Palelo Support Group?



  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Anyone else have a hard time keeping their mouth shut when someone post something completely stupid? Not any of you on this thread, but CW has so entrenched people with ignorance it’s comical at times. Like this one, “is it safe or healthy to fast for a day?” I’m like, really? What do you think your body stores fat for, just to destroy your self esteem?
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    It was my goal, from like Jan 1st to be under 200 by my birthday. and tomorrow is my birthday, so that's why it means so much to me. I weign in on fridays too. I weign in on thursdays, fridays, and mondays. I know it seems like alot. but i'm a very competitive person and being in competitions really help me lose and keeps me on track. I'm in one at work, I'm in scaleback alabama where i weigh in at my gym, and I also have a group on here I weigh in with every friday. Some people don't like the scale or it discourages them. but I know enough about water weight, glycogen stores, etc..etc.. that a higher number doesn't scare me. I know that thinks fluctuate from day to day. it just motivates me even more. I also take measurements at the beginning of every month and i also have a fat loss body monitor, the kind they use at gyms. trust me, i'm losing this weight!!! I've seen too many people have babies and then let the extra weight stick around for years using the excuse that its baby weight! I was 198 when I got pregnant, so I'm really close to my prepregnancy weight. but then I have another 60 lbs to lose ;)
  • AshCarlson
    AshCarlson Posts: 122
    Anyone else have a hard time keeping their mouth shout when someone post something completely stupid? Not any of you on this thread, but CW has so entrenched people with ignorance it’s comical at times. Like this one, “is it safe or healthy to fast for a day?” I’m like, really? What do you think your body stores fat for, just to destroy your self esteem?

    Haha I must admit that is kind of funny, but I've had the same thoughts and needed opinions! There are several topics that do make me laugh though! I think we just have to laugh to ourselves and continually educate!!!
  • AshCarlson
    AshCarlson Posts: 122
    It was my goal, from like Jan 1st to be under 200 by my birthday. and tomorrow is my birthday, so that's why it means so much to me. I weign in on fridays too. I weign in on thursdays, fridays, and mondays. I know it seems like alot. but i'm a very competitive person and being in competitions really help me lose and keeps me on track. I'm in one at work, I'm in scaleback alabama where i weigh in at my gym, and I also have a group on here I weigh in with every friday. Some people don't like the scale or it discourages them. but I know enough about water weight, glycogen stores, etc..etc.. that a higher number doesn't scare me. I know that thinks fluctuate from day to day. it just motivates me even more. I also take measurements at the beginning of every month and i also have a fat loss body monitor, the kind they use at gyms. trust me, i'm losing this weight!!! I've seen too many people have babies and then let the extra weight stick around for years using the excuse that its baby weight! I was 198 when I got pregnant, so I'm really close to my prepregnancy weight. but then I have another 60 lbs to lose ;)

    I have found that what works best for one person doesn't for another, so as long as you're doing what is best for MissKim, keep it up! You are definitely doing wonderfully so just keep it up :)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Just thought I would brag a little, gained another notch in the belt, that makes two so far :smile:
  • AshCarlson
    AshCarlson Posts: 122
    Just thought I would brag a little, gained another notch in the belt, that makes two so far :smile:

    Great job!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    That's awesome freerange. is there anyway we can share each others names?? much easier to be friends that way! even if you don't want to use your real one, much easier that way! I'm kim by the way if nobody has figured that out ;)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Sure, Tim here. I go by Free Range on the many forums I visit,,,,, it has nothing to do with chickens or food.
  • AshCarlson
    AshCarlson Posts: 122
    Well, mine is pretty obvious, but I'm Ashley!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
  • AshCarlson
    AshCarlson Posts: 122

    You look like a Bobby! I was going to guess that or David LOL
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hey Ashley, Tim, and Bobby! see this is much easier! lol

    Just had a nice ribeye for lunch, yum!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    That's awesome freerange. is there anyway we can share each others names?? much easier to be friends that way! even if you don't want to use your real one, much easier that way! I'm kim by the way if nobody has figured that out ;)

    Well, I am Grokette of course...........the last living cave woman, LMAO!!

    Naw, for real I am Cora.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    lol, Cora, for a second I was like really? her parents really named her that?? i'm so naive.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    So, speaking of fiber, (someone mentioned it earlier today) I looked at mine, and its def something I'm lacking in, even with eating tons of veggies. What do yall recomend?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    XFitMojoMom = Pam... and I'm a Canuck. Yep, a tree hugging Canadian... damn us, we're everywhere.:laugh:

    If you do a search here on MFP someone recently posted a recipe for homemade Nutella..

    I've been circling the drain with my nutrition lately. I got some decent meat in the freezer and I just need to throw it in the slow cooker, but not tonight. My IL's and nieces are in town and we're going for pizza. Cheese and wine have been killing me lately :explode: I so need to get back on the plan. I need to revise my mini goals and set new ones and just muscle ahead and get them done!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Rose, here. My horse is Knight, a BLM mustang.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    So, speaking of fiber, (someone mentioned it earlier today) I looked at mine, and its def something I'm lacking in, even with eating tons of veggies. What do yall recomend?

    More veggies or change them to ones with more fiber. Fruit if it's not out of the question. Supplement worst case.
  • AshCarlson
    AshCarlson Posts: 122
    I think with fiber initially you'll see a downfall, but you're body readjusts and you actually become healthier if you continue eating primal. Just stick with it! But veggies, veggies, veggies!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Fiber...well, I think it partly depends on how much of a fat eater you are. If you tend to be on the higher end of fat, you tend to have less of a problem "moving things along." But those whose taste buds or physiological makeup want less fat, and feel like you need more fiber, I really like flax meal. Its a seed, its relatively tasteless and has very little texture when ground up, so it can be added into food, which is how I like my supplements (I'm not much of a pill swallower).

    But...think about why you think you "need" more fiber. Don't go by a recommended number. Go by what your body seems to think it needs for digestion. If your bathroom habits are going along fine, then you're probably eating plenty of fiber.

    That's my humble little two cents...