No results from Ripped in 30 - Feeling Low

Hey All,
I started doing Ripped in 30 since 30th December.
I will be finishing it by this month end.
I have done the workout on 5 days and being honest with it.
I am watching my calorie intake.
But i have not at all seen any results.
Not in terms of inches or weight.
I started the workout during new year on high note and
feeling really disappointed that i havent seen any change till now.
How did Ri 30 work for you guys?
I got No more trouble zones and was planning to start after i finish this.
Need your help in helping me motivated!



  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    how much do you weigh? Remember it won't go away overnight.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    When you say you are watching your calorie intake, are you using a scale to measure your food?
    What is your calorie goal? Opening your diary might be a great help for people to comment on your eating habits :smile:
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    Is this the part where I introduce my product? haha joking. No in all seriousness it takes LONGER than 30 days to achieve any kind of result A realistic measure of losing fat a week is 1-2 pounds a week. Try this method for losing fat. (assuming you got your caloric intake right)

    TRAIN EVERYDAY at least 10 minutes a day and make sure it is intense! And to everyone who'll tell me your body needs rest, no your body needs to be used. Listen to your body and when it says it needs a day to unwind, train, but don't kill yourself like you normally would. For the training itself, when I say intense I mean INTENSE. try out these:

    1. Starjumps and pushups 10 reps of each for 10 minutes
    2. Squats for 10 minutes
    3. burpees for 10 minutes
    4. Sprints 30 seconds walks 1 minute for 10 minutes
    5. Bear crawls (fast) for 10 minutes

    Those are just examples and all can be done at home or an open field. On days you feel like you need to take it easy go swim, jump rope etc. Try THAT for 30 days and measure your waist and all other parts of your body. I'm sure you'll be surprised.
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    I weight 130 pounds. I just have a couple of pounds to lose.
    But I am working on fat reduction and toning. I have heavy arms and legs. I do understand it takes time. But I was for some change in last few days
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for your reply. My diary is open for viewing. You are welcome to view and let me know what I can do better
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for your reply. My diary is open for viewing. You are welcome to view and let me know what I can do better
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you. I will surely try that.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Did you take before and after photos? Are your clothes fitting differently? Maybe things are just shifting around... you more than likely gained some muscle. It's a demanding workout!

    How does it feel to you? Is it an easy workout for you? Maybe your fitness level is beyond the video and you need to amp it up. Are you close to your goal weight? It takes forever to lose those last few pounds because you are likely already pretty fit. How many calories are you eating? Should you be eating less? Should you be eating more? Should you be eating more nutritiously? I, for example, have made a point of upping my protein and water intake while doing this workout because I feel my body needs it.

    Not seeing measurable results doesn't mean that you aren't doing something good for your body. I guarantee that if you don't continue with your workouts you won't see any results at all! Keep going, making your workouts progressively harder, and and some point you with start to see change. Promise!! Good luck!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    2 weeks of anything won't change your appearance. It's sad but exercise really doesn't transform us quickly. You can exercise for years and do worlds of good for you body and still look about the same after. It's best to find another motivator. Though if your goal is weight loss, it can help burn calories. Even that is pretty slow. You could skip the frappucino and skip the hour workout and come out even. I don't mean to discourage you, but I think that expecting too much can make you quit.
  • pjischaos
    pjischaos Posts: 11 Member
    I have to say I am sorry you are not getting the results you were after BUT, you are the inspiration I needed today so thank you for that!
    I just finished day 2 of this workout and barely made it through at that, yesterday I could only get through 10 mins! This one is really hard, for me anyways, and seeing that you are almost done is inspiring.
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    Diet is a big and important thing, but trust me exercise is VERY important. to each their own, and don't take this offensively because I'm sure just like everyone on this board everyone works hard, but train every single day HARD, with just a few of the sample routines I just listed and come back after one month and tell me you didn't at least get SOME results. just SOME not full blown cover model style. If I implied that you would be super ripped after 30 days from just training like that I'm sorry, it's not what I intended to say.

    Exercise does help burn calories but you also have to realise it helps release hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone. Yes I am aware it produces cortisol too but that is why I limit it to 30 minutes for most people at a time. Work very hard for the time frame you set and you'll get cardio, strength all rolled into one. Did you even know that sleeping actually helps with fat loss by increasing growth hormone? Exercise makes you sleep better too.

