

  • Try different brands. They all taste SO different. My favorite is Fage 0% with honey, preferably served with some granola or Go Lean Crunch. I adore it. But there are other honey flavored brands I absolutely cannot stand. It's worth trying a few. Fage and Chiobani seem to get the most love.
  • Yeah, but why would she stay with an idiot? Why would anyone?
  • When I got dropped to 1300, it was too low. Weirdly, I was just fine at 1400, but mentally something happened and losing that extra 100 calories screwed me UP. I just couldn't do it. So I manually changed back to 1400. And it's working out just fine. I am still losing without making myself crazy.
  • I like the show for having a more realistic body image than most. However, I think Mike treats Molly like crap a lot of the time, and she just makes a put out face and deals with it. That pisses me off.
  • Whole Foods carries a good, natural liquid egg product.
  • I feel really lucky that my workplace puts a premium on health, so any catered meals are made on site and have plenty of healthy options (I work at Whole Foods Markets global offices). But occasionally, we do offsite stuff or whatever, and in that case, my benchmark is "Did I do better than before?" So, I try and make…
  • Moonshine has great food and you can choose healthy options. Menu is online. (Also som unhealthy stuff, but you *can* do well there.) Very reasonable portion sizes. (Not gigantic) Probably my favorite restaurant in town, and it's downtown close to Erwin Center. They serve popcorn instead of bread or chips, which is also…
  • I think it's crazy, scientifically unsound, harmful to your body, and stupid.
  • I log everything. It helps reign me in a little, even on a 'free day'.
  • I am having some migas for dinner! Southwestern Egg Beaters, scrambled with 2 corn tortillas cut into strips and some extra pappers and onions. Add a spash of salsa and top with cheese. Probably add a serving of baked chips and a 100 cal pack of guacamole to the side. There may be a margarits in there, too!
  • They have recently debunked the whole "Artificial sweeteners make you crave more sugar" myth. It's just not true. No, diet coke won't make you gain weight. It's not the best choice you could make over a glass of water because of the chemicals and coloring, but it's not going to pack on the pounds.
  • It depends on the size of the slice of cheese.
  • You know, there is a vast acreage of land between "eat what I serve or go hungry" and "I eat healthy, but feed my kids junk". It doesn't have to be one or the other. There are foods I don't like. There are times I plan on having spaghetti for dinner and then get home and think "gee, I am really not in the mood for…