merzback Member


  • It should be posted daily here!
  • My 2 cents: If there was a safe, effective pill, do you think that people like Oprah who are billionaires, would still have difficulty with their weight? There is, at this point , no safe pill for long term. Then what happens when you go off the pill?
  • I personally never, ever use the world CHEAT. I think it goes back to the all or nothing mentality. If you eat too much one day, call it a slip up and move on. CHEAT is such a negative word. I also never call a food BAD, or say I AM BAD because I am NOT bad if I overeat. Any food in moderation won't kill you. There will be…
    in "cheating" Comment by merzback July 2013
  • That's a great start but I would try to do cardio maybe 5 times a week, strength training around 3, and yoga maybe twice. You don't have to do an hour of cardio- You could do 30 min cardio, 30 min yoga, or 30 strength training and 30 cardio.
  • wait i am confused- you don't turn it on when you are working out? I am also confused because it looks like if I post my workout in MFP, it will put my workout in twice. I don't know how to log my workout TIME in - so I can just not put in individual workouts and just let the Fitbit do it? Great idea about the bra- thank…
  • I'd rather lose 17lbs and NOT be starving than 22 and be miserable and have my stomach growling all ngiht- period!
  • BEACHBODY is not fake at all! They pride themselves on using real pictures. I should know also because I won their 10,000 dollar success story prize November 2007- my story is 100 percent real. That being said- I hate TBL TV show because it is so incredibly unrealistic and people do NOT get that it is NOT healthy nor…
  • Punch Kick and Jam and Cardio Party 3!
  • I realize your 19 years old- When you're closer to my age- it will be more important to you.
  • all these issues are of the same importance. Marriage is so important because you lose over 1700 rights that straight couples have.
  • Truth is, anyone who wants to deny gay couples from visiting each other in the hospital, getting the same rights, all in the name of the Bible in which MANY MANY quotes they IGNORE, to me are watching way too mch Fox news- no one answered my question as to why the real traditional marriage with many men and lots of women…
  • So this is the deal people...... While some of you may think "well it's chicken and the guy has a right to think what he wants.." Yes you're right. Everyone has a right to their own thoughts. HOWEVER, when a company gives money to support the KILL THE GAYS bill - that means YOUR MONEY that you are spending at Chick Fil A…
  • Why do you feel you need to lose weight fast? Slow and steady is the best. Also, Why low carb? Maybe you're binging because of that? If you have an issue with bingng, can you actually talk to a therapist about that? Food addiction is real. I know you said it's hard to walk, but what if you took 5-10 min walks daily?
  • WOW Olivia is completely wrong on this topic!!! When people say that chik fil a has a right to think what they want. sure that's true. When they DONATE MONEY that goes to kill the gays in Uganda---- and people give them money. Those people are, in essence saying "I don't care if my money goes to kill gay people." even if…
  • Thanks everyone!!!! I appreciate it a lot :)
  • It is water weight- that happens when you first work out and eat healthy after not doing so for while.
  • why is this called a CHEAT day or meal? Why use the word CHEAT? I am sorry with all due respect, I can't use words like cheater, nor can I say I am dieting. If you eat something unhealthy, just move on and move on quickly so that you don't make yourself nuts. :
  • awesome posting! I agree 100 percent. A lot of people here seem to have what I call the DIET mentality. The first 2 topics on this motivation thread today are very defeatist- one is talking about how she feels losing weight will take away her ugliness and the other is asking people what the worst thing someone was called…
  • This is really ridiculous for someone who doesn't go to bed until midnight. If someone has geniune hunger pangs, there's nothing wrong with eating healthy an hour or so before bedtime.
  • The best time to work out is ANY TIME you do it!
  • most people don't get texture issues with foods. I have them too so I get it.
  • Thanks all- checking in with everyone- Yesterday no workout because the night before my stomach was acting up and yesterday I was washed out a bit- SO- i am back today :)
  • Hi Linda- too bad you're not here- I am in Palm Springs. Just moved here less than a year ago. Originally from Philadelphia. Glad Sunday works for you.
  • private message me with your email if you're interested :) My facebook page is Fit or get off the pot :)
  • 100 calorie packs of popcorn- works for me every time! :)
  • I am thinking of more phone than skype because not everyone has skype! I am thinking sunday evenings- I live in California but wouldn't make it too late for my east coast friends :)
  • That's a great idea. One of my goals is to eventually write a book on the diet industry to help people deal with all the stigma, fads, lieds, negative information, bad information. I am thinking of possibly starting a group on here but not sure how to go about it- do you? THanks for the positive feedback everyone! It is…
  • I am doing Turbo Fire and Les Mills. On a Side note- if you listen to the motivational CD that comes with the workout, my story is on track 7 which is a huge honor to be a part of it! :) I moved and lost my dvd's