nina1968 Member


  • Thank you so much. Your responses have helped me very much
  • I know just how you feel. I am not getting anywhere either. I work so hard at it. I am so very disappointed in myself. I am at a lose myself
  • Is a store brand of acv ok to use?
  • Thank you all so much. You have all been such a big help. Have a great weekend.
  • How fast do most people go on the eliptical? Should i be going as fast as i can or just go at an easy pace?
  • I have started it. I am on day 2 of phase 1 wk`1. So far so good. Although i noticed without the carbs i feel tired. I would love the support and a partner to do this with. i will weigh myself tomorrow and see how i do. . I am a big fruit eater so i am missing my fruit.
  • :Keep up the great work. You look great. The payoff is amazing in the end.:smile:
  • I am so sorry this has happend. But you also have to think of your health. Bring healthy snacks with you tomorrow. Maybe pack a salad some fruit, fresh veggies. And as other people have said try and take a walk around the hospital. Bring some water with you also, Most of the time when you think your hungry you are really…
  • I think of how great it feels to be in a smaller size. Also i have some tv shows i love to watch so i dvr them, Then i can't wait to get on the treadmill so i can watch my shows. I don't know if this will help you or not, But as my sizes started getting smaller I would give away my larger sizes. By doing that I didn't have…
  • Yes every chance i get, I log on to mfp
  • Here is a thought. Maybe your clothing is to big. You need to change your size as you loose weight. Maybe if you buy yourself a new outfit you will feel better. I think everyone at some point feels bad about the way they look. You should not be feeling bad about yourself everyday. If your depression stays with you maybe…
  • You need to focus on your 8lb acomplishment and be proud of your weight lose. I really do know how you feel.. But you can do it! You proved that with the weight that you have lost. Don't give up Remember this is a life change not a diet. Just continue to eat healthy and excercise and you will get to your goal. And a cheat…
  • Not eating enough. Your body is storing everything because it thinks your starving it.
  • It is hard to say why your early. But from my experience excercise could have something to do with it. As far as bloating that depends. I have times where i had an extra 5 lbs from bloating.and as little as 1-2 lbs. So here is some advice, try not to weigh yourself the week before or the week of our period. I have learned…
  • Sorry I wasn't clear about my calories. I have anywhere from 500-700 calories left over.
  • I also love the numbers. The calories i take in and the calories i burn up.
  • Thank you all so much for your advice. I am in a walking boot. I have to keep it on 24/7. I can only take it off for showers. I am lucky no crutches. But I have to try and limit my walking. Also I dont have access to a pool.
  • Sounds so good, I will try it. And i agree log cabin makes the best sugar free syrup, I love it. .
  • Hi, And welcome. Me and my husband do mfp also, It is so much easier doing this with your spouse. Best of luck to the both of you.
  • I can't imagine my life without MFP. I will admit i have had times where i have cheated just a little. But the fear of going back to my life and eating habits before MFP. Is far worse. The taste of bad food dosent make me feel as good as the new me and my new size. My husband does MFP with me so it makes life so much…
  • I would have to agree with these ladies, Try and get up a half hr earlier, I know it sounds easier to say then to do, But excercise is really the key to this. ALso buy 100 cal snacks and pack fruit with you on nites that you have to be out late. If you have to do fast food, maybe you could go to subway. Also i do agree…
  • Thank you so much everyone. I am going to take everyones advice, I will drink more water, And change my workout a little bit. As far as the calories, The problem is i really do come close with eating my excercise calories. I don't have that much left over. SHould I cut back on my eating?
  • Welcome back, Your in the right place. I have been doing mfp since january 25th. And I am happy to say I have reached my goal weight. You can do it. Best of luck to you.
  • I know how you feel. I am on my last 4lbs, and my body is really fighting me. Last week i didn't lose anything. I changed my workout, And tryed to get closer to my mfp calories. This has happend to me before and the next week i had lost weight. Don't give up. Best of Luck
  • Funny but I feel the same way as all of you do. I really can't seem to bring myself to eat anything bad for me. Even though I am 5lbs away from my goal weight. I often wonder if I ever will, Just because of the fear of gaining weight. Maybe thats just what i need, A little bit of fear. Good luck everyone!
    in Guilt...? Comment by nina1968 May 2010
  • No thats not bad at all. You will be fine, Good luck
  • That depends on how many calories you burn, Also how many calories MFP says you should have.
    in Help Please Comment by nina1968 May 2010
  • It sounds like your body is at a healthy weight. But what you need to do is eat your excersice calories. If your not eating enough you wont lose anything. I know it sounds weird but you really need to eat the amount of calories that mfp is telling you to eat. Or you wont lose anything. Try eating healthy foods like fresh…
  • I always do it after. After you cook your meat, the weight changes. Same thing with pasta measure 1cup after it is cooked
  • That is great. Congraulations. Your story sounds alot like mine. My husband startd mfp about a week after me, And he has lost 50lbs. It is a great feeling changing for the better. Best of luck to you and your husband. And keep up the good work. Happy Mothers day to you too.