Lunch Frustrates Me!!!

snc1019 Posts: 17 Member
I work in a doctor's office that routinely receives "free" lunches courtesy of the drug reps. Thankfully the entire office has started a trend toward making healthier choices. Unfortunately not every drug rep brings the healthiest of meals and consistently brings a dessert (cookies, brownies, etc.)

Yesterday's meal consisted of salads and sandwiches, which I did fine with. Unfortunately I couldn't resist the chocolate chip cookie and would you believe that miserable thing had 370 calories...3-7-0 CALORIES IN A COOKIE!!!!!!! Today's lunch was lasagna, shrimp primavera, breadsticks and salad. Once again, I had some salad, but I just couldn't resist having some lasagna, too... I need some willpower and encouragement :sad:


  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    That happens to me a lot at work. What I do is eat a very low calorie and healthy breakfast and plan on the same for dinner. This way, the indulgence at lunch won't ruin my diet.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I work at a spinal institute with the same problems, I always bring my own lunch and I usually never partake, I just don't even go in the break room unless it is to get my lunch then I go somewhere else and eat it. Just leave as quickly as possible or don't go near there if you don't have to. It's too much trouble to count the calories is what I tell myself. Plus bulk catered food isn't that tasty anyway.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Just watch the portion sizes and log it so you know where you are at. Also, watch the dressing for the salad as it can creep up on you like the cookie.

    We all have to just practice and keep trying! Not everyday are we gonna be perfect!

    You can do it! Keep us posted!
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    I understand the frustration. I'm making a lifestyle change and my fiance is not! I will be eating something healthy while he's noshing on a big, juicy burger and can't resist having a few bites! The best rule of thumb is, moderation. Something my great-grandmother passed down, who was very petit by the way, was have what you want, but cut it in half. This is something I still struggle to do successfully. Just do the best you can!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I work at a spinal institute with the same problems, I always bring my own lunch and I usually never partake, I just don't even go in the break room unless it is to get my lunch then I go somewhere else and eat it. Just leave as quickly as possible or don't go near there if you don't have to. It's too much trouble to count the calories is what I tell myself. Plus bulk catered food isn't that tasty anyway.

    This is what I do. At my last job, I got accused of having an eating disorder and sometimes being snobby or anti-social. It wasn't that at all! I just wanted to eat healthy.
  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    nothing wrong with having a heavier meal forlunch. Go ahead and have that lasagna...shrimp...just not the cookie. Have a lighter dinner instead and you will lose weight.
  • Lauriee2014
    Lauriee2014 Posts: 183 Member
    I hear you. I have a friend whose boss brings here some type of vanilla Starbucks drink that is 600 calories. For one drink! That's 1/2 my daily calories! Our office tends to have women who are trying to eat healthy, too, but clients bring in chocolate, homemade breads, etc. for "thank you"s.

    It sounds like you are trying hard and the occasional piece of lasagna-small piece *smile* won't kill you. But if this is ongoing. Ouch!

    Is there another person or two or three who you could talk to and maybe the 2 or 3 of you could make a pact to help each other out at lunchtime? Provide encouragement and accountability..maybe even split the one cookie in 3? I know it sounds silly, but.. recently our company hired a woman who works with Weight Watchers part time. She, fortunately, shares my office. She is such a good role model.. huge salads for lunch.. 100 calorie snacks.. walking on her lunch break.. and when something "sinful" comes into the office either she doesn't have some.. or partakes some and shaves it off in another area.

    This helps me thought, bc [1] I don't feel like I'm the "only one" not having something; [2] sometimes we share something, [3] sometimes we just plan to take it off our evening calories IF it's worth it. FOR ME, the "together" thing really helps.

    Also.. could you pack your own lunch.. or 1/2 a lunch..say a salad.. then have a mini port:)ion of what's being offered. [That way if their whole meal is unhealthy, you can start with a large salad and compliment with pasta, etc.]

    I'll be interested to hear what others give for advice. :)
  • gaijin31
    gaijin31 Posts: 2
    Its all about portion size. Go ahead and eat a small amount and then calculate the cals. If you "deprive" yourself of the lunch then yuo will feel like you are missing least I of my personal issues. Then as mentioned above make that your big meal of the day. Yesterday we went to kfc for lunch. It thought I had totally killed the day. But then i just ate a small dinner and drank lots of water last night to help me feel full and I was still able to come in under my cals for the day.
  • julielynnc
    julielynnc Posts: 14
    I feel really lucky that my workplace puts a premium on health, so any catered meals are made on site and have plenty of healthy options (I work at Whole Foods Markets global offices). But occasionally, we do offsite stuff or whatever, and in that case, my benchmark is "Did I do better than before?" So, I try and make healthy choices -- have a small square of lasagna, or a healthy lunch and half a cookie or something -- and then I don't beat myself up. I deal with the weekends much the same way. They are harder for me because they are less structured, and I have little kids so we are on the go all the time. So if we end up at McDonalds, I get a happy meal with a diet coke. Best choice? No. BETTER than my old quarter pounder with cheese meal, upsized fries, and a shake? You betcha.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I work at a spinal institute with the same problems, I always bring my own lunch and I usually never partake, I just don't even go in the break room unless it is to get my lunch then I go somewhere else and eat it. Just leave as quickly as possible or don't go near there if you don't have to. It's too much trouble to count the calories is what I tell myself. Plus bulk catered food isn't that tasty anyway.

    This is what I do. At my last job, I got accused of having an eating disorder and sometimes being snobby or anti-social. It wasn't that at all! I just wanted to eat healthy.

    hehe, I do keep a big jar of chocolate which I sniff at times during the day and I take it around to my coworkers in the afternoon and give them a piece or two, I'll have one piece like every 3 months or so, but thats how I practice self control, plus it makes me more food sociable and them smile when they see me coming.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I work at a spinal institute with the same problems, I always bring my own lunch and I usually never partake, I just don't even go in the break room unless it is to get my lunch then I go somewhere else and eat it. Just leave as quickly as possible or don't go near there if you don't have to. It's too much trouble to count the calories is what I tell myself. Plus bulk catered food isn't that tasty anyway.

    This is what I do. At my last job, I got accused of having an eating disorder and sometimes being snobby or anti-social. It wasn't that at all! I just wanted to eat healthy.

    hehe, I do keep a big jar of chocolate which I sniff at times during the day and I take it around to my coworkers in the afternoon and give them a piece or two, I'll have one piece like every 3 months or so, but thats how I practice self control, plus it makes me more food sociable and them smile when they see me coming.

    Oh man! There's no way I could do that! If I have ONE piece of chocolate I have to have 5 more. Haha!! It's easier for me to just avoid it all together. Lately, I've been buying at least 70% cacoa so it's at least somewhat healthy if I have a small piece here and there. :) Kudos to you for your self control!
  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    I have the same problem! The teacher's lounge is ALWAYS full of donuts, cookies, cakes, chips, and other unhealthy foods. I hate it! I stick to the lunch I packed and if I find it REALLY tempting, I heat up my food and eat in my classroom! It's a little anti-social, but better than packing on the pounds! Every once in while I'll cave and eat a catered lunch (especially if it's not something super unhealthy) , but I measure my servings with my eye and make sure to log it all! I also won't participate in the the put-lucks. I figure if I don't sign up and bring something to share, then it would be wrong for me to eat the food other people brought! It works every time!
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    I work for a trucking company who tends to "treat" the employees to cake, icecream, candy, doughnuts, etc. on a very regular basis. I know that within the first year or two of working at this company, I gained weight. It wasn't until I joined MFP that I realized just how many calories I had been consuming. So, the working out I have done for years was not helping me at all. I had to form better habits and just say "No, thank you." It took me about 3 1/2 months to lose 23 pounds. I don't know if you are allowed to leave work during your lunch break or not. I enjoy getting away from the people I work with all day and get some stress relief by getting in my workout during my lunch hour. Then I come back to work and drink a protein shake and usually have some fruit. It may or may not work for your situation.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Lots of good suggestions being given here. I think I would have a light breakfast and at least bring a salad of my own making and maybe have a small portion of whatever goodies they. You may have to keep the cookies down to a once a month treat. Unfortunately none of us can give you willpower. That's a mental thing. You have to want to stick to eating better more than that cookie. If you aren't at that point then perhaps as someone mentioned it's better to bring your lunch and eat elsewhere.

    You can do this! Hang in there.