Could you go back to before?

Hey Everybody,

I ponder lots of questions :) Questioning is the best way to learn lol, and I have a question for everyone...

Could you go back to the way it was before MFP?

Well, let me give you my answer: I know I struggle with eating, but I don't eat the whole day bad, I've made bad decisions, but not a whole day's whole since MFP. I learn from it and move on, I TRY not to make the same mistake twice, but sometimes I do lol.

Losing weight is HARD! Hard-work, determination, somedays I question myself. But as hard as it is, I would NEVER go back to the person I was before, that was harder!!!!

I guess I am destined to lose, no matter how long it takes.


  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    No way! I'll NEVER go back. This is the new me and I'm not even there yet. I'm going at this 100% and I plan to continue. This site and the people on it are the only thing that's keeping me on track. :drinker: here's to all my new friends
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Maybe not as bad as before, but without using MFP to keep me in check I could still easily overeat. My husband is a very tall thin guy who needs to eat a lot. So, it is easy to fall in the habit of eating what he eats again.

    That is why I keep logging even though I had met my goal.
  • Notsocorny
    I think that old habits can come and creep up on you, yes. You are in control of your own fate. If you don't like your fate, change it. Thats what everyone here on mfp is doing. So if you mess up few times along the way, its not setting you back to before, unless you don't learn from it. We're here dealing with our vices, making change for the better. We're figuring out what we do that is right or wrong for our regime. We're figuring out what we like or don't like. It's just life.

    You have such will and determination to keep on losing!! Keep it up!
  • nina1968
    nina1968 Posts: 86 Member
    I can't imagine my life without MFP. I will admit i have had times where i have cheated just a little. But the fear of going back to my life and eating habits before MFP. Is far worse. The taste of bad food dosent make me feel as good as the new me and my new size. My husband does MFP with me so it makes life so much easier. So in answer to your question, No i will never go back. I love the new me and my new eating habits to much, Not to mention the wonderful people I have met here. Such a wonderful communtiy of support.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I've used various online counters for a couple of years now. Eventually, I get lazy coming home and plugging all that in. Worse, trying to keep track of it all until I get home after I'm gone for 12 or more hours. Eventually, I stop and the weight starts to creep on. because I am the world's worst and guessing how much fat, etc. is in something. This has become an issue as I get older and less active. MFP is FANTASTIC because I can update it from my phone. That means I can precheck stuff I'm unsure of and I don't have to remember a whole list of ingredients for the next 7 hrs. This is a plan I think I can stick with! Will I go through cycles when I only update on the phone and don't really join in the community? Probably, but long term I think I have finally found the site for me!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I know I would not choose to go back to the me before; but I also know being in maintenance that it could happen if I don't stay vigilant. It takes a long time to develop good new habits, but some reason it would be so so easy to fall back into my old habits, as it happens on occasion now, but I keep it in check. Friends have asked me am I going to log my calories for my rest of my life and I tell them I will be logging my calories as long as it takes to ensure that I don't regain the weight and I certainly am not comfortable enough now to let go of logging, as I know I start to misjudge portions or sneaking a bite of this or a bite of that. I am hanging with MFP as long as they keep it easy to use and I have access!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :noway: NOPE
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hey Everybody,

    I ponder lots of questions :) Questioning is the best way to learn lol, and I have a question for everyone...

    Could you go back to the way it was before MFP?

    Well, let me give you my answer: I know I struggle with eating, but I don't eat the whole day bad, I've made bad decisions, but not a whole day's whole since MFP. I learn from it and move on, I TRY not to make the same mistake twice, but sometimes I do lol.

    Losing weight is HARD! Hard-work, determination, somedays I question myself. But as hard as it is, I would NEVER go back to the person I was before, that was harder!!!!

    I guess I am destined to lose, no matter how long it takes.

    I have no intention of ever going back to the way I was before.

    Myfitnesspal is a fantastic application and I tell people about it whenever the opportunity arises. MFP helped me to lose the weight that I was convinced was impossible to shift before.

    The Developers of this site have done a great service to overweight people that come here for sure!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I don't want to kid myself. It's taken a lot of hard work and determination to get where I've gotten but there was a reason I was doing the things I was doing before. They are easy and with daily stresses and trials, it's easier to deal with it the way I was. I've learned a lot on this journey about better ways to handle things, about making good choices and moving more frequently when I indulge. I know I was as heavy as I was because I love indulging and was doing it too often without doing anything to temper the gains. I know more about myself now but I refuse to kid would be comfortable to slip back into my unhealthy ways because it means not caring about one more thing - my health. I have so much going that adding one thing is a commitment and like any commitment will take work to maintain.

    I hope that I don't come back here and that the changes that I have made are going to stick, but I can't fool myself into thinking "I'm cured"
  • ktbug1186
    NO WAY! Ive only been on this site about twenty days, and it has helped me tremendously...I can't imagine not logging in at least once a day! :) I've completely neglected my facebook...It just not near as good as this site! :) Love it and all the awesome people on here! :D
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    I lost 20lbs before I started using the mfp site so I could go back but It wasn't as easy doing it on my own. The motivation from the community is really excellent and the features are really easy to use. I feel like a had a realization about my weight and fitness prior to joining mfp and that won't go away without the site.
  • stringcheeze
    Granted, I'm not where I want to be yet, but now I have a better understanding of which foods work well with me -- I know now if I eat more quality protein with each meal, I feel full for a lot longer which means less snacking in between meals. Lessons like that will stick with me. I've also gotten to the point where I crave certain things a lot less because I haven't indulged (I used to be a bread-a-holic, now I can walk by the bakery in the grocery store without buying anything). I'll probably have to bring out the measuring cups/spoons every once in a while to keep my portions in check once I do get to where I want to be -- I've noticed that what my brain thinks and what the measuring cups say are often two very different things.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Well, I look at this as a life decision. I know that sounds terribly preachy (you know, like when the skinny doctor tells you you have to make a "lifestyle choice", never having lost 10 lbs or gained it in his life), but this is what I mean:

    I know for a fact that I don't have a good emotional grasp on what I look like vs. how I feel. It's like a psychological blindness. I'm working on that.

    I'm a sucker for creating and sticking to routines. This is a great thing, right? Not always. Sometimes that means scheduling treats more frequently than you should and seeking them out. The food journal keeps my mind on that issue and me on track.

    If I get busy, it's too easy to put stuff in my mouth, and I'm an emotional eater and tend to get sidetracked by things that come up, which means I sometimes forget what I ate. I have discovered that when I'm upset, I buy two things at the store instead of only one, which might mean twice as many cookies. I'm trying to buy two non-food items at a time instead now. Feh, it makes me feel secure. So what if I have too many towels. Maybe I'll sew myself a bathrobe. Oh yeah, and I now know when I'm stress-buying rather than stress-baking.

    I'm a hella good cook. If I cook, I eat it, like my mom taught me (I grew up listening to stories about food shortages after WWII). So now I cook much less often, because even though Lean Cuisine is garbage, it stops at one serving. And I'm not constantly tasting the meal before eating it.

    I quit smoking twice in my life. The second time, it stuck, but only because I drew a very serious conclusion that if I started again, I would never quit. It's been 25 years and I haven't started again. The problem with food is that you can't quit. You can only be selective. That means you have to keep watching your food and your exercise, even at maintenance weight (man I hope I get there). We are courageous in the extreme on this point, all of us.

    Would I go back? I have great fears that if I don't keep my eyes on the goal, I will. So, now, I'm going to just keep my journals and my focus and hope that my talent for sticking to routines does me good.

    Oh yeah, and I'm going to keep on learning how what I eat and do affects my body. I've learned tons since I've come here, and most of that is from you!
