation i need!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    If you register at Marks Daily Apple you can get two cookbooks and a fitness guide,
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey everyone.

    I unplugged from the electronics and went with my husband to work. He is a truck driver and had to go to the Indianapolis area.....we got back early this morning and we had fun, fun fun.........

    Even though we ate TERRIBLE!!! Oh well, one day and I had fun. Some achiness from the bread, I will do extra yoga.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    this came into my in-box today:

    Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Chocolate Chip Cookies


    1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
    1 cup of almond meal/almond flour
    ¼ cup of chocolate chips
    ¼ cup of granulated splenda or honey if you prefer
    ½ teaspoon of baking soda
    1 egg


    Turn on the oven to 350F.
    Mix the almond meal, chips and the splenda or honey. Add the other ingredients and mix until everything is really well combined.

    Grease a baking sheet and with a large kitchen spoon turn the mixed ingredients into small balls. You will end up with around 15 balls. Make them small otherwise they will not cook well. Put the balls in the baking sheet.
    Bake the balls for about ten minutes or until they start browning well.

    Bake at 350F (preheated) for about ten minutes, until they start to brown well. To confirm if they are already done, press with your finger to check if they are hard enough.

    You are receiving this message because you signed up to receive Paleo recipes and information.
    Hope you enjoy the Paleo recipes
    The Paleo Diet Recipes Blog
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Tonight I made, Caveman lasagna, basically I just made lasagna but sub eggplant for noodles. A couple hints if you try to make this, watch out for sugar in your tomato sauce. I had two cans of generic, no sugar, and two cans of name brand, yes it had sugar. Of course I didn’t check until after I started making it, so I will have to live with it on this batch. Also I grilled the eggplant before I used them in the lasagna, added a nice smoky flavor.

    I used my homemade sauce, ground beef, ground hot Italian sausage, onion, garlic, basil, oregano, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, tomato paste, and tomato sauce.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    this came into my in-box today:

    Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Chocolate Chip Cookies


    1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
    1 cup of almond meal/almond flour
    ¼ cup of chocolate chips
    ¼ cup of granulated splenda or honey if you prefer
    ½ teaspoon of baking soda
    1 egg


    Turn on the oven to 350F.
    Mix the almond meal, chips and the splenda or honey. Add the other ingredients and mix until everything is really well combined.

    Grease a baking sheet and with a large kitchen spoon turn the mixed ingredients into small balls. You will end up with around 15 balls. Make them small otherwise they will not cook well. Put the balls in the baking sheet.
    Bake the balls for about ten minutes or until they start browning well.

    Bake at 350F (preheated) for about ten minutes, until they start to brown well. To confirm if they are already done, press with your finger to check if they are hard enough.

    You are receiving this message because you signed up to receive Paleo recipes and information.
    Hope you enjoy the Paleo recipes
    The Paleo Diet Recipes Blog

    Sounds yummy