    I could give anecdotes as to why I believe exercise in some ways is more important that diet but I don't usually like giving anecdotes. Either way I hope I helped! and OP, I'll look at your dairy! Keep training hard and just remember it takes awhile but you should definitely see some results if you keep at it every day.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    No change in scale, but is it possible you've had a good change in fitness level? Has the workout become easier? Do you have more energy and stamina? If so, you've had some results, and these are results that will start getting you the results you are after.
    No joke, I did the entire Insanity program and didn't see a change on the scale, but I can now do all SORTS of things I couldn't do before, and every workout that used to kill me is now doable. And I've made so many gains in fitness since then.

    Has Ri30 been a challenge for you?
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I weight 130 pounds. I just have a couple of pounds to lose.
    But I am working on fat reduction and toning. I have heavy arms and legs. I do understand it takes time. But I was for some change in last few days

    add in Cardio-and I promise it will work!
    I only had 10lbs to lose as well-those are the hardest!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    No change in scale, but is it possible you've had a good change in fitness level? Has the workout become easier? Do you have more energy and stamina? If so, you've had some results, and these are results that will start getting you the results you are after.
    No joke, I did the entire Insanity program and didn't see a change on the scale, but I can now do all SORTS of things I couldn't do before, and every workout that used to kill me is now doable. And I've made so many gains in fitness since then.

    Has Ri30 been a challenge for you?

    I did Insanity as well-no weight loss but gained major endurance and strength-which was my goal.
  • fallenluna
    fallenluna Posts: 8 Member
    lost about 6 lbs doing it. I didn't have a measuring tape at the time :(
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i did body revolution lose 5 pounds then 30 shred lose 5 pound then ripped in 30 0 pounds so don't feel bad
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    I second a previous poster's recommendation of a food scale. I'm no expert on Indian cuisine but it looks to me like many of your entries show a much smaller number of calories than I would expect. It may be a matter of needing to weigh and measure the ingredients that go into your recipes. For instance, I would expect that a pea (which is I think what Mater is) dish with a couple of roti (is that what phulkas are) could vary quite a bit in calories depending on portion sizing. Or, for instance the ratio of peas to cauliflower in the dish, etc.

    That said, if you're very close to your goal weight, the pounds come off slower, but they do come off.
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you all so much for helping me. I should probably enter my food intake more appropriatly. But indian cuisines are a little twisted to enter exact calories. I will but try so.
    Guys this is what my goal is. I have about 5 pounds to lose.
    I know there is nothing like spot reduction. I want to lose fat and hence want to achieve a lean look. Specially my arms and thighs. I am a working mom of 3 year old. I have a very hectic schedule and can only workout at home. I work out ar home for 30 to 40 min every day. My daughter us being very understanding and plays on her own till I am done. Some times she just watches me workout. Ripped in 30 was fun. But it was not tough for me. I could do all the moves and without getting sore. I will be done with it next week. And want to know from all of you what next I am can do at home
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Hi! check out and sign up for one of his challenges. they are HARD. I thought I was fairly fit just had gained some holiday weight and oh my gosh I was so sore! the workouts are pretty short, the one this morning took me about 20 minutes to get through. They are mostly body weight exercises like squats and burpees but there are a few dumbbell exercises too.

    the link for his challenge is : (I dont know how to make that a clickable link so you'll have to copy and paste)

    Make sure also that you are eating LOTS of protein for a workout like this to help build your muscles and recover from the workouts (and so you don't feel like you could eat the next person to walk in the room...)
    good luck!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    also I'm of the eat more to lose camp. I juts peeked at your diary and oh there is no way I could function on 1,200 calories!! I eat 1700-2200 calories a day (my diary is open feel free to peek, I eat about 6-7 times a day so breakfast for example is always really big because its split between two meals: before I leave for work at 6:45am and around 10am at my desk)

    Check out the Scooby calculator to find out how much you should be eating to meet your goals, and work up to it. When I first made the change from 1300 calories a day to 1700 I had a hard time finding healthy foods to fill the extra calories but I found increasing things like chicken, fish, oats & yogurt made it easier to get to the right calorie goal without eating a bunch of junk. What made me switch to this method is when I would eat at 1,300 calories I would lose weight and then gain it all back really quickly because I would go back to eating whatever I wanted afterwards, I didn't have a good gauge of how much and what foods I should be eating. If you switch to this be warned: you probably wont lose anything and might even gain a pound or two for the first week or two as your body re-adjusts to the higher levels. Heavy workouts will help. Once you get past the 2 week mark you'll start to see the weight dropping again. Because you only have 5 lbs to lose you're probably not going to see it go very fast. I'd be surprised if you lost more than .5 lbs a week. Not what you want to hear but I promise you'll be happier eating more food and the scale will be moving in the right direction, it just may take a little longer than you hoped.

    the scooby calculator is here: