Paindoesnthurt Member


  • may god have mercy on your soul and your puppy.
  • A little bit of chicken could do? Some fish? nuts? You could get a good quality protein powder with no other ingredients and have a little scoop If you like milk, then milk 15 grams is very little I'm sure there would be more ways other than the eggs :) Alternatively, You could get creative and try something like a celery…
  • There's a few factors involved, such as what did you eat but then again I'd say it's nothing to worry about. Weight isn't what you should focus on. How you look is what you should focus on. Tape measure is also more accurate that the scale I have found.
  • Believe it or not but overeating for a small period is actually beneficial if you are lean and have been stuck with weight loss for awhile. when I say weight loss I mean to say fat loss. Binging is not something you'd do every day, and not even every week for that matter, it is a tool, and it is something that you use…
  • Person above looks great with how she looks now
  • Biggest take home message from this is not to obsess. People get so caught up with the scale that it's absurd. Best way to know if you are changing is the mirror and photos, and you should take one every 8-12 weeks if you are consistent. My challenge to everyone is to stop weighing themselves for that period and only rely…
  • You'll need a trainer only to show you how to do basic exercises. Best tips I have would be these: Do the basic movements which utlise the whole body. Don't use machines (at least in the beginning). Deadlifts Barbell squats Military presses (overhead presses) Barbell curls Chin ups Dips jump rope Pushups Sprints Those are…
  • Quick aside from calories. Best to use grass-fed butter, coconut oil or olive oil as your sources of cooking oils rather than vegetable oils of all kinds. They're definitely bad for you. Anyway, that being said, if you must measure calories, just know that one serve of fat is the size of your thumb which equates to a…
  • I've been overweight years before in my teenage years and now I'm where I'm at. Best thing to do is make a habit of it by sticking with it and going at your own pace. This is after all a lifestyle, it's permanent, not temporary. You need to face whatever is keeping you from doing the things you need to right now. For…
  • Pita, I am not a gym person either, and it takes a rare individual to love going on the treadmil. Personally I hate it, and I don't like jogging for extended periods of time either. Other good ways to cure boredom is "road work" as in, if you jog, you can add in exercises such as push ups every few hundred meters such as…
  • I'm not 50 nor am I a woman but I will tell you jump rope is one of the finest peices of training equipment there is. My best advice is to stick with it and get the technique right first though. You won't get a big cardiovascular benefit in the beginning due to you fumbling a bit but it's easy to pick up. Also train on…
  • I've got heaps of tips on my site but I'll share the main one here 1. Train every day. Not push hard every day but keep active every day 2. When you do train hard set a timer, pick a few exercises and go hard non-stop till the timer runs out 3. No resting until the workout is done Example: 30 minutes of burpees, 10 second…
  • Some people train to look pretty, I just train to be the strongest man. But then again, I'm already pretty. - Magnus samuelsson
  • Hey there beth! Good work on training hard! What it appears to be is that you've lost body fat but gained a bit of muscle. If I were 100kg and I was 15% bodyfat and in 10 weeks I was still 100kg and was 10% bodyfat that would mean I lost fat and gained muscle in that period. Of course you have to consider water intake also…
  • psulemon, well said. I too base what I know off studies and those that have good methods of testing, that are human controlled studies and not done on animals like rats. That being said I would just like to add a few things on carbohydrates. First of all eating carbohydrates at night is NOT fattening. It can actually be…
  • Something we can both agree on is that we were both miserable with intermittent fasting and I personally wouldn't recommend that way of eating. We both have given studies and I guess it's up to everyone to experiment for themselves which is better for them. I would recommend 3 meals a day no more no less. It helps everyone…
  • Thanks for taking the time to read the study and even providing me with another study a recent one too! well done! Here's why I said that it will help weight loss: The feeling of fullness. When one is more full one can control their cravings more and one can eat less, and in turn have an easier time losing weight right?…
  • If you are going to make homemade it's best you go to a local farmer. A lot of people don't realise but cheese is actually also whey. You can get cheap whey from farmers if they're happy to sell it to you. I wouldn't advise making protein powders yourself from products that have bad ingredients in them already. Long story…
  • Creativerick spot on. I would suggest if you were to take protein powders to take them without any other ingredients. go to an organic shop and find one that is 100% whey protein. no other stuff in it. You'd be surprised if you go to a normal store and see what's in it. Soy, maltodextrin etc.
  • Dannibefit I do that too! oat groats put in a thermos with boiling hot water and the next morning it's done! frigging awesome. Blue berries and nuts to go with it and if you wanted it sweet raw honey, and if you liked chocolate, cacao butter. delicious
  • Diet is a big and important thing, but trust me exercise is VERY important. to each their own, and don't take this offensively because I'm sure just like everyone on this board everyone works hard, but train every single day HARD, with just a few of the sample routines I just listed and come back after one month and tell…
  • I read someone say here that setting up your home gym isn't exactly free....of course it isnt. But is it expensive to have everything you need for life? nope. Make a sandbag. get a keg. Get dumbbells along with weight plates, the standard version. Use your bodyweight. get all those things and trust me you'll have a gym at…
  • Great at least you aren't going super low carb haha. It's a bummer isn't it? Eating how you want can be so pricey? You may and may not like these sources and options but here's the cheapest that stands out in my mind: 1. Eggs 2. Organ meats (liver has VERY high protein and is VERY cheap) You might want to disguise the…
  • Ah I see all or nothing type? We're pretty similar then! I quit junk food cold turkey the minute I decided that I am what I eat. Then I've no tips other than the nike motto "just do it!" I will say however that it gets so easy after a certain period that you don't think twice about it. Now when I go to a KFC, a pizza hut…
  • One more thing! Never in the statement did I say that calories never mattered. They DO! It's a HUGE part of the equation! Any nutritionist (such as myself) will tell you that, and anyone who says calories don't matter and eat unlimited amounts of (let's put a new fad...chicken bones?) doesn't understand energy expenditure.…
  • I can appreciate by the way that everyone needs to find their happy medium and there is benefits of eating after your training to replenish your glycogen stores as well as help start the repair process. The snacking thing however, putting science aside, is in my opinion counter-productive for losing weight. When you cut…
  • Yep I have refrences this is straight from my website: There was a study done on healthy males where one group ate three meals, while the other ate 14. At the end of the study the group that ate the three meals had increased satiety (felt fuller) but they decreased their hunger cravings throughout the day. Plus their…
  • I started at 140kg plus...Im pound handicap so please do the conversion for me:P I've gone down to a super shredded 78kg and now am happy at 90kg. Weight to me doesn't matter. I'm happy with the way I look, feel, and am. I want to get heavier actually. haha. Anyway, If I can do it you can do it too! And I know you will!…
  • carbohydrates are sugar and sugar turns into glucose straight away and is hence the body's peferred fuel and energy source. cutting out sugars completely for a long term period can lead to have thyroid problems. However. Refined sugar is what you should avoid. You may argue but trust me I have numerous studies to say so.…