"Dinner ideas needed that my family will eat too!"



  • julielynnc
    You know, there is a vast acreage of land between "eat what I serve or go hungry" and "I eat healthy, but feed my kids junk". It doesn't have to be one or the other.

    There are foods I don't like. There are times I plan on having spaghetti for dinner and then get home and think "gee, I am really not in the mood for spaghetti tonight." I don't see why my kids can't have their own preferences. I make a healthy dinner for the family, but the kids are always welcome to fruit and yogurt or a snack plate of crackers, fruit, and cheese if they aren't enthused about what I prepared. It takes about 30 seconds to serve them that alternative. I don't think I am spoiling them or ruining them by refusing to make dinner time a battleground. Quite the opposite, I suspect.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    If it's something new I have my kids at least try it, usually they discover it's good...lol If they don't like it they don't have to eat it, but they have to fix what they want (with in reason) themselves. Sometimes I will fix them something similar to what we are eating, but a bit more kid friendly.
  • megansmom311
    I can't stand the 'eat what I serve or go hungry' line.

    I cook a healthy dinner for my family, but I certainly don't expect them to cram it down their throats if it doesn't appeal to them. My kids know they if they don't like what I cooked, they are welcome to go make a bowl of fruit or some crackers/pb or make a sandwich for themselves. My son is a vegetarian...so in your eyes I'm supposed to shovel a chunk of meat on his plate and expect him to eat it or go hungry? Why would I do that? It's his choice to not eat meat, and I'm certainly not going to starve him because of that. I have three kids (and one husband), and the odds of all four of them actually liking the meal I prepare are slim. Do I take offense? No, I just point to the fridge and tell them to grab some fruit. I don't like my kids going to bed hungry. That, to me, is not healthy.