

  • What a roller coaster this has been. I can't seem to stick with a regimen! I am so good for a week or two and then I blow it and find it really hard to jump back into counting calories and working out like crazy. I "worked out" tonight but really I just walked uphill on the treadmill for 33 minutes at a 4.0 pace, using…
  • Sorry about the multiple quotes-still learning how to format.... That is a lot of calories! Good to know! I am about your same size. I am not exactly skilled at zumba seeing as though it is my first time, but I definitely worked hard and kept moving. I found it pretty fun too, a nice and entertaining change of pace. I…
  • Sorry about the multiple quotes-still learning how to format.... That is a lot of calories! Good to know! I am about your same size. I am not exactly skilled at zumba seeing as though it is my first time, but I definitely worked hard and kept moving. I found it pretty fun too, a nice and entertaining change of pace. I…
  • bumping this up, I am curious if anyone has an answer
  • Thank you. I agree with you about trying to live your life! In fact, I don't even regret all the sushi, wine, cheese and crackers that I enjoyed with my friends. What I am most upset about is that my fiance has been at work all day today (still is!), so I have been basically going from the couch to the fridge/pantry all…
  • Oops, just saw you wanted driving distance to Denver. It is about 6.5 hours. Definitely drivable but longer than the other resorts (which is why they are so much more crowded). You can fly into Montrose and it is only 45 mins away.
  • Hi! I just saw this. Telluride, CO, is one of the absolute best places to ski and take a vacation. I used to live there (and live by another resort now). It is never really very crowded, and depending on where you stay you don't really need a car once you are in town, the town is awesome itself. It is a little remote and…
  • Yes....think so, does that mean that you are basically eating back what you burn (so if you try to stick to 1200, but burn 500, then technically you can eat 1700)?
  • Yes.....think so. Is that essentially eating back the calories you burn without going over?
  • Thanks for all the insight. Glad to know that fluctuating the calories won't ruin everything (especially when I realize that they calories I am now eating are still probably significantly less than before!). Another question, and I am not sure if I am clear in understanding----say you burn 400-500 calories working out.,…
  • You should try the shredded mozzarella cheese substitute and also the shredded cheddar cheese substitutes made with soy. I actually just bought them and the guy at the health food store swore by them. The brand is "daiya" I believe. He said they taste and melt just like regular cheese. Buy the frozen or fresh gluten free…
  • Hi There, So after joining this board I somehow went in the opposite direction! Just wondering how you all were doing. I went and spent nearly $200 on all super healthy foods today and am doing a GNC 14 Day Cleanse, which I halfway started today (I just ate something I thought was fine but I guess wasn't). Hoping this will…
  • Just wondering if anyone out there has had the surgery for this???
  • He said that I could try the orthodics (didn't mention the stretches), but that it is a progressive, degenerative disease. It is apparently something I was born with but just developed over time. So, yes, it is an alternative, but it won't fix or cure the problem, it just might delay the progression. However, there are…
  • anything that involves cheese and bread (which obviously includes pizza). Ice cream and sweets are a close second! For people that love soda, try soda water. Not with artificial sweeteners (no sodium, no sugar, etc). Coconut flavored la croix is fantastic!
  • Hi! I just "re-joined" after a few months. I was doing fairly well with tracking my food early this summer, but then, well life happened! And somehow I gained close to 10lbs and and extremely upset about it (funny how losing that much weight is much more of a challenge). Anyway, we got engaged in August, and just moved to…
  • Awesome, thanks! I get worried b/c there was a period of time where we ordered it a lot, but I also wasn't paying as much attention to what I ate earlier that day (sometimes I would have worked out, sometimes not). But I do love it and it does sound delicious!
  • I eat 0% fat fage greek yogurt with about a 1/6 of a cup of berries and natural fake sugar (if that makes sense). It usually fills me up for a few hours. Sometimes I have a slice of multigrain toast with marmalade or an english muffin, sometimes just the yogurt and berries. However I am newish to this so who knows, but it…
  • Can't really work out in the house with the tv, as we only have 2 in the house, one being in the main room (currently being used) and one in our bedroom (which is TINY-NO space to work out). I hope our next move includes a house with a basement where I can put a second tv/room for working out, but its not the case now. I…
  • I can't fathom what 120 would look like and I would love to find out! Right now that seems soooooo far away. I recall being 138 about 8 years ago, and I wasn't ecstatic at that weight but I bet I would be now. I *think* since then I have gained +/- 30lbs and am not happy about it. I'm shooting for about 135 and seeing what…
  • I fear that I have this, or might....just wondering what symptoms/signs you had? Were any of you diagnosed before you were trying to get pregnant? How did you know?
  • Hi....first yes, I have a good relationship with our chef(s). And no it isn't a chain restaurant. I basically just wrote in all the ingredients and fractioned them. Very tedious, and for one of the specials I found a homemade version of the same thing. I might do the quick add next time! I guess that won't calculate the…
  • So I wonder what the point of me entering in a recipe even was? I like gina's skinny taste recipes, but I was hoping for more! It seems like if you take the time to enter an entire recipe, it should be able to be shared!
  • Not sure how to let you see my diary? New to navigating all of these "tools". I try to exercise 5 times a week.
  • That's incredible. YOu have lost nearly 100 pounds in only 7 months? I didn't even think that was possible! I only want/need to lose about 25-35lbs, and can't fathom how long it is going to take.
  • I know the feeling! Except when I do the treadmill at the gym I am more inclined to finish with weights and core training. When I run outside I come home and fall into the couch!
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