~ Greek Yogurt ~

Hello everyone~

I am curious to know how you all feel about Greek yogurt. Today is my second time trying it, and to me it has a weird, almost sour taste to it. I've tried adding granola, and honey, etc. Is it really better for you than other yogurts? For me it's like beer, a taste you have to acquire, and I'm having difficulties doing that. Hope you all have a great day!!!


  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    I use plain greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream or when making mashed potatoes. I enjoy the flavored greek yogurts as snacks. Have you tried adding splenda or fresh fruit to your plain yogurt?
  • kgoulbourne
    Try Chobani with fruit - it's delic!
  • julielynnc
    julielynnc Posts: 14
    Try different brands. They all taste SO different. My favorite is Fage 0% with honey, preferably served with some granola or Go Lean Crunch. I adore it. But there are other honey flavored brands I absolutely cannot stand. It's worth trying a few. Fage and Chiobani seem to get the most love.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    It took my a while to get used to it too. Stick with it.
  • mrsclc
    mrsclc Posts: 73
    I didn't even think about adding Splenda! I bet that would help. And I'll also look into the Chobani. Thanks!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I didn't like it at first, but it was because my first experience was with an Icelandic yogurt that was SUPER sour with orange and ginger in it. lol
    I eat Chobani on a daily (sometimes twice daily) basis and I love it now. Are you eating plain or flavored? If I get plain then I add fruit and/or honey to it. If I eat flavored (fruit on the bottom or vanilla) then I eat it plain. Although last night I added some Hershey's cocoa powder to the vanilla yogurt and it was YUMMY!! :)

    And yes, it is better for you than regular yogurt. Much more protein!!
  • shaundam
    shaundam Posts: 38 Member
    Since I gave up eating so much sweets I have noticed my taste buds have become "sensitive" to anything sweet. So the Greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom is just perfect for me now. Before I cut out all the sweets though I thought it to be sour and unappealing for a yogurt. lol I don't even try to eat the regular yogurts anymore, they are too sweet for me now.
  • numejak
    numejak Posts: 43 Member
    I was worried that I woudl have to stop eating Greek yogurt for the same reasons you stated, but yesterday I found an orange-like flavor called "clementine" that completely masks that tart flavor. I bought a week supply last night! Now I can say that I love it! My point is find a flavor you like, and stay away from 'original' or 'plain' versions of G.Y. and you'll learn to love it too! Good luck, G.Y. is very healthy food!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Try Chobani with fruit - it's delic!

    I second this!!
    The first time I tried greek yogurt I thought it was nasty
    but I decided to give it another try so I bought the Chobani yogart
    I LOVE it!!!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    ditto on the chobani!! i also add a splenda packet and a tbs or 2 of sugar free preserves to the plain to give it more flavor with less sugars than the flavored.
  • kcphilly
    kcphilly Posts: 71
    It does have more than twice the protein of regular yogurt, so in that way yes it's better than regular yogurt. For me I add a ton of cinnamon to it and a touch of nutmeg.
  • live2run4ever
    Chobani is the best Greek Yogurt!! Love it!
  • dorairwin
    dorairwin Posts: 210
    I love greek yogurt but not the plain one's... Try Chobani greek yogurt .. e.g Strawberry or strawberry annd Banana, Fage Total greek yogurt Honey..
  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    I was just like you at first, then I found the brand FAGE. I absolutely love it, love the texture, I add 1/2 cup of Kashi go lean crunch honey and almond flax and 1/2 cup of strawberries to mine for sweetness and is such a treat. I eat the 0%, but they also have 2%. Yes, it's very good for you, and FAGE has live yogurt cultures which is great for the immune system...pro biotics. You always want to purchase a yogurt that has pro biotics. It's great for weight loss and just your overall health. I haven't been sick in 1 year, not even with a cold, and that's very unusual for me.

    Wishing you luck!
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    Have you tried other brands? Different brands can vary quite a bit in the flavor department. Also, if the sour part is what gets you, try to find vanilla or fruit flavored versions.Or, stick it in a blender with some Splenda or honey & your favorite fruit. Plain yogurt, greek or otherwise, can be quite sour. I like to buy plain yogurt because I can use it for more (in smoothies, in place of sour cream or mayo), but if you're eating it on its own, maybe a flavored version is bet for you.
  • sherryberry07
    I love it love it love it! I use it like sourcream on my potatoes, in chilis etc and also as a dip for vegis - just mix it with garlic powder, ground pepper, or onion powder to your taste and it makes a great dip! I definitely don't use it for sweet foods - just the savory. I suppose if you mixed in some Stevia or another sweetener, you could eat it with fruit, but for me I just use it for the savory items.
  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    It is a great substitute for sour cream when making enchiladas or on top of tacos, etc. I don't care for it without something in it or under it. The brand definitely makes a difference. I prefer Dannon. Unlike another post, I HATE the clementine one. To each his own. Yes, your taste buds also change. As does your digestive system. Once you get away from things like doughnuts or rich cake, etc, if you try to eat it, don't eat much or you might have intestinal problems for a while. Just a thought.
  • smbrooks404
    smbrooks404 Posts: 24 Member
    Agree - try different ones because they all taste different. I love Fage and Chobani, but 0% fat. The full fat ones don't taste as good to me. I love it with honey - tastes like custard to me, and I loooove custard! I put fresh fruit in it as well.
  • juzzietan
    juzzietan Posts: 1
    Just had greek yoghurt with frozen blueberrys for dessert tonight! Yum! It's great and the berries are low in cals! I have grown to quite like the sourness of it and now find the pre-sweetened ones almost sickly sweet. A small drizzle of honey makes it quite nice, but yes as Brownski suggests, try with a bit of splenda to take a bit of the edge off it and is lower in calories too.
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    I think the best thing to do is try a few different brands. The ones with fruit are much better however the plain is good for shakes, recipes, etc. I agree with everyone, chobani is good, but the Dannon happens to be good too and it's a little cheaper. Dannon blueberry with a little spenda mixed in.... yummy!