LouSmorals Member


  • I have the same relationship with swimming. I think that recognizing that the problem exists and make a conscious effort to eat to fuel, not for fun.
  • Jeez, 40km/hour is a very fast pace for the bike leg of a multi-sport race.
  • I have done over 10 sprints and a couple of Oly distance triathlons, I am hooked, and I am sure you will also love this sport once you get involved. A couple of pieces of advice: 1) How good is your swimming? As mentioned above, this is the most technique-dependent of the disciplines and so does require a lot of attention…
  • Essentially zero impact if done correctly. A great exercise for those new to cardio.
  • I don't have a bluetooth HRM, but I have always found the Wahoo stuff to be exceptionally well made
  • Running on the track inside is fine, a treadmill will do too. Part of this is just putting in the miles, doesn't matter where it is. For me, I can't rack up long runs inside (just too boring), but don't hesitate to do a treadmill run if the weather is bad. Of course, I live in Florida, bad is relative :-)
  • For a new runner, the Galloway Run-walk-run is a great approach. One key: Increase your distance slowly, no more than 10%/week. More than that it is easy to injure yourself. A great deal of distance running is getting your body used to the punishment.
  • A personal trainer is a great idea, but can be a bit pricey. If you don't/can't pay for that I would start with walking on the treadmill or using an elliptical. My gym has something called the "line" which is a lineup of 10 or so Nautilus machines, the staff sets up the machines for you and you can go one to the next in…
  • A good rule of thumb is 100 calories/mile run. So if you ran 8 miles in an hour that is not impossible. A darn good clip but I know several that could do that (unfortunately not me)
  • It's OK, you can miss the gym. I feel like cr@p when I miss more than 3 days.
  • running on a treadmill is not harder, just a bit different. First, when you run on the road your pace can fluctuate, on a treadmill the treadmill sets that pace and does not fluctuate. Second, seems to me that running on a TM uses a bit different set of muscles that road running. I always seem to feel a TM run a bit more…
  • Gonna be a bit nippy tonight here in North Central Fla (high 20's that's F not C) so it looks like my run is going to be on the dreadmill also.
  • 220-Age is a rather crude estimate, but puts you in the ball park. As far as your HRM you should be able to adjust the alarms so it doesn't go off unless you are entering Zone 5 (90% of max) (look up heart rate zones). Finding your own comfort zone takes some time and experience, just be patient and careful, you should…
  • Ah yes, this thread went South quickly...
  • I pee at McDonalds. They have food too?
  • At my gym the machines work with an analog (ie Polar) strap, and if I were going to go with a HRM that is how I would go. I have a Garmin and it has a digital (Ant+) interface which I think is better than the analog. My bet is the new Bluetooth HRM are even better. The digital platforms are also more expandable (work with…
  • I get in 5-7 cardio workouts/week. I do not lift weights, although I should, I just get more out of cardio. Run 3-4 times week / bike 2x / swim 1-2x. Training for a half marathon in Feb and so I'm running in the 15 mile/week area, will ramp up to 25 over the next 6 weeks.
  • I used to use RunKeeper, but since I got a Garmin 310XT, I just go with Garmin Connect. Seems to be all the data I need, now if i could just get an app to make me go faster....
  • 50 min spin class tonight. Usually take it a bit easy on Friday as I do my LSD runs on Sat AM.
  • Yeah, it's commonly the toughest discipline as it is the most technically demanding. I swam in HS so I'm *still* pretty fast, but it all goes downhill after I get out of the water. I'm hoping that losing 20+ lbs will help my game.
  • I think you'd be OK but I don't know if I would push the pace too much on the 8 miler.
  • It is ALL about making better choices. No one ever got overweight eating watermelon. Carbs are my downfall, and peanut butter my ultimate weakness.
    in Hi Comment by LouSmorals January 2014
  • Hey Tracy. Yep, I didn't think my story was singular, nice to see a kindred spirit here. I have a half mary planned for the end of Feb, first triathlon in late April. Beyond the health/aesthetic aspects of weight loss, I know that getting smaller will make the training a heck of a lot easier and more enjoyable (if running…
    in Hi Comment by LouSmorals January 2014
  • Swimming 1 mile in 60 mins is a rather slow pace, but if you can swim 1 mile in a single workout then bully for you! I really wonder how many people can claim that they can (or have) done that.
  • I think the primary thing for you to focus on is improving your swimming mechanics prior to the race. Swimming is the most technique-intensive of the disciplines and a poor swimming form can not only kill your speed but really tire you out even over a rather modest distance of 300-400 meters. Get in the pool, get a coach…