

  • I'm doing a program similar to C25K. It's definitely a good program. I'm up to the point where I'm running 15 mins and walking 1 min x2 and then a shorter third set, though I usually run a bit longer. 5 weeks ago I could barely make it through that point in the routine, and now I can do more than the routine specifies. If…
  • hahahah I usually wear long sleeves (or sunblock) because I have forearm tattoos, but my shorts tan line is ridiculous. I think that's totally awesome.
  • Where are all the women firefighters? Edit: oops, I didn't scroll through all the pics. There actually was at least one woman firefighter in there.
  • Granny Smith apple + peanut butter and/or nutella. That's all I have to say about that.
  • Sriracha! Or jalapenos.
  • I have no problem with the name, personally. It's a beginner's running program. That's it. I switched from C25K to the Runner's world beginner program because it's 4 days a week as opposed to 3. Maybe recommend that one if the C25K title bothers him that much?…
  • Thanks for the link. I started running barefoot because it hurt to run in shoes. It doesn't hurt to run without them. Too bad I spent all that $$$ on running shoes before I figured it out. :\ That guy isn't necessarily correct about landing on the ball of your foot instead of the heel. A mid-foot strike is better unless…
  • I prefer to run barefoot, but I like my VFF Classics for situations where I'd like to be barefoot but am required to wear shoes. Granted, I haven't tried on the Bikilas yet, but I'm hoping that those will be more comfortable for running. The pavement is starting to get pretty hot here.
  • That's awesome! I'm on week 3 of the running schedule, but I made it 15min without stopping yesterday. It wasn't a record setting pace or anything, but I made it around 1.3 miles in that time.
  • I've been running barefoot for a while now. I just got my first pair of VFFs this week. Initially they felt like combat boots, but that got better after my first run in them. I think they're a good option for places that you can't go barefoot, like the gym or wherever else. I prefer to run barefoot, but my muscles are…
  • I have a GPS that tracks time and distance, so I just log it as however many minutes with whatever my average speed is. I have a HRM also, and I use mapmyride to track cycling and running, so I usually take their calorie information since it's lower than MFP's.
  • Fruit, and peanut butter (or nutella), sometimes together. I try to eat all my fruit in the morning and eat only veggies later in the day, but sometimes I have to have berries or an apple for an afternoon snack. Or raw almonds. Raw almonds are awesome, but I have to watch it because I could easily at 4 servings if I'm not…
  • My bigger pet peeve is the trend of using " 's " instead of just "s" to make something plural.
  • Nice work!
  • I typically try to overestimate what I eat and underestimate what I burn. I'd rather err in that direction than the other. I think MFP overestimate calories burned for a lot of exercises. I wear a heart rate monitor when I go cycling. MFP gives me like 400 more calories than the website I use to track my rides, and that…
  • I also don't worry about the sugar in fruits. It's really the only sugar that I eat. I try to eat more veggies than fruit, but I like fruit so much that it's difficult sometimes.
  • I only do non-running things on off days. I think it's important to let those muscles rest, and running on a treadmill doesn't allow that. I'm not sure about the elliptical. I'd try to find something else to do, because it's simulated running and uses the muscles in the same way. Just my 2 cents.
  • The site adjusts your daily intake based on your weight. So if you updated your weight or input a new weight it would lower your daily intake. Or maybe if you changed how many pounds you want to lose per week. Say you change from 1 to 1.5 pounds a week, the site will lower your daily calorie goal.
  • I'm all for running barefoot. That's the only way I can run, but I'd never do it on a treadmill. I think you could probably pull it off with some sort of minimalist running shoe, like Vibrams or something. I imagine a treadmill would do damage to bare feet.
  • You look fantastic!