

  • Hey there. You should still be able to eat some dairy in moderation. My best friend is lactose intolerant and she still has a piece of pizza every now and then and other cheese items. I wouldn't worry about your cilantro paste unless you get an upset stomach after you eat it. I would just stay away from slugging a glass of…
  • I'm sure you've already made major changes in your life and know the right and wrong things to eat. Remember that you should never be dieting, but making lifestyle changes. The biggest trap you can fall in on the cruise is the pressure to eat. When I was on my cruise sometimes I would only have an appetizer and salad for…
  • Thanks so much for all of your advice!!! I really appreciate it.
  • Amazing! You are an inspiration. Congrats to you!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
  • It's hard to describe, but I take those long bars at the gym that weigh about 15 pounds. I lie down on my side and rest the end of the bar in the small of my foot and lift up. You can feel it all the way up in your thigh and I've noticed a major difference. It'd be a lot easier to show, lol. But hopefully you get the basic…
  • No rice allowed. Apples and peanut butter sound like a tasty way to get some protein easily in the morning!
  • Yeah, and you can still log your workouts to keep track. Good luck and no problem! MFP has been the better than any trainer, diet or other plan I have attempted to be on. :-)
  • I think your body might actually be on the border of starvation mode. You probably should try bumping it up to about 1600 calories a day and see what happens. Try it for a week, and let me know. You should still enjoy eating. You don't want to have a life of steamed broccoli and grilled chicken. And I keep my journal open…
  • The easiest way to think about it is that 3500 calories = 1 pound. So either by calories burned, or eliminated calories, that's how you can calculate your daily goal. For example, if I can maintain my body weight with 2000 calories, and I want to lose 1 pound a week, each day I can choose to either burn 500 calories at the…
  • How about a protein bar? They are full of all sorts of good nutrients, and they usually are pretty high in calories.
  • Go for a Bud Select 55! Only 55 calories! :-D But don't ever let anyone pressure you to eat or drink anything you don't want! They need to understand what your goals are and what you need to do to stay on it. LOTS OF LUCK!
  • I have a Polar HRM and I love it! Very accurate. Gives you calories burned, logs all of your workouts, stopwatch, etc... It lasted for a solid year before I had to get a new battery. Love, love, love it. :-D
  • First of all, just breathe! Take in the moment. It's so exciting. And remember that the only person you are competing with is yourself. If you've got a heart rate monitor that will help you keep in check. Otherwise, wear a watch. If you notice that you are approaching the 1 mile mark a lot faster than you expected, pull…
  • I'm not paranoid, and yes, I did learn how to share in Kindergarten. :-) I figured, I waited my turn to swim today, and I enjoy my own personal space. I was confused as to why it couldn't be treated like a treadmill - 30 minute cap if there are people waiting. I didn't mean to anger anyone on here. I find that people on…
  • You might want to consider meeting with a trainer. That was they can assess your zones. In certain Zones 1-3 you are burning fat calories typically, and zones 4 and 5 are your AT (anaerobic threshold). If they can put you on the treadmill and measure your heart rate accurately, that will give you a lot more accurate…
  • I drive to work at 6:30am. It's starting to get light out!!! Can't wait. I start work at 7, so I definitely don't get my workouts in until later at night. Where do you live? I'm in Walled Lake. Love, love, love running and biking the 5 mile loop around the lake in the summer. :-)
  • Is it just called Queso Quesadilla cheese? I've never heard of that before. And I'm a big cheese girl! :-D Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • A heart rate monitor is seriously the way to go! I would recommend meeting with a trainer to set up your heart rate zones. That way you can focus on the zone where you're burning fat, For me, if I get above 180, that's considered my AT (Anaerobic Threshold). At that point I'm at my max and burning sugars instead of fat.…
  • I think your best option is to get a heart rate monitor. Meet with a personal trainer one time to help them set up your monitor and that way it will accurately measure calories burned. I swear by mine! It's awesome. :-) GOOD LUCK!!!
  • No, because I'm satisfied with losing 2 pounds a week. As soon as I entered my weight it said because I've hit a goal of 10 pounds that MFP was going to automatically adjust my calories for me. Hmmm....
  • Ugh. Bar food. What a weakness!!! There's actually a bar by me that has an amazing veggie platter. I know it sounds weird, but I love it. But here's a good link I found for you with best and worst bar options. :-) GOOD LUCK!!
  • Yum! I wonder if they make a sugar free strawberry? That would be tasty on top of the chocolate.
  • All you do is take a light colored cake mix (yellow / white / strawberry / whatever) and all you add is a can of room temperature diet sprite and bake as normal. If you are doing a dark cake use diet coke.
  • Hi! Don't be discouraged. We all have moments where things get tough! I know it's so hard to stay on track sometimes, but you need to find things that are low calorie and filling. I keep tons of fresh veggies cut up in my fridge all the time. Cucumbers, celery, carrots, cauliflower, etc... When I get really hungry, I put a…
  • Strength training is super important. Remember that the muscle will be much smaller that the fat, so you should really take your measurements to help you not get discouraged if you feel like you aren't losing weight at the rate you would like. And yes, your body still burns calories after your are done strength training so…
  • Lots of good advice on here. I would be open and honest with your friend about goals you are trying to achieve. If you eat smaller portions of whatever is on the menu, you will be fine. I'm curious to know what's going to be for dinner! Keep us posted.
  • I'm doing the half marathon this year! I was in pretty great shape before and let myself go, so I'm excited to do a half marathon again this year. Hoping to get my time to be better than before. You should do the Corktown 5K in March. :-D That race is a blast.
  • Spinach and Asiago Chicken Sausage with whole wheat bun. Baked potato with light sour cream and light butter with a little cheese. YUM! 380 calories. :-D
  • Yes, a can of room temperature soda. And my cupcakes came out SOOOOOOOOO well. They were a big hit, and I loved telling everyone afterward my big secret. :-D
  • Yup - cake mix and diet soda - that's it! Apparently the carbonation helps make the cupcakes super light and fluffy